RPGM Abandoned Death's Punishment [v0.46 bugfix] [Crazyreborn]

4.60 star(s) 8 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
I'm in no position to judge but your code wasn't really spaghetti to be honest, we've seen way worse from self-proclaimed "code experts". Very intuitive but quite a lot of redundant calls and branches, this is a "bad" habit the engine does to you with the default functions. You sure as hell don't want something you won't be able to understand when you look back at it later, either. And you might also not want to toy with things like advanced scripting for a text game when (maybe) even RPG Maker 2000 can handle it all with the default stuff, as it makes debugging way harder.

Make sure you still understand the code once the dev you hired gets back to you. Comments help a lot when things are unclear and everyone has their own way to code things, so eh, whatever works for you!

(Switch/variable calls also are useful for debugging and player progress check and unless it's super redundant, you'll want to keep using them. You can even implement things ahead of time this way. Mixes of ruby, javascript and default engine features can cause quite the mess real fast.)

Just to make sure, should we still report new, unreported things we find or do you wish to wait until your hired developer is done dissecting your baby? Wouldn't want to clog up the thread with things that you already were told about while focusing on the writing but those are the ones I had in mind:
- Tent prevents neutral reputation players from entering (Ruby won't let Kim enter if she has 15 reputation or less) so this may also affect fresh players, of course reputation is easy to both gain and lose at this point
- Ruby mentioning wrong social class milestones at the moment
- Well cleaning not available to middle-class and above (players may not have a house at this point, though hygiene does nothing yet so not a big deal and I'm a filthy whore)
- Katie's mother vanishes along with her (prevents reputation spam but is this intended? I feel bad for her)
- Some clipping issues in the lowclass area allowing players to "fly" across the map

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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Crazy's going to be working back and forth with balancing and we community users in this thread are the ones who bugged him on this being too easy lol. If it does feel too grindy, don't hesitate to use a save editor/devtools to adjust. :)

(Potions also used to be pretty much unlimited so you could also literally hoard tons of +100 potions and make insane profit. Currently you should only be able to hoard at most 1 energy recovery item of each type, and time advancing with each action prevents players from staying forever in the mine. You can also save and reload to exploit most RNG calls and I'll wait until Crazy's hired developer is back with the new code to see if this has been addressed.)

Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
I'm in no position to judge but your code wasn't really spaghetti to be honest, we've seen way worse from self-proclaimed "code experts". Very intuitive but quite a lot of redundant calls and branches, this is a "bad" habit the engine does to you with the default functions. You sure as hell don't want something you won't be able to understand when you look back at it later, either. And you might also not want to toy with things like advanced scripting for a text game when (maybe) even RPG Maker 2000 can handle it all with the default stuff, as it makes debugging way harder.

Make sure you still understand the code once the dev you hired gets back to you. Comments help a lot when things are unclear and everyone has their own way to code things, so eh, whatever works for you!

(Switch/variable calls also are useful for debugging and player progress check and unless it's super redundant, you'll want to keep using them. You can even implement things ahead of time this way. Mixes of ruby, javascript and default engine features can cause quite the mess real fast.)

Just to make sure, should we still report new, unreported things we find or do you wish to wait until your hired developer is done dissecting your baby? Wouldn't want to clog up the thread with things that you already were told about while focusing on the writing but those are the ones I had in mind:
- Tent prevents neutral reputation players from entering (Ruby won't let Kim enter if she has 15 reputation or less) so this may also affect fresh players, of course reputation is easy to both gain and lose at this point
- Ruby mentioning wrong social class milestones at the moment
- Well cleaning not available to middle-class and above (players may not have a house at this point, though hygiene does nothing yet so not a big deal and I'm a filthy whore)
- Katie's mother vanishes along with her (prevents reputation spam but is this intended? I feel bad for her)
- Some clipping issues in the lowclass area allowing players to "fly" across the map

Apparently, it wasn't as bad as I thought, according to the helpful guy. But, my organization is odd. This is why I asked for help because he is condensing it and I think getting rid of the redundant calls and branches that are unneeded giving me more room and better functionationality. Exactly, I didn't want to return to something I won't be able to understand in my own project. That's like me not able to read my crap handwriting ;p

Thankfully he said "Don't worry, I write a bunch of comments everywhere!" so lol! I'm happy about that.

I feel like all RPGmaker is, is all switchs and variable calls. Dream about them too. lol. Sadly, I have no java experience.

No, no, please report anything you see! As I said, I'm still the one fixing everything, and he is only doing a quick job for me.

lol. Weird, washing should work for all classes and you only pay when you are a negative reputation. hmm.

Katie's mother vanishes to go work with you at the House of pleasures! Also Yes, no more reputation spam. She will be recorded into the house of pleasures though! you will see more of her!!

GAH. The bane of my existence is when the map allows you to be spiderman. I'll look into that. Assets don't follow the rules sometimes.

Thank you for bug reporting again! It's helpful and saves some time play testing.
As an S, This is a total turn-on! Fires up my hobby of writing erotica novels. Can't wait for it to be completed!

Anyway, the nerf with the ores was a downer at first but I enjoy the grind more.
Hehe, I am glad! I used to write lots of Erotica. Glad it can be a motivator.

Yeah, I don't want it to be a grind and there will be more ways to make gold of course. Thank you for playing.

Crazy's going to be working back and forth with balancing and we community users in this thread are the ones who bugged him on this being too easy lol. If it does feel too grindy, don't hesitate to use a save editor/devtools to adjust. :)

(Potions also used to be pretty much unlimited so you could also literally hoard tons of +100 potions and make insane profit. Currently you should only be able to hoard at most 1 energy recovery item of each type, and time advancing with each action prevents players from staying forever in the mine. You can also save and reload to exploit most RNG calls and I'll wait until Crazy's hired developer is back with the new code to see if this has been addressed.)
Haha, yes Balancing is a cruel dance. Yes, people said it was too easy and I kinda had to agree. But, I'll try my best not to make it too grindy.

Hmm, the Hired developer isn't working on stuff like this. As I said, it's someone a hired to do a quick job for me =). Like cleaning up redundant code and such and condense a lot of my switches or remove unneeded ones where I didn't realize. If people want to save and reload I'm not really going to fix that or seems like something that is annoying to fix.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Ah, okay, so mostly code optimization. Might as well mention why it doesn't work for the ones that were spotted if you don't mind:
- Katie's mother: Thanks for mentioning this! Glad she will be back at some point. Perhaps use a signpost with "This bitch was sent to my Pleasure House. Come see her. - Ruby" or something like that on her fourth event page, where Kim accepts Ruby's offer?
- Tent: Should be easy enough to fix, just put whatever you judge to be too low, just not 15! (This is where scratch/temporary variables come in handy, so, for example, you can put CurrentPeasantMilestone-15 or something, where 15 is a scratch variable that you can use for all sorts of things. Some complicated event processing may require multiple temporary variables but one usually is fine and works dandy with default RPG Maker stuff, again iirc.
- The well's first page (the "fallback" page, if I correctly remember the way RPG Maker processes event pages, right to left?) requires Peasant status, so social classes that are neither Peasant nor Slave will never proc any scene. A very quick way to fix it is to just remove the Peasant switch requirement, as this is how it should normally work for any class that isn't Slave. If RPG Maker processes left to right, you'll know it because Slaves would trigger the first page.
- Ruby: To make your life easier if you're going to have tutorial NPCs, might want to put milestones in variables so you can just quote those variables. This way your changes also are retroactive in dialogues. (The same way you do it with the Status Checker item.)
Using comment event 17 as reference for figures:
- Supersubmissive: -200 or less (kept the inclusion with slave since you use two switches for this one, slave and pathetically submissive, so slave is implied)
- Slave: Lower than zero
- Peasant: 0
- Middle Class: 100
- Elite: 250
Since you may want to balance that, a variable reference will allow you to change dialogues without having to go back to them and you can check against the variables too so your common event will also get adjusted retroactively.

Hopefully didn't forget anything and sorry if this sounds arrogant or bossy... Just trying to give some advice and I'm pretty shit at coding, at least compared to some of the silent big brains lurking around here! (You should have seen that one discussion in the offtopic thread where lurking coders came out of the shadows... Might as well clarify on this now since I saw this mentioned on the very first page of the thread, whenever people refer to Koda, that means they may be worried about unlimited delays and stuff piling up without any completion due to absolutely catastrophic workflow management. And as people could see, you work in a timely - hell you're too fast even - manner, you know how to plan things and you don't add way more than you can handle... so nope, you're no Koda, no worries.)

Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
- Katie's mother: Thanks for mentioning this! Glad she will be back at some point. Perhaps use a signpost with "This bitch was sent to my Pleasure House. Come see her. - Ruby" or something like that on her fourth event page, where Kim accepts Ruby's offer?
Haha, this is a great idea. I love it.

- Tent: Should be easy enough to fix, just put whatever you judge to be too low, just not 15! (This is where scratch/temporary variables come in handy, so, for example, you can put CurrentPeasantMilestone-15 or something, where 15 is a scratch variable that you can use for all sorts of things. Some complicated event processing may require multiple temporary variables but one usually is fine and works dandy with default RPG Maker stuff, again iirc.
So, to be honest, I set it to lower than 15 WAY before I started having reputation points and such. I just totally forgot to change it. This isn't what I planned at all. lol.

- The well's first page (the "fallback" page, if I correctly remember the way RPG Maker processes event pages, right to left?) requires Peasant status, so social classes that are neither Peasant nor Slave will never proc any scene. A very quick way to fix it is to just remove the Peasant switch requirement, as this is how it should normally work for any class that isn't Slave. If RPG Maker processes left to right, you'll know it because Slaves would trigger the first page.
This is a good idea also RPGmaker takes the highest page number and priorities it.

Ruby: To make your life easier if you're going to have tutorial NPCs, might want to put milestones in variables so you can just quote those variables. This way your changes also are retroactive in dialogues. (The same way you do it with the Status Checker item.)
Can you tell me more about this? I feel like I'm missing something lol. Could be my brain is slow this afternoon.

Since you may want to balance that, a variable reference will allow you to change dialogues without having to go back to them and you can check against the variables too so your common event will also get adjusted retroactively.
I think I'll be changing this to 1 switch. Not sure yet. Are you saying to base it on Variables rather than switches right?

Hopefully didn't forget anything and sorry if this sounds arrogant or bossy... Just trying to give some advice and I'm pretty shit at coding, at least compared to some of the silent big brains lurking around here! (You should have seen that one discussion in the offtopic thread where lurking coders came out of the shadows... Might as well clarify on this now since I saw this mentioned on the very first page of the thread, whenever people refer to Koda, that means they may be worried about unlimited delays and stuff piling up without any completion due to absolutely catastrophic workflow management. And as people could see, you work in a timely - hell you're too fast even - manner, you know how to plan things and you don't add way more than you can handle... so nope, you're no Koda, no worries.)

Not bossy, I appreciate the help! Means a lot. See, I have heard of Koda, I'm still new to the community but I have heard a few things about him and still don't know enough as everyone here haha. Like, I know he tends to over-promise and takes longer to deliver.

However, I am glad I'm not like that! Thank you for your kind words! I try my best, I don't want to overwhelm myself for no reason.

okay, so mostly code optimization
Yeah, However, he kindly offered to take a look at Violet for me =). Super kind human. lol.

Once I get my project back there are a few things I wanted to clean out and organize myself. Since there are some fun things I found that I can implement!! LIKE A FUN GAMBLING SYSTEM.

Then there is something bigger I need to figure out which is my affection system. Lots to do but I am excited.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Damn, I'm a compulsive gambler, especially riichi mahjong, slots, dice and card games. Can't wait to see how this turns out, though make sure you don't overdeliver! Minigames tend to grow super huge, unless you go with something like the ones in Catgirl's Questlist (some of them can actually be coded without any javascript, ruby or even without native RPG Maker scripting, heck, even the slots can be coded with just the default stuff, though aligning the reels requires good handling of transition effects). If you want to start with something super easy, anything that relies on pure RNG should work just fine.

Your affection system draft looked nice to me but that's only my opinion. It can be hard to balance but I'd say don't worry too much about it, the community usually has lots of feedback once they start to grow a best girl mindset. I usually go neutral on every character out of habit of not wanting to cause jealousy but I'd lie if I said some girls with specific kinks or personality don't attact me more than others, heh. If you don't go all out of your way, making girls jelly because you grow attached to one of them, it should be easy to keep working on it without losing track of the main flowchart. Too many switches/variables for affection stuff and it gets hellish to fix/adapt.

Since you seem to pay a lot of attention to detail, creating an affection meter with RMMV/RMMZ's default icons isn't hard at all, it can even use the basic message feature, though the downside of using messages is that will block the "HUD" from displaying if a message is already being shown (again iirc, really have to go back to coding shit in RPG Maker or even Ren'py; Ren'py is what I'd really recommend for a text-based game with cool effects, and you CAN make full-blown crazy dungeon RPGs with this, I just noticed I forgot to mention Demon Master Chris by Nyaatrap in the lesbian protagonist recommendation thread... but it probably was)


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Forgot to mention this by the way Crazy... because I didn't pay enough attention.
Since all doghouses are (literally) the same tileset-wise, you might want to merge all four into a single Doghouse map, and share the events using event pages with an additional switch restriction. You already have the switches planned for this, so just add them and if say, the player gets sent to Doghouse 3, they'll still get Amy (and not Sophia). That's something the developer you hired might not want to touch since it interferes with your map design, but less map files is always good and less clogging in your project.

Map hierarchy will be hellish later on so you want to keep it as intuitive to yourself as possible (and also cut on lag time in the engine if you're not directly editing your project's "guts"). Just a suggestion though, if there's a special reason you created four maps or you like it better that way, there's no need to change anything!

Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
Forgot to mention this by the way Crazy... because I didn't pay enough attention.
Since all doghouses are (literally) the same tileset-wise, you might want to merge all four into a single Doghouse map, and share the events using event pages with an additional switch restriction. You already have the switches planned for this, so just add them and if say, the player gets sent to Doghouse 3, they'll still get Amy (and not Sophia). That's something the developer you hired might not want to touch since it interferes with your map design, but less map files is always good and less clogging in your project.

Map hierarchy will be hellish later on so you want to keep it as intuitive to yourself as possible (and also cut on lag time in the engine if you're not directly editing your project's "guts"). Just a suggestion though, if there's a special reason you created four maps or you like it better that way, there's no need to change anything!
Hey, sorry yesterday was a busy day and night. Most I was able to do like the comment was, haha.

I think what I'm going to do is nothing crazy and rng-based, but I'll show you guys a sneak peek when I start working on it. Since I'm working on something else that you suggested, it was something I wanted at the start.

Hmm, you are right; the doghouses are all the same size. That isn't a bad idea. For now, I'm going to be keeping it like this for time's sake.

Oh? I see. Did you see all my fancy maps? I have yet to decide if I want to use all the maps yet. It's a lot unless you are only talking about the doghouse, lol.

I'll leave a preview at the end of this post.

This guy writes so well! I would gladly buy a book written by you xD
Haha, thank you! I love your game! It's a fun story and makes me laugh. Fun fact? When I got Rpgmaker I wanted to create my fantasy book that I was slowly working on into a game but here I am ended up in the "darker side" of Rpgmaker hehe.

Sorry, I can't type much, I have already woken up late and I need to go get my 1st vaccine shot! I feel like I'm the last person to get it lol.

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In other news, just want to thank everyone for playing and a reminder for you all that I won't be releasing an update this week. However, I have yet to decide if I want to release a test version for people who hang out in my discord. People who can test it for bugs and such THEN upload it here.

Thanks all! Sorry for the quick response I got to gooo.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Ack, again you could have had that for free Crazy! There are heart-like icons in the RTP lol. (And the RTP is completely free and license-free as well, including for commercial projects.)

Damn, we must be mirror matches. I feel like I'm looking at Harvest Moon. Rune Factory and Harvest Moon, just how many hundreds of hours did I spend on those series...

Reminder to self to use MZ as MV debugger because it may be a fancy MV but fuck if the event lister isn't useful... Now as for backwards compatibility, not too sure...

Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
Always happy to test for you. That looks really nice and you can fill it up with your writing talent to expand your universe a bit.
thank you! That means. A lot. Glad people like my writing makes me happy!

Ack, again you could have had that for free Crazy! There are heart-like icons in the RTP lol. (And the RTP is completely free and license-free as well, including for commercial projects.)

Damn, we must be mirror matches. I feel like I'm looking at Harvest Moon. Rune Factory and Harvest Moon, just how many hundreds of hours did I spend on those series...

Reminder to self to use MZ as MV debugger because it may be a fancy MV but fuck if the event lister isn't useful... Now as for backwards compatibility, not too sure...
It wasn’t just the hearts! It was also the code! 5$ I couldn’t resist! I love to buy shit. Hahah.

a few things you can do a backward compatibility. Some convert MV to MZ. There are other stuff. Like some generator parts work but some don’t.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Heh, as long as you're happy with it, I guess those 5 bucks were worth it. :)

For backwards compatibility, mostly meant read-only things (such as map inspection) but thanks for the info. You could also have used messages for that, but won't deny that it looks very good! You'd be surprised with how far you can go without fancy libraries that you have to bundle in every single release, makes me think of and .

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd try and code a text-based game like yours in RPG Maker 2000. Just for kicks. And add most of the features they currently have in MZ. Unless you need Unity-tier transitions and psychedelic effects, nwjs is pure bloat, but that's 200% subjective (and it's not like you have a choice when MV/MZ forces nwjs down your throat, which is why the highest I will ever go is VX Ace or XP).

Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
Heh, as long as you're happy with it, I guess those 5 bucks were worth it. :)

For backwards compatibility, mostly meant read-only things (such as map inspection) but thanks for the info. You could also have used messages for that, but won't deny that it looks very good! You'd be surprised with how far you can go without fancy libraries that you have to bundle in every single release, makes me think of and .

If I wasn't so lazy, I'd try and code a text-based game like yours in RPG Maker 2000. Just for kicks. And add most of the features they currently have in MZ. Unless you need Unity-tier transitions and psychedelic effects, nwjs is pure bloat, but that's 200% subjective (and it's not like you have a choice when MV/MZ forces nwjs down your throat, which is why the highest I will ever go is VX Ace or XP).
Haha, yes. I have other thing I want to buy. It saves a lot of time for me and it’s fun to mess with. I’m typically responsible with my money so I tend to save to make my self happy. Which in this case is making this game! Every cent I spent on the game is no regret.

though I hope no one steals stuff but yeah haha.

Hmm. So I bought MV only so I can use MV stuff in mz. So it’s possible but I’m not really well versed on such things you are talking about.

You don’t want to use MZ? Because of it being pushed down your throat? Haha. I feel like you’d have a lot of fun doing text based on MZ! At least I am. But it’s up to you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Sorry, I guess I misphrased that heh. It's just MV/MZ have the huge nwjs bloat (nw.dll, the standalone as well as other redundant DLLs) with them for poor end users, which in turn drastically increases the size of your projects. Not too noticeable when you have tons of assets but if you have a metric fuckton of MV/MZ games, and if you use something like (or your preferred file manager) you'll notice a lot of redundant nw.dll files, none of which can be interchanged unless they are the same exact version.

The unmodded MZ also doesn't help by generating what used to be the runtime package EVERY TIME and cloning it in your user folder... At least MV doesn't do that for new projects lol.

A thread has been posted on the (linking to Chromium Google groups) however I didn't reply there because of the no 90-day necro rule, and because a modded MZ, paid license or not, will be frowned upon on official forums. This also caused a shitstorm on the forums a few years ago... but never really got addressed. The thing is, it's arguably okay for super large games with lots of assets, and most RM games with visuals and sounds tend to be over 300MB. But what if, say, you just went barebones? No sounds, no epic visuals, just text, basic transitions and oldschool UIs. You get a huge DLL bundle that has tons of libraries you will never use in the project and your audience has to grab it for. Every. Single. Game. like yours. As if that wasn't enough, they have to duplicate it for every game, and if that also happens to not be the same version, they can't be interchanged, older or newer version! (Using a different version will cause Chromium to warn you as well, leading to log cleanup in your user profile.)

It's also a pain to "clone" a single copy of each version to a single folder and create placeholder files, since as far as I know (from old nwjs support threads) there is no way to force nwjs to use a specific path to look for the DLLs. Of course I may be wrong and I'd be so damn glad to be! Alas, there still is the problem of various versions. I don't have that many games but out of 17 games, 5 unique versions...
- 2016 (version number unknown), 71 900 672 bytes
- 2017 (version number unknown), 84 381 696 bytes
- 0.44.5, 129 265 664 bytes
- 0.48.4, 143 216 128 bytes (the one your project uses)
- 0.49.2, 148 717 568 bytes

Now I'm sorry since this wall of text probably just confuses the hell out of you. The short version is you're being forced to import something you might not even use... unless there's something I missed.

As for backwards compatibility, just tested that, works fine. :)

tl;dr: That's not something worth worrying about if your audience doesn't mind the bloat. I do though, so I will only use it if I know I will have to borrow things from nwjs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
Was about to edit the rant above with something way shorter but I'm too late and you've already read it, haha. :)

If you need a completely bare project (well, almost) that's all you will need. That won't prevent MZ from creating 240MB of locales, DLL and completely unnecessary resource bloat but at least your development folder will feel pretty lightweight and you won't have dupes all over the place the next time you have to spawn a new project with an unmodded MZ.

No tilesets, no sprites, no audio, no fancy fonts, fallbacks to MS Gothic (change to whatever you like). Full Unicode support as long as the font itself includes the characters. Hope this helps!

(And yes, it should playtest just fine. The goal was to provide something as bare as possible.)

edit: Some stuff recreated on project refresh, might as well keep it. Kept some strings to prevent confusion.
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Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
Was about to edit the rant above with something way shorter but I'm too late and you've already read it, haha. :)

If you need a completely bare project (well, almost) that's all you will need. Can even take a bit more out of it (especially js) if you'd like. That won't prevent MZ from creating 240MB of locales, DLL and completely unnecessary resource bloat but at least your development folder will feel pretty lightweight and you won't have dupes all over the place the next time you have to spawn a new project with an unmodded MZ.

No tilesets, no sprites, no audio, no fancy fonts, fallbacks to MS Gothic (change to whatever you like). Full Unicode support as long as the font itself includes the characters. Hope this helps!

(And yes, it should playtest just fine. The goal was to provide something as bare as possible.)
Sorry I wasn't ignoring you or anything. I have been dealing with a stupid JS error for the expensive Plugin I ordered. and the guy hasn't been answering for like the last 3 days.

I hope you still play my game if it gets a bit over 300MB or larger. ;p

And if someone knows what the heck this means: const filename = "Map%1.json".format(info.id.padZero(3)); (uncaught typeerror: cannot read property "id" of null)

Please let me know since I'm confused lol.

I will check your "dummy" out ;p

Edit: Nevermind figured out why the plugin stopped working sigh.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2017
edit: Ah, you figured it out.

Eh, no worries. You didn't have to reply, especially since it was getting really offtopic. Added the RMMV dummy as well for MV games that insist on using nwjs (as MV *can* ignore this and compress the default version in the standalone if not required, leading to an universal and interchangeable executable). Case in point, deployment (uncompressed) was 50MB for the dummy project vs 240+ for the MZ one. Way less DLLs and since the executable is universal, it's way less of an issue.

Compressed MV dummy is larger because MV doesn't allow fallback, so still have to provide a font. Can customize it though.
I'm going back to MV until Degica and/or Kadokawa fixes that shit for MZ. MV allowed me to free up around 2 gigabytes and turn all that bloat into 944-byte symlinks. :rolleyes:

And yes, of course I'll still play your game, your game isn't the issue! It's the engine's fault, not yours.
Keep up the good work ;)
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Deleted member 2164995

Creator of Yuri games, cause why not?
Mar 30, 2020
edit: Ah, you figured it out.

Eh, no worries. You didn't have to reply, especially since it was getting really offtopic. Added the RMMV dummy as well for MV games that insist on using nwjs (as MV *can* ignore this and compress the default version in the standalone if not required, leading to an universal and interchangeable executable). Case in point, deployment (uncompressed) was 50MB for the dummy project vs 240+ for the MZ one. Way less DLLs and since the executable is universal, it's way less of an issue.

Compressed MV dummy is larger because MV doesn't allow fallback, so still have to provide a font. Can customize it though.
I'm going back to MV until Degica and/or Kadokawa fixes that shit for MZ. MV allowed me to free up around 2 gigabytes and turn all that bloat into 944-byte symlinks. :rolleyes:

And yes, of course I'll still play your game, your game isn't the issue! It's the engine's fault, not yours.
Keep up the good work ;)
Yeah, it was driving my crazy. I paid a bunch for it and it stopped working lol. Figured it out that one JS file got corrupted and spat out null maps sigh!

I learned a lot though even if it was off topic. I'm still new to the Rpgmaker scene.

I do hope my game doesn't get too big though, I understand and I even prefer it when games aren't 2gb lol. I don't think or I hope mine doesn't get that much?

I will try my best and you are right the engine does this. MV freed up 2 gigs geez!

haha thank you I am happy you are playing it. I have so much to do and so much to redo because the codder did a great job and made me aware of things I should rewrite.

I'm not going to promise a new update anytime soon but I can say that I am working on it =D.
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