4.60 star(s) 45 Votes


Active Member
Sep 18, 2017

Regarding making a patch mod, please don't! I've been releasing a new version of SR24 about every 6 weeks and updating your patch mod to work with my amateur spaghetti code will drive both you and game players who use your patch mod crazy. Please find a way to do what you want to do with new files instead of patching existing files.
No worries, I can manage. And if I see a way to improve on your "spaghetti code", I'll even let you know; this way we can both learn.

Seeing new code from you will also be easy with git. It's quite possible I will spot a bug in your code this way. And the whole patch code management burden will fall on me anyway, at least until you decide to merge my code into yours.

Not everything can be done with just new files. What if I need to modify one of your core classes? like, change a method, or add a property? I know it's not ideal, but I can think of some way to make it work which wouldn't put any burden on you. For example, I can check if the config.version variable matches the one my patch was made for, displaying a warning if it doesn't. Or I can send my changes to your files directly for inclusion into your codebase. We'll make it work.

Again, no worries. You can do your development at your own pace, it's me who has to change my work rhythm to match yours. And I'm a programmer, I can manage.

By the way, if you decide to use git for storing your code, you can get rid of marking comments like ## EDITED BY SQUIRREL IN VERSION 0.0.4 TO ACCOMMODATE "MISSING" PARTS, with git you can easily trace where a particular line comes from.


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
No worries, I can manage. And if I see a way to improve on your "spaghetti code", I'll even let you know; this way we can both learn.

Seeing new code from you will also be easy with git. It's quite possible I will spot a bug in your code this way. And the whole patch code management burden will fall on me anyway, at least until you decide to merge my code into yours.

Not everything can be done with just new files. What if I need to modify one of your core classes? like, change a method, or add a property? I know it's not ideal, but I can think of some way to make it work which wouldn't put any burden on you. For example, I can check if the config.version variable matches the one my patch was made for, displaying a warning if it doesn't. Or I can send my changes to your files directly for inclusion into your codebase. We'll make it work.

Again, no worries. You can do your development at your own pace, it's me who has to change my work rhythm to match yours. And I'm a programmer, I can manage.

By the way, if you decide to use git for storing your code, you can get rid of marking comments like ## EDITED BY SQUIRREL IN VERSION 0.0.4 TO ACCOMMODATE "MISSING" PARTS, with git you can easily trace where a particular line comes from.
We'll see how it goes, I guess 'welcome aboard'. I'm about at my limit for learning how to do new things, I'm sure git is a great thing but maybe later.

Right now I'm in 3D image creation for the next version and I'm about half way done. There won't be much code in the next release, what I'm doing is a short quest and creating a group reputation related to it. It's the first in a small series of related quests. They probably could be a 'tasks' instead of a 'quests' but then I'd have to learn how to create a 'task'. :)
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Reactions: Hermenegild


New Member
Aug 27, 2017
Is the Discord invite link broken for anyone else? Or, if it's just me, would someone be able to PM me a new invite link? I'm using (as linked in the game and on the 1st post)

Edit: fixed
Last edited:


Jan 3, 2018
Is the Discord invite link broken for anyone else? Or, if it's just me, would someone be able to PM me a new invite link? I'm using (as linked in the game and on the 1st post)
I just used this link, and it worked without issues... and it link is valid and correct, it matches the link from the latest Sexbot_Restoration-0.6.1-win\SR24-0.6.1-win version.


New Member
Feb 6, 2020
Been looking for a game like this for a LONG time now. Finally found it, and spent some time (couple months) both playing through the base game (SR24 vers) and doing some simple modding with things, like added parts, missions, etc. Used the source mod packages as baseline, and made some adjustments for my tastes. Note, I'm definitely an amateur in terms of programming, but I do understand some basics.

Gotta say, I really like what both Radnor started with, base-concept (and templates, etc.); and then what Squirrel has added to fill out the game even more. Good, simple baseline, with a lot of good tools and hooks to allow the game to be customized. And this is the kind of game that people would want to add things into. Sad to see that it was abandoned for a time; but it's also great to see some new interest reviving around this game. It's a solid shell, and one that I'd like to see further improved.

Squirrel - had some comments / suggestions / ideas. Not sure if you already have some of this in the pipeline; but wanted to put it out there in case it seems relevant. It's open for anyone who's also looking to do their own mods.

(For those concerned, this does some spoilers from info gleaned from reading the mod side code. Please don't read if spoilers offend you.)


Bot Parts

* Removing a Part from a Bot Chassis - is there a plan to implement something like this, instead of replacing?
--- I find I want to do this sometimes, especially if I want to keep a good chassis, but want a specific part off of it right away.
--- Also might be useful for getting a specific part to complete a bot for redeem.
--- Functionally, thinking it would be something like just having a "missing part" take the place of the current one. Keeping the AP cost is fair.

* Bot Parts / Stat XP - there seem to be some parts that affect stat XP in different ways, and some don't do this at all.
--- Vocoders are the big offender here, IMO. They don't affect any stat XP rates whatsoever. Maybe at least social?
----- Feels kind of bad investing in something like a Melodia S, just for it to only add cash value on sell.
----- I added some lines in my own copy to have the vocoders add some XP adjustment for social.
--- I think it'd be fun to have certain parts affect XP rates in different ways.
----- For example, a specific line of mid-tier eyes / vocoders that improve combat, or powercores that improve mech/elec.
----- Might be useful for someone planning to make specific techie or combat bots.
--- Also a suggestion, for those who haven't dug through the code, might be worth adding some kind of tagging to let players know what parts affect which skill stats. Didn't really understand how specific the parts' impacts were until I went through it line-by-line to better understand this.

* F-Tier Parts - is there any specific reason to keep F tier parts in the game?
--- The stat lines for "F" tier parts are so bad that, even with their low price, they're really hard to find a use for.
----- Can't sell them on the BBS, and they won't qualify for anything currently that checks part tier.
----- I automatically strip and throw away / sell to get rid of any I come across.
--- "E" tier parts are also pretty bad; but at least there are things you can do with them / to get rid of them effectively.
--- Alternatively, one thought for specific "rare" copies in world, is if you want something like "Antique" parts to be a thing (definitely old/obsolete for efficiency, but might add insane value for a specific type of collector).

* XP by Part Type - one thought, instead of having specific experience levels tied into each individual bot and part by name, at least for parts, would it be feasible instead to have an experience level that just tracks on part type / slot?
--- If you do a lot of work on bot legs, regardless of specific tier / mfr., then you could gain general proficiency related to legs.
----- Main reason I note this, is that most folks probably aren't going to work on so many copies of the same part as to actually get reasonable progress on it (e.g., repairing countless copies of ShieldTech C skins). Most of these will simply remain at "F" tier rating for the whole game. (My opinion would differ if the progress rate on individual parts was better; but at Day 100+ on multiple runs, with only a couple parts at "E" proficiency...)
----- Would probably need to add a parameter in the "main character" class for this.
--- Alternatively, if you want to go with something themed around a specific manufacturer, could probably do that as well.
----- May need to add a property in the bot part or bot classes to make this though.

* Typos - just as a heads-up, there are a number of typos that I've noticed while playing. Most are kind of minor (switched letters, for example). Might be worth giving the parts overall a quick scan for this. I fixed the ones I saw in my own copy.
--- The one that always nags at me, since I use them a lot, are the S tier powercores. Assuming intent was "Ascendant" instead of "Assendant"?
--- Most of the rest are in the part descriptions.

* Opportunities for More Parts
--- Especially at the start of the game, I think the player needs better access to opportunities for some starter parts (build an early cache).
--- The current game mainly accounts for this by being able to buy bots from the Flea Market, or find them in the Scrapyard, and then actually scrap the bots for whatever parts they have. I kind of feel bad doing this early game though, TBH.
--- Adding the Ray's series of BBS posts was a great way to get more parts to the player, and adding the sell opps was also great! I think the game could use a little more of that though.
----- Some of what I added to my own, was adding parts packages (esp. with cores and processors) to help get scrapyard bots rehabilitated. Also added a line of BBS posts that just offered more opps for C and D tier parts, specifically.
--- I really think the Flea Market would also be a good place to change a bit, to offer packs of lower tier (C-E) parts, instead of effectively paying 1 AP per part; or just getting rid of the AP cost for the parts side. The AP cost at the Flea Market parts side is what kills it for me.

* (Modding) Random Parts - is there a good way to provide a function in the core game, that makes generating random parts more accessible?
--- I originally wanted to make a BBS listing that could provide a "grab box" of random parts, to help get started. I could not for the life of me figure out how to do this though.
----- Maybe making a function that specifically returns a random part based on the overall list of available parts, and maybe takes arguments to narrow down the potential list?
----- Since the Missions have a way of generating loot that is somewhat randomized based on the loot quality tags, I went with that route instead.



* Bot Selling Opps - any plans to make more / better opportunities for selling bots?
--- This is something I accounted for in my own copy, by adding a ton of new opps to cash bots in on the BBS.
----- Something I also found pretty useful, was to include some opps where perfect chassis (100% integrity) were not required, especially for the cheaper opps / lower grade redeems. The code allows for this, which is really nice.
----- May also want to extend out the duration for bot redeem posts, as it can be quite hard to have something ready to cash out within a single time slot (many of these opps don't persist long enough, 1-3 slots I think).
--- Thinking a place like Ray's Boutique would actually be a good place to offer up higher tier chassis / bots with good skills.
--- Maybe improving the rates at the RoboSechs club can also help with this? Because the rates were so bad, I haven't really spent time selling bots to RoboSechs; not sure if this ends up triggering anything that I'm missing.

* Bot Buying Opps - wondering if this can be improved any.
--- Note here, unlike the item above, I was not able to figure out a way to add bot "buy" opps to fix game balance.
--- The current methods of buying bots are okay; but I think there's room to improve this some.
----- Personally, I think the average quality and option spread of the Flea Market is good, especially at the beginning. Lots of D and C tiers, with occasional B tiers.
----- The BBS, contrary to the tips, does not offer any opps to purchase bots (damaged or otherwise). I couldn't figure out how to get the BBS to do this either.
----- Ray's Boutique - offers the best overall range of stuff, but the price multis are high, and access is late game.
----- And, of course, the best option is always the scrapyard, since you get bots for free; and often the best finds are there (esp. including free skills).
----- Note, I think the thing that bothers me about the scrapyard in particular, is that it's kind of immersion-breaking to be able to find (and claim) top-tier packages for free. Without this in place, though, getting good bots is really hard (actually, basically impossible, except for Ray's, and the specific buy events).
--- Would it be worth considering ways to buy bots through the BBS (especially better packages, at earlier access), or maybe through RoboSechs?
--- Also, maybe having more random events like that one in the middle of the mob bots quest, where a customer can actually sell a bot to the MC?
--- Maybe make bots available as mission rewards? I couldn't figure out how to do this with the current code set (I only have Radnor's source as reference). Feels like missions should be able to reward with a new bot.

* Bot Skills
--- Question, is there a way to add a check limiter to skills, when a bot reaches 100% / S on a skill, that they stop gaining XP on it? Main reason being, they still get the instability on the skill, which can throw things off a bit.
--- Just curious, any plans to expand the list of skills bots can have?
----- While the current set (Combat, Elec / Mech, Sex, Social) seems to be pretty complete, wondering if there's room for a couple more. Something involving art / creativity, for example, would also be a different take.
----- That, or further involvement of the Autonomy trait, would be cool too (it's almost like another skill, though it's also more like a total XP tracker).
----- Other than small pedantic differences, with the way the skills are actually tracked, there's not much use in having electronics and mechanics remain as different skills, since both are factored at the same rates on the bots (both for training and with respect to parts adjustments). Just means two skills to build instead of one. Could track it as "technical" or something like that (even for the player).

* Bot Stability / Balance
--- Looking at the total spread on bots in the base game, stability decay rates, etc., kinda surprised me that even the good bots aren't really that good.
--- Having struggled through this on multiple runs / tests, what I've settled into doing generally, is actually using the D-tier AGRX-10 bots as my super techies / shopkeepers / everything bots, because they are the most stable. With a stability decay factor of 0.5, nobody else even comes close. Next best I saw was the Sigrid M2s and Techie V2s, at 0.8. All of the other bots, techie-types included, just don't have the stability to handle doing multiple tasks / getting large XP boosts. Most would de-stabilize every turn that I worked, or overnight.
--- For future, may be worth looking into this, and seeing if some things need to be re-balanced.

* Bot Capsules / Storage
--- With the 0.6.1 update, glad to see that the pods have a means to help bots maintain stability. Was getting kind of crazy, spending most of my AP just maintaining house bots.
--- Any additional ideas on pod upgrades?
----- Was thinking something like minor repairs, self-fixing parts at 90-95% or better (although your new Master Techie kind of covers this too).
----- Might also be worth having something that eases cost of replacing parts in upgraded pods (saving more AP)?
----- Better average Psychocore stability recovery for bots in upgraded pods (when you spend AP to stabilize)?
--- For Master Techies, any look at allowing them to also repair parts on bots in storage?


MC / World Things

* The Scrapyard
--- This one is both a fundamental staple of the base game, and one of the most immersion-breaking, in that it is basically the only place where you can find really good bots, and by nature, for free. Not to mention basically any part, any tier.
--- Are there any plans to expand this any? Maybe make other scrapyard locations (or even junkyards/ruins outside of the base town), where the better stuff can be found? Restricting the starting scrapyard to a lower cap, maybe up to C tier (or similar restriction) on stuff, would help limit abuse.
----- Since I'm assuming the way the scrapyard works, is that it just generates a random bot or part out of all of the ones registered based on the "ALL" tag, if I have that right, might be an easier fix to change the tags that can be "found" in the scrapyard, especially if other avenues become available.
----- Might be less broken, if the number of bots you can bring home on any one trip is a little more limited (let's be real, you can do the quick save/load trick to get a stacked lineup every time you go out, up to 1 bot per AP). And, the MC probably isn't hauling 11+ bots out of the scrapyard without someone noticing, or breaking his back.

* District 13 / Other Locations
--- Any plans for other locations, like shops or social venues?
----- Even in the real world, some business opps come by meeting people, word of mouth, etc.
----- Most trade work knows other shops of their type, at least. Would make sense for the MC to know about other shops, and in turn for them to know about his (esp. as reputation increases).
--- One idea, depending on how you want to work it into your world, could be something like a contract to repair a number of an organization's bots, or supply them with new ones. Maybe as cleaning staff for a fast food chain or something; starts with supplying 5 bots over a few weeks to the chain, and then seeing the bots return 1-2 a week for repairs, for a given duration.
--- Could also consider adding occasional referrals from another shop (with higher MC rep) for better customers.

* MC / AP System
--- This game's AP system is both an excellent system, and at times needlessly wasteful.
----- I definitely like the way the initial balance is at 5 AP, with the opportunity to get extra AP from housekeepers (up to 5).
----- I definitely like the way the workout system provides a means to increase the base AP.
----- Some tasks cost way too much (even/especially at 1 AP) for what they are. Examples include the replacement of parts, or the cost to work on a bot on the storage rack (there really isn't a reason for that to have a cost, especially when moving stuff to/from the racks is free). It's amazing how fast the AP cost adds up when trying to fix up a bot for a particular request, and you burn through an entire day (esp. at beginning) just making minute tweaks and repairs.
--- It might be worth expanding out the AP number to allow for things to cost differently, and scale both the gains and spends accordingly.
----- As an example, maybe make the base AP 100, with most things costing 5-20 AP depending on task. Main tasks, like workouts, work, etc., can keep their higher cost (up to 60 AP by equal balance), while allowing some tasks to be cheaper (like parts swaps, stability, etc.).
----- Can make up to 100 extra AP avail with workouts, and 100 AP avail with housekeeping. Balance will be similar at that point.
----- This also provides an opportunity for proficiency in certain skills to actually reduce the AP cost, as a benefit. Maybe make parts swaps cost 10 AP initially, but with higher skill, this can go down to 7-8 AP, or even down to 5 at S tier skills.
----- Also allows you to add a small cost for some tasks that maybe should have had an AP cost, but would have been prohibitive in the original balance (e.g., moving bots from storage to pods, if that was intended, and vice versa).

* Work / Fix-Up Jobs
--- I really enjoy the fix-up jobs that appear occasionally. Definitely the kind of "work" the MC would get as a repair shop.
----- Higher frequency, variation on bot types, and some other specifics (like maybe train a specific skill), would be great to see.
----- Not sure if the fix-up job has a requirement for an open pod, but thinking MC should be able to accept as long as a pod or storage slot is free.
--- I definitely get a kick out of the junkie trying to sell a part to the shop. Kind of makes sense, that they may not know how valuable a particular part might be.
--- Maybe have more special work events?

* Moving Shop?
--- One of the things implicitly suggested by the description, is that the MC would want to move shop if it becomes convenient at some point. Will this be a quest?
--- One incentive to move shop, is if the maximum available upgrades are limited at lower level locations.
----- Example, if the starting area warehouse has a limit of Lv2 power, and maybe up to 3 storage racks. But, the better location, has a bigger warehouse, Lv3 power, and maybe up to 5 storage racks. And etc., for the next upgrade.
----- First suggestion to move could be canon to the main story, following the end of the mob bots job.


I'll definitely be checking in now and again on this one; best of luck to you in further development!


New Member
Aug 7, 2017
Im trying to get ahold of the nekofreak mod does someone have it or a working link?

help would be much appreciated


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Been looking for a game like this for a LONG time now. Finally found it, and spent some time (couple months) both playing through the base game (SR24 vers) and doing some simple modding with things, like added parts, missions, etc. Used the source mod packages as baseline, and made some adjustments for my tastes. Note, I'm definitely an amateur in terms of programming, but I do understand some basics.

Gotta say, I really like what both Radnor started with, base-concept (and templates, etc.); and then what Squirrel has added to fill out the game even more. Good, simple baseline, with a lot of good tools and hooks to allow the game to be customized. And this is the kind of game that people would want to add things into. Sad to see that it was abandoned for a time; but it's also great to see some new interest reviving around this game. It's a solid shell, and one that I'd like to see further improved.

Squirrel - had some comments / suggestions / ideas. Not sure if you already have some of this in the pipeline; but wanted to put it out there in case it seems relevant. It's open for anyone who's also looking to do their own mods.

(For those concerned, this does some spoilers from info gleaned from reading the mod side code. Please don't read if spoilers offend you.)


Bot Parts

* Removing a Part from a Bot Chassis - is there a plan to implement something like this, instead of replacing?
--- I find I want to do this sometimes, especially if I want to keep a good chassis, but want a specific part off of it right away.
--- Also might be useful for getting a specific part to complete a bot for redeem.
--- Functionally, thinking it would be something like just having a "missing part" take the place of the current one. Keeping the AP cost is fair.

* Bot Parts / Stat XP - there seem to be some parts that affect stat XP in different ways, and some don't do this at all.
--- Vocoders are the big offender here, IMO. They don't affect any stat XP rates whatsoever. Maybe at least social?
----- Feels kind of bad investing in something like a Melodia S, just for it to only add cash value on sell.
----- I added some lines in my own copy to have the vocoders add some XP adjustment for social.
--- I think it'd be fun to have certain parts affect XP rates in different ways.
----- For example, a specific line of mid-tier eyes / vocoders that improve combat, or powercores that improve mech/elec.
----- Might be useful for someone planning to make specific techie or combat bots.
--- Also a suggestion, for those who haven't dug through the code, might be worth adding some kind of tagging to let players know what parts affect which skill stats. Didn't really understand how specific the parts' impacts were until I went through it line-by-line to better understand this.

* F-Tier Parts - is there any specific reason to keep F tier parts in the game?
--- The stat lines for "F" tier parts are so bad that, even with their low price, they're really hard to find a use for.
----- Can't sell them on the BBS, and they won't qualify for anything currently that checks part tier.
----- I automatically strip and throw away / sell to get rid of any I come across.
--- "E" tier parts are also pretty bad; but at least there are things you can do with them / to get rid of them effectively.
--- Alternatively, one thought for specific "rare" copies in world, is if you want something like "Antique" parts to be a thing (definitely old/obsolete for efficiency, but might add insane value for a specific type of collector).

* XP by Part Type - one thought, instead of having specific experience levels tied into each individual bot and part by name, at least for parts, would it be feasible instead to have an experience level that just tracks on part type / slot?
--- If you do a lot of work on bot legs, regardless of specific tier / mfr., then you could gain general proficiency related to legs.
----- Main reason I note this, is that most folks probably aren't going to work on so many copies of the same part as to actually get reasonable progress on it (e.g., repairing countless copies of ShieldTech C skins). Most of these will simply remain at "F" tier rating for the whole game. (My opinion would differ if the progress rate on individual parts was better; but at Day 100+ on multiple runs, with only a couple parts at "E" proficiency...)
----- Would probably need to add a parameter in the "main character" class for this.
--- Alternatively, if you want to go with something themed around a specific manufacturer, could probably do that as well.
----- May need to add a property in the bot part or bot classes to make this though.

* Typos - just as a heads-up, there are a number of typos that I've noticed while playing. Most are kind of minor (switched letters, for example). Might be worth giving the parts overall a quick scan for this. I fixed the ones I saw in my own copy.
--- The one that always nags at me, since I use them a lot, are the S tier powercores. Assuming intent was "Ascendant" instead of "Assendant"?
--- Most of the rest are in the part descriptions.

* Opportunities for More Parts
--- Especially at the start of the game, I think the player needs better access to opportunities for some starter parts (build an early cache).
--- The current game mainly accounts for this by being able to buy bots from the Flea Market, or find them in the Scrapyard, and then actually scrap the bots for whatever parts they have. I kind of feel bad doing this early game though, TBH.
--- Adding the Ray's series of BBS posts was a great way to get more parts to the player, and adding the sell opps was also great! I think the game could use a little more of that though.
----- Some of what I added to my own, was adding parts packages (esp. with cores and processors) to help get scrapyard bots rehabilitated. Also added a line of BBS posts that just offered more opps for C and D tier parts, specifically.
--- I really think the Flea Market would also be a good place to change a bit, to offer packs of lower tier (C-E) parts, instead of effectively paying 1 AP per part; or just getting rid of the AP cost for the parts side. The AP cost at the Flea Market parts side is what kills it for me.

* (Modding) Random Parts - is there a good way to provide a function in the core game, that makes generating random parts more accessible?
--- I originally wanted to make a BBS listing that could provide a "grab box" of random parts, to help get started. I could not for the life of me figure out how to do this though.
----- Maybe making a function that specifically returns a random part based on the overall list of available parts, and maybe takes arguments to narrow down the potential list?
----- Since the Missions have a way of generating loot that is somewhat randomized based on the loot quality tags, I went with that route instead.



* Bot Selling Opps - any plans to make more / better opportunities for selling bots?
--- This is something I accounted for in my own copy, by adding a ton of new opps to cash bots in on the BBS.
----- Something I also found pretty useful, was to include some opps where perfect chassis (100% integrity) were not required, especially for the cheaper opps / lower grade redeems. The code allows for this, which is really nice.
----- May also want to extend out the duration for bot redeem posts, as it can be quite hard to have something ready to cash out within a single time slot (many of these opps don't persist long enough, 1-3 slots I think).
--- Thinking a place like Ray's Boutique would actually be a good place to offer up higher tier chassis / bots with good skills.
--- Maybe improving the rates at the RoboSechs club can also help with this? Because the rates were so bad, I haven't really spent time selling bots to RoboSechs; not sure if this ends up triggering anything that I'm missing.

* Bot Buying Opps - wondering if this can be improved any.
--- Note here, unlike the item above, I was not able to figure out a way to add bot "buy" opps to fix game balance.
--- The current methods of buying bots are okay; but I think there's room to improve this some.
----- Personally, I think the average quality and option spread of the Flea Market is good, especially at the beginning. Lots of D and C tiers, with occasional B tiers.
----- The BBS, contrary to the tips, does not offer any opps to purchase bots (damaged or otherwise). I couldn't figure out how to get the BBS to do this either.
----- Ray's Boutique - offers the best overall range of stuff, but the price multis are high, and access is late game.
----- And, of course, the best option is always the scrapyard, since you get bots for free; and often the best finds are there (esp. including free skills).
----- Note, I think the thing that bothers me about the scrapyard in particular, is that it's kind of immersion-breaking to be able to find (and claim) top-tier packages for free. Without this in place, though, getting good bots is really hard (actually, basically impossible, except for Ray's, and the specific buy events).
--- Would it be worth considering ways to buy bots through the BBS (especially better packages, at earlier access), or maybe through RoboSechs?
--- Also, maybe having more random events like that one in the middle of the mob bots quest, where a customer can actually sell a bot to the MC?
--- Maybe make bots available as mission rewards? I couldn't figure out how to do this with the current code set (I only have Radnor's source as reference). Feels like missions should be able to reward with a new bot.

* Bot Skills
--- Question, is there a way to add a check limiter to skills, when a bot reaches 100% / S on a skill, that they stop gaining XP on it? Main reason being, they still get the instability on the skill, which can throw things off a bit.
--- Just curious, any plans to expand the list of skills bots can have?
----- While the current set (Combat, Elec / Mech, Sex, Social) seems to be pretty complete, wondering if there's room for a couple more. Something involving art / creativity, for example, would also be a different take.
----- That, or further involvement of the Autonomy trait, would be cool too (it's almost like another skill, though it's also more like a total XP tracker).
----- Other than small pedantic differences, with the way the skills are actually tracked, there's not much use in having electronics and mechanics remain as different skills, since both are factored at the same rates on the bots (both for training and with respect to parts adjustments). Just means two skills to build instead of one. Could track it as "technical" or something like that (even for the player).

* Bot Stability / Balance
--- Looking at the total spread on bots in the base game, stability decay rates, etc., kinda surprised me that even the good bots aren't really that good.
--- Having struggled through this on multiple runs / tests, what I've settled into doing generally, is actually using the D-tier AGRX-10 bots as my super techies / shopkeepers / everything bots, because they are the most stable. With a stability decay factor of 0.5, nobody else even comes close. Next best I saw was the Sigrid M2s and Techie V2s, at 0.8. All of the other bots, techie-types included, just don't have the stability to handle doing multiple tasks / getting large XP boosts. Most would de-stabilize every turn that I worked, or overnight.
--- For future, may be worth looking into this, and seeing if some things need to be re-balanced.

* Bot Capsules / Storage
--- With the 0.6.1 update, glad to see that the pods have a means to help bots maintain stability. Was getting kind of crazy, spending most of my AP just maintaining house bots.
--- Any additional ideas on pod upgrades?
----- Was thinking something like minor repairs, self-fixing parts at 90-95% or better (although your new Master Techie kind of covers this too).
----- Might also be worth having something that eases cost of replacing parts in upgraded pods (saving more AP)?
----- Better average Psychocore stability recovery for bots in upgraded pods (when you spend AP to stabilize)?
--- For Master Techies, any look at allowing them to also repair parts on bots in storage?


MC / World Things

* The Scrapyard
--- This one is both a fundamental staple of the base game, and one of the most immersion-breaking, in that it is basically the only place where you can find really good bots, and by nature, for free. Not to mention basically any part, any tier.
--- Are there any plans to expand this any? Maybe make other scrapyard locations (or even junkyards/ruins outside of the base town), where the better stuff can be found? Restricting the starting scrapyard to a lower cap, maybe up to C tier (or similar restriction) on stuff, would help limit abuse.
----- Since I'm assuming the way the scrapyard works, is that it just generates a random bot or part out of all of the ones registered based on the "ALL" tag, if I have that right, might be an easier fix to change the tags that can be "found" in the scrapyard, especially if other avenues become available.
----- Might be less broken, if the number of bots you can bring home on any one trip is a little more limited (let's be real, you can do the quick save/load trick to get a stacked lineup every time you go out, up to 1 bot per AP). And, the MC probably isn't hauling 11+ bots out of the scrapyard without someone noticing, or breaking his back.

* District 13 / Other Locations
--- Any plans for other locations, like shops or social venues?
----- Even in the real world, some business opps come by meeting people, word of mouth, etc.
----- Most trade work knows other shops of their type, at least. Would make sense for the MC to know about other shops, and in turn for them to know about his (esp. as reputation increases).
--- One idea, depending on how you want to work it into your world, could be something like a contract to repair a number of an organization's bots, or supply them with new ones. Maybe as cleaning staff for a fast food chain or something; starts with supplying 5 bots over a few weeks to the chain, and then seeing the bots return 1-2 a week for repairs, for a given duration.
--- Could also consider adding occasional referrals from another shop (with higher MC rep) for better customers.

* MC / AP System
--- This game's AP system is both an excellent system, and at times needlessly wasteful.
----- I definitely like the way the initial balance is at 5 AP, with the opportunity to get extra AP from housekeepers (up to 5).
----- I definitely like the way the workout system provides a means to increase the base AP.
----- Some tasks cost way too much (even/especially at 1 AP) for what they are. Examples include the replacement of parts, or the cost to work on a bot on the storage rack (there really isn't a reason for that to have a cost, especially when moving stuff to/from the racks is free). It's amazing how fast the AP cost adds up when trying to fix up a bot for a particular request, and you burn through an entire day (esp. at beginning) just making minute tweaks and repairs.
--- It might be worth expanding out the AP number to allow for things to cost differently, and scale both the gains and spends accordingly.
----- As an example, maybe make the base AP 100, with most things costing 5-20 AP depending on task. Main tasks, like workouts, work, etc., can keep their higher cost (up to 60 AP by equal balance), while allowing some tasks to be cheaper (like parts swaps, stability, etc.).
----- Can make up to 100 extra AP avail with workouts, and 100 AP avail with housekeeping. Balance will be similar at that point.
----- This also provides an opportunity for proficiency in certain skills to actually reduce the AP cost, as a benefit. Maybe make parts swaps cost 10 AP initially, but with higher skill, this can go down to 7-8 AP, or even down to 5 at S tier skills.
----- Also allows you to add a small cost for some tasks that maybe should have had an AP cost, but would have been prohibitive in the original balance (e.g., moving bots from storage to pods, if that was intended, and vice versa).

* Work / Fix-Up Jobs
--- I really enjoy the fix-up jobs that appear occasionally. Definitely the kind of "work" the MC would get as a repair shop.
----- Higher frequency, variation on bot types, and some other specifics (like maybe train a specific skill), would be great to see.
----- Not sure if the fix-up job has a requirement for an open pod, but thinking MC should be able to accept as long as a pod or storage slot is free.
--- I definitely get a kick out of the junkie trying to sell a part to the shop. Kind of makes sense, that they may not know how valuable a particular part might be.
--- Maybe have more special work events?

* Moving Shop?
--- One of the things implicitly suggested by the description, is that the MC would want to move shop if it becomes convenient at some point. Will this be a quest?
--- One incentive to move shop, is if the maximum available upgrades are limited at lower level locations.
----- Example, if the starting area warehouse has a limit of Lv2 power, and maybe up to 3 storage racks. But, the better location, has a bigger warehouse, Lv3 power, and maybe up to 5 storage racks. And etc., for the next upgrade.
----- First suggestion to move could be canon to the main story, following the end of the mob bots job.


I'll definitely be checking in now and again on this one; best of luck to you in further development!
In a word; Wow! You have spent a lot of time playing, customizing, and thinking about this game! Some of your comments and suggestions match my plans for SR24 and others not so much. Radnor created a multi-faceted game that could be fleshed out and expanded in many different ways. There are only so many hours in a day so exploiting all of the possibilities is impossible. My personal observation about creating games is that many developers expand the scope of their games with lots of great ideas and then abandon the game when the burden of developing all of the things they started becomes too large. I don't want to find myself in this position with SR24.

In general, SR24 will go towards telling a story more than it will fleshing out the simulation.

- I don't plan on changing how scavenging works or what you can scavenge.
- The only new way to obtain bots will be BBS offers if I can figure out how to do what Radnor planned but didn't get to.
- There won't be any significant changes to how XP works for either the MC or bots.
- There will be no significant changes to how you obtain and use AP.
- There will be interactions with other characters; the night school teacher, the corner store owner, the Asian boss you had to pay back, and the punk who framed you.

I'm not going to say any more for two reasons; it would include too many spoilers and I don't want to over-promise and under-deliver. Cheers!
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New Member
Feb 6, 2020
In a word; Wow! You have spent a lot of time playing, customizing, and thinking about this game! Some of your comments and suggestions match my plans for SR24 and others not so much. Radnor created a multi-faceted game that could be fleshed out and expanded in many different ways. There are only so many hours in a day so exploiting all of the possibilities is impossible. My personal observation about creating games is that many developers expand the scope of their games with lots of great ideas and then abandon the game when the burden of developing all of the things they started becomes too large. I don't want to find myself in this position with SR24.

In general, SR24 will go towards telling a story more than it will fleshing out the simulation.

- I don't plan on changing how scavenging works or what you can scavenge.
- The only new way to obtain bots will be BBS offers if I can figure out how to do what Radnor planned but didn't get to.
- There won't be any significant changes to how XP works for either the MC or bots.
- There will be no significant changes to how you obtain and use AP.
- There will be interactions with other characters; the night school teacher, the corner store owner, the Asian boss you had to pay back, and the punk who framed you.

I'm not going to say any more for two reasons; it would include too many spoilers and I don't want to over-promise and under-deliver. Cheers!
@ Squirrel24 - Hey, no problem. Just wanted to share some observations, since I've put some decent time into the game. I can definitely respect the path you're taking on this - keeping the focus and goals manageable is the most important piece to continued progress.

It's pretty rare that I enjoy something as much as I do this one, despite it not being the most complete or visually impressive. That said, though, the functional core of the game is solid. I'll continue puttering around on my own copy, as I wait to see what updates you have in store!
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Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
@ Squirrel24 - Hey, no problem. Just wanted to share some observations, since I've put some decent time into the game. I can definitely respect the path you're taking on this - keeping the focus and goals manageable is the most important piece to continued progress.

It's pretty rare that I enjoy something as much as I do this one, despite it not being the most complete or visually impressive. That said, though, the functional core of the game is solid. I'll continue puttering around on my own copy, as I wait to see what updates you have in store!
Thanks, most of the game is Radnor's and he made it easy to expand and modify. The original DSCS game had me addicted and I couldn't resist playing around with it once he had to stop development.

You're right on both counts about both DSCS and SR24; they're incomplete and the visuals are amateur! Glad you like it anyway. Cheers!


New Member
Dec 14, 2022
Hi squirrel24. I have suggestion, if you could add warring system for bots working as a housekeeper or other stability-based jobs. If their PsychoCore stability gets at/or bellow 80% a red exclamation mark should pop at capsule button so player knew there is risk that their bot doesn't do its jobs properly. Anyway you are doing great work at this, keep at it.


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Hi squirrel24. I have suggestion, if you could add warring system for bots working as a housekeeper or other stability-based jobs. If their PsychoCore stability gets at/or bellow 80% a red exclamation mark should pop at capsule button so player knew there is risk that their bot doesn't do its jobs properly. Anyway you are doing great work at this, keep at it.
Thanks for the comments and suggestion. :)

In DSCS Radnor made stability more hidden than integrity. You have to go to 'Status' to see the number, otherwise you only see 'stable', 'glitchy', 'quirky', or 'unstable'. I think this is because damaged parts are visible but stability isn't visible. For this reason there will be no stability warnings, you either have to look into it ('Status') or observe that the bot doesn't do their work correctly (the work doesn't happen). I understand the desire for convenience but in this game, like in real life, when you don't pay attention bad things will happen once in a while.

Speaking of bad events, I don't know how often anyone fails when playing SR24 but if you don't pay the debt in 'Framed!' or if you fail to give bots to the mob in 'Mob Protection' there are "game over" sequences. These 2 sequences include some of the first images I made in DAZ and aren't all that great but I often wonder if anyone has ever seen them. Radnor put in random 'nightmares' when you sleep and don't have enough money to make your next payment. I thought about creating images for the nightmares but never got around to it.

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Jan 13, 2019
Something that i think is a good feature for a game in development and with story quests: a tracker on how much of the story you finished. i dont need to know how many or what quests are still available, but it would be nice to know if i have seen everything for now or if there are still quests i can look for.

a good example is the questline with the vocal coach. i have finished the karaoke quests and i am still doing the events, but i have no idea if there is another follow up quest or not.

a list of quest here in the thread would also work for now^^


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Something that i think is a good feature for a game in development and with story quests: a tracker on how much of the story you finished. i dont need to know how many or what quests are still available, but it would be nice to know if i have seen everything for now or if there are still quests i can look for.

a good example is the questline with the vocal coach. i have finished the karaoke quests and i am still doing the events, but i have no idea if there is another follow up quest or not.

a list of quest here in the thread would also work for now^^
Good point, I’ll try to address this in the next release, thanks for the idea!

For now I will say that the karaoke quest will connect to another quest in the future. As of now when the only active quest is ‘Freelancer’ you’ve done everything that’s in the game now.

I distracted myself from creating the quests that tell the story by working on game play enhancements more than I planned to. Players like bot mods so I expanded the number of capsules so you can have more bots. Using lots of bots can get tedious which created the need to make using them easier. Lots to do!
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Jan 13, 2019
i like the current gamplay mechanics. As you probably already said somewhere: there is a lot of potential in this game for gameplay and story, but programming everything is a lot of work and as such i am patient with suggesting too much since i feel like you already have a lot to do.

so far i think if you focus on gamplay mechanics or on story quests doesnt really matter too much for me personaly. i am just happy that you are working on it.

One idea i would have for gameplay is that you could use bots to start other bussiness ventures, things that maybe generate passive income. Such a thing would probably also bring new avenues for story quest or new characters, for example someone who could manage those bussinesses for you.

i know you said you would like to work on your own for now, but if you DO want some help, for example writing a little story quest line or something, i could maybe offer my help.

for now keep doing what you are doing;)


New Member
Feb 14, 2018
I love the sexbot restoration revival! Just a quick check: Can we use mods (atleast the custom bots) from the first version too?

Jaga Telesin

Incestuous Harem Owner
Apr 19, 2023
I love the sexbot restoration revival! Just a quick check: Can we use mods (atleast the custom bots) from the first version too?
For the most part - yes. But you have to be REALLY careful which ones, as some can break the game and your save at the same time. I had to abandon a rather long playthrough due to a mod constantly throwing errors and content being missing, and the author of that mod hasn't granted permission for it to be "fixed" for squirrel's version. When in doubt, don't use the mod.


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
I love the sexbot restoration revival! Just a quick check: Can we use mods (atleast the custom bots) from the first version too?
In general mods written for DSCS work in SR24 including most bot mods. Unfortunately there are some exceptions. The current version of SR24 (0.6.1) includes information about this and also has a MS Word doc describing how to fix the most likely problems with bot mods. These files are in the 'information' folder inside the 'game' folder. If you find the 'mods' folder you've also found the 'information' folder. Cheers!


Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
i like the current gamplay mechanics. As you probably already said somewhere: there is a lot of potential in this game for gameplay and story, but programming everything is a lot of work and as such i am patient with suggesting too much since i feel like you already have a lot to do.

so far i think if you focus on gamplay mechanics or on story quests doesnt really matter too much for me personaly. i am just happy that you are working on it.

One idea i would have for gameplay is that you could use bots to start other bussiness ventures, things that maybe generate passive income. Such a thing would probably also bring new avenues for story quest or new characters, for example someone who could manage those bussinesses for you.

i know you said you would like to work on your own for now, but if you DO want some help, for example writing a little story quest line or something, i could maybe offer my help.

for now keep doing what you are doing;)
Thanks for your kind words! :)

My plans for SR24 have some overlap with your suggestion. In one of the next two releases there will be a significant side activity. It won't generate income but it will fit the story line and one of the NPCs in SR24 will manage the activity. Right now I'm working on the artwork for the side activity. When the artwork is finished I will either begin coding the side activity or I will create a new bot role to help manage the increased number of active bots (in capsules rather than storage). I haven't decided which one will be coded first.

I think it's great if you want to create story quests and you can do this independently, that's how I got started. 'Mob Protection', 'Night School', and 'Home Workout' were all mods for DSCS before SR24 existed. You can do similar things for SR24 if you'd like. If you decide to do this I only ask one thing; please don't use any of the NPCs in SR24. The story line of SR24 will continue to use these NPCs and if they are also used in mods there will probably be strange inconsistencies.

If you want help getting started I created a file called 'Fake Quest' some time ago which is a template for getting a quest mod started (link below). Even better, I always liked a mod started by ZOM called 'Elixir Club' and I wish he'd been able to complete it. You can download ZOM's partially completed mod to use as an example, I believe he writes better code than I do! The 'Elixir Club' is a side business much like you suggested and has new NPCs. (ZOM: If you're reading this perhaps you can chime in?)




Game Developer
Mar 12, 2021
Hi All, In order to support anyone who wants to make mods for SR24 or update DSCS mods for SR24 I'm going to begin posting both the game and the source code whenever I release a new version of SR24. You'll always be able to see the current version and corresponding source code in my signature. Cheers!
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