In no particular order, here are a few suggestions and potential changes.
Wanted to add visible role info/requirements. Just wasn't a priority. Right now Bedroom Toy require Sex: E+, Techie - Mechanics&Electronics: E+, Clerk - Social: E+.
Role usefulness calculated based on related skills. Clerk will help to earn more money when working. Techie will boost repairs when repairing bots/parts, well, except when you repair Techie. Toy will grant more mood boost when sleeping.
As for more defined tiers, will experiment.
Trait bonuses boost xp gains, don't want to dump specific numbers into game log, too much information will lead to scrolling. I will think about it, maybe will add optionally more detailed traits descriptions, as settings option, don't know.
Adding roughness slider for every training interaction will turn grindy game into outright horrible abomination. Maybe will add some sort of personality stats to player character, which in turn will lead to different training methods. And changing these stats thru story or rare training events.
Looking at bots is free, it's searching through market what take energy.

As for adding more max AP, maybe, but general idea so far is there is 5AP, there are BIG actions taking 3AP, small actions taking 1AP, and free actions taking 0AP. So right now game nudge you to decide if you want to do this BIG THING or just grind a little. Maybe i will add some ways to add more max energy, but probably not soon, make little sense without content.
Negotiation check vs MC Social is good idea, very likely will add it soon. But probably not as dialog option, rather log line "You negotiated 12% discount!" or something like.
As for indicators. It is kinda design choice. Play game, learn things, git gud

Overall i tried to keep things logical, junkie will sell anything for pretty same price range, flea market try to earn money on you, net buyers are cheap and will not pay a lot. Plus want to keep some gambling feeling.
But i see what you mean and why, will keep "think about it" in todo list.
Factions/friends/enemies will be added, but not now. Still want to stabilize mechanics/gameplay.
Very likely will add some "How to play"/Tutorial thing.
Simply put autonomy is how human-like is bot, how many different things it can do.
Chassis Integrity is integrity of most damaged part, low integrity will reduce price drastically. Getting integrity to 0 will destroy part.
PsychoCore Stability is how flexible bot's mind is, high stability will avoid bad/weird events, but also block aquiring/upgrading traits, low stability allows bot to gain traits, with risk of bad/weird events.
Yep, thought about repair thing being too opaque. Can again say "oh, it's gambling", but probably will add extra preview interaction.
Asking for more parts is kinda cheating by persuading dev to lower difficulty

I want to keep some stuff unbalanced, but then again, if game become popular i will open it to modding and pretty much anything can be changed.
Long post, added some things to my todo list, thank you!