4.60 star(s) 45 Votes
Dec 9, 2019
First, let me state my admiration for aiming to openSource your content. You're a credit, you are.

I'm really loving this game, despite the early development of things. The premise is cool, the customizability is cool, and the potential is huge!

Now, on the game. In no particular order, here are a few suggestions and potential changes.
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This is all I've got for now. Hope to see more on the development of this game!
Dec 9, 2019
Would you be open to changing the name? Defective Sexbot Chop-Shop... is certainly descriptive, and maybe accurate, but it's not very fun and attractive. So, anyone have some good suggestions?

Sex-Bot Shop... Custom Cumming Solutions... Hot Bot Repairs, "Repairs and refurbishment for your high maintenance girls!"

Anyone else for suggestions?


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
In no particular order, here are a few suggestions and potential changes.
Wanted to add visible role info/requirements. Just wasn't a priority. Right now Bedroom Toy require Sex: E+, Techie - Mechanics&Electronics: E+, Clerk - Social: E+.
Role usefulness calculated based on related skills. Clerk will help to earn more money when working. Techie will boost repairs when repairing bots/parts, well, except when you repair Techie. Toy will grant more mood boost when sleeping.
As for more defined tiers, will experiment.

Trait bonuses boost xp gains, don't want to dump specific numbers into game log, too much information will lead to scrolling. I will think about it, maybe will add optionally more detailed traits descriptions, as settings option, don't know.

Adding roughness slider for every training interaction will turn grindy game into outright horrible abomination. Maybe will add some sort of personality stats to player character, which in turn will lead to different training methods. And changing these stats thru story or rare training events.

Looking at bots is free, it's searching through market what take energy. :D
As for adding more max AP, maybe, but general idea so far is there is 5AP, there are BIG actions taking 3AP, small actions taking 1AP, and free actions taking 0AP. So right now game nudge you to decide if you want to do this BIG THING or just grind a little. Maybe i will add some ways to add more max energy, but probably not soon, make little sense without content.

Negotiation check vs MC Social is good idea, very likely will add it soon. But probably not as dialog option, rather log line "You negotiated 12% discount!" or something like.

As for indicators. It is kinda design choice. Play game, learn things, git gud :p Overall i tried to keep things logical, junkie will sell anything for pretty same price range, flea market try to earn money on you, net buyers are cheap and will not pay a lot. Plus want to keep some gambling feeling.
But i see what you mean and why, will keep "think about it" in todo list.

Factions/friends/enemies will be added, but not now. Still want to stabilize mechanics/gameplay.

Very likely will add some "How to play"/Tutorial thing.
Simply put autonomy is how human-like is bot, how many different things it can do.
Chassis Integrity is integrity of most damaged part, low integrity will reduce price drastically. Getting integrity to 0 will destroy part.
PsychoCore Stability is how flexible bot's mind is, high stability will avoid bad/weird events, but also block aquiring/upgrading traits, low stability allows bot to gain traits, with risk of bad/weird events.

Yep, thought about repair thing being too opaque. Can again say "oh, it's gambling", but probably will add extra preview interaction.

Asking for more parts is kinda cheating by persuading dev to lower difficulty :D I want to keep some stuff unbalanced, but then again, if game become popular i will open it to modding and pretty much anything can be changed.

Long post, added some things to my todo list, thank you!


Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
Would you be open to changing the name? Defective Sexbot Chop-Shop... is certainly descriptive, and maybe accurate, but it's not very fun and attractive. So, anyone have some good suggestions?

Sex-Bot Shop... Custom Cumming Solutions... Hot Bot Repairs, "Repairs and refurbishment for your high maintenance girls!"

Anyone else for suggestions?
Hm, "Little Shota, Mom, Sister and Aunt repair Sexy bots to have incestuous orgies!" Something like?


Jun 18, 2020
As far as buying from the junkies goes since all the parts are named differently i don't think you really need much more than the name of the part. Would leave it as is for a hard option and just add an E-A in () to indicate what tier it is for normal difficulty.

The Chassis % doesn't seem to do anything for price aside from when you do a repair job would be nice to see that affect sale price since it takes a decent chunk of time to get the bots up to 90%.

Price seems to be affected solely by the CPU you drop into the bots and i get why since that determines how they learn and do jobs but i think finding a way to incorporate other parts of the bots would be a good idea since right now it feels like all you need do is find the Neuro Tech v7 get a skill up to E and you can sell for 5K or more regardless of what else the bot has.

I like how the parts are random starting out but some kind of base upgrade to look for specific parts on the internet would be welcome to help with the grind.

Also having like an underground fighting ring you can place bets on would be cool, make a bot for it, have to fix it after fights and get bonus money for being your bot. Can also have matches rigged that you can take part in if you want.

Still looking forward to seeing where this thing goes the possibilities are near endless.
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Jun 18, 2020
Also real quick why dose work automatically advance the day regardless of how much AP you have?


Jan 10, 2019
Would you be open to changing the name? Defective Sexbot Chop-Shop... is certainly descriptive, and maybe accurate, but it's not very fun and attractive. So, anyone have some good suggestions?

Sex-Bot Shop... Custom Cumming Solutions... Hot Bot Repairs, "Repairs and refurbishment for your high maintenance girls!"

Anyone else for suggestions?
Was going to suggest a name, but figure I better download and play it first. Maybe something will come to me. My first idea without playing was "Hot Bot Booty Shop"
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Sep 24, 2017
Very interesting game, I like it a lot. Puts a whole new twist on the trainer game genre.

As for improvements:

- indicate clearly what is required for roles and to sell toys in the store(s)
- make the development of the debt interest over time more transparent
- indicate more clearly what the effect of stats are
- maybe an option to auto-advance time once out of AP?

And a few questions:
- is there a point to the combat skill yet?
- can you actually pay back the debt somehow?
- does reputation do anything?
- why does work need to advance time? Might be better to be able to spend the AP in any order rather than constantly being forced to do work last
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
As far as buying from the junkies goes since all the parts are named differently i don't think you really need much more than the name of the part. Would leave it as is for a hard option and just add an E-A in () to indicate what tier it is for normal difficulty.
Hm, i think i add part tier name when listing/mentioning parts, but probably only on easy/normal and if you have at least F expertise in it. Thanks!

Price function is rather big, evaluating bot model tier, parts (tier+integrity+defects), skill levels and (in future) psychocore.
But every buyer use bit different price function mods. For example, Robosechs will ignore pretty much everything except Sex skill. Flea market will focus only on parts integrity. Different places offer different prices. Need to find best deals.

Also part types have different mults, even when having same tier. Legs/arms are cheap, even tier S (if there will be such). Processor and Powercore is most costly, as these are indeed most important/complicated parts.

Have plans for Computer/NetConsole at home. Lots of stuff will be tied to it, but other things first.

Heard fighting ring idea before :D Maybe, but not soon for sure. Still thinking if i want to have combat in game and how if yes.
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Dec 9, 2019
As for indicators. It is kinda design choice. Play game, learn things, git gud :p Overall i tried to keep things logical, junkie will sell anything for pretty same price range, flea market try to earn money on you, net buyers are cheap and will not pay a lot. Plus want to keep some gambling feeling.
But i see what you mean and why, will keep "think about it" in todo list.
It was more along the lines of, my character has X level in machinery/electronics and can tell with one glance that this is a piece of junk. OR the flip side where someone brings in a really good piece of tech and has no idea of it's worth, so you try and get it for cheap. And while I love the diversity of parts/descriptions and everything that makes the world feel real, I don't really want to play with a spreadsheet next to me to cross check if a part is worth my time or not.

Ninja!: Adding availability of information depending on skill would work well. F level = you know the part will turn on. A Level = you know the make, model, condition, where the metal came from, and what the mechanic had for lunch when he made the thing.
Would incentivize players to upgrade skills if they care about such things. If they okay with randomness, they can ignore.

As far as buying from the junkies goes since all the parts are named differently i don't think you really need much more than the name of the part. Would leave it as is for a hard option and just add an E-A in () to indicate what tier it is for normal difficulty.
I like adding the 'rarity' value for a part as a compromise/adaptation for difficulty.

Price seems to be affected solely by the CPU you drop into the bots and i get why since that determines how they learn and do jobs but i think finding a way to incorporate other parts of the bots would be a good idea since right now it feels like all you need do is find the Neuro Tech v7 get a skill up to E and you can sell for 5K or more regardless of what else the bot has.
Maybe add in a percentage value increase for quality of arms, legs and such? For example, sex bot ability is a combination of skill, condition of chassis, and skin condition. Skill as a clerk is dependant on eyes, CPU and voice (for negotiation). Techie would have high hardware requirements, eyes, CPU, hands (for delicate work) and chassis for moving heavy stuff around. Bodyguard/combat bot will be a mix of everything, depending on if you want a high-end Alita bot, or a simple brawling punchbot.
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
- indicate clearly what is required for roles and to sell toys in the store(s)
- make the development of the debt interest over time more transparent
- indicate more clearly what the effect of stats are
- maybe an option to auto-advance time once out of AP?

And a few questions:
- is there a point to the combat skill yet?
- can you actually pay back the debt somehow?
- does reputation do anything?
- why does work need to advance time? Might be better to be able to spend the AP in any order rather than constantly being forced to do work last
- will rework Roles screen to show more info, yes. In todo list near top.
- how you suggest making debt more transparent? Right now there are some steps, starting from 1k up to 10k/25k/50k weekly, depending on difficulty. Payments rise slowly, no x10 jumps.
- well, stats as is only affect prices, what they do when bot set to role is different question, yes, will add info
- there are free actions you can do even with zero AP and more are planned, so very unlikely

- combat skill right now only allows you to train autonomy and damage arms/legs/skin, so you can fix it for xp, no other uses
- yes, you can pay debt even on hard
- reputation right now does nothing, will be important once actual factions will be added along with related locations/npc/activities
- see my bit earlier post regarding work, ap and advancing time, maybe will look at it again and change it, but no promises. In-game explanation is when work is done you do "Shit! I'm tired! I want to rest!" routine :D


Active Member
May 29, 2017
I must say, i usually dont like trainer games that much, but this one is really good. Got my first bot from the scrapyard and fixed her up with other scrapped parts. Through the time and money i invested, i got kind of attached to her. So instead of selling, i trained her in mechanics since she got a Tech Smart trait and now shes basically my assistant.

As general feedback, after some playing around and trying out what everything does, the UI and the gameplay in general seems really good for a first version. Im looking forward to more bot types and events. Maybe even random events? Also, i hope there will be more things that you have to overcome besides your debt. Otherwise, the longer you play the less interesting it will be, since you will be doing the same thing repeatedly without having to worry about eventually losing. Having to overcome some hurdles along the way makes a more interesting gameplay in my opinion.

And since some people came up with some ideas already, here are mine:

-Scrapyard battles: random junkies might want to get their hands on the parts you find (maybe higher chance for a confrontation if you find a good part or a discarded bot)

-Defend your shop: apparently the hostility with the Mitsutachi Corp. increases over time. So maybe when you get more reputation, they will send gangsters or other types of enemies to you to try and put you down again. Or maybe just some gangsters in general who want some "protection" money. This could then lead to something like the introduction of a Mafia faction. This would also help with giving the player those things they have to overcome. For example, at first you have to kind of pay off the protection money until you can actually defend yourself. Then the higher ups of the gangsters show up (the Mafia Faction or just the company that kicked you out) and you have to somehow deal with them and so on. This could also lead to different choices. For example, in the later game you might be able to work with/for the gangsters/mafia or even take them out or take over.

-More specialized training: Since they are all sexbots, just having to train "Sex" seems a bit too easy? Maybe in addition you could be able to make highly specialized bots for different sexual acts.

-Designing/Sculpting of bots: Options to change how bots look, maybe at first more standard stuff like breast/ass size and later (maybe dependent on a skill) you could be able to sculpt them to some customers orders. In my opinion it would not really be needed to change the bots avatar with every single change, but maybe some bigger changes also have an impact on the avatar. For example, a customer brings you a bot with A size breasts and with rather average looks and then wants you to change it into a more supermodel look or even expects you to deliver a pornstar/bimbo bot.

So yeah, those are some of my ideas. Anyways, im looking forward to more of this and im curios where you will take this game. (y)
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New Member
Aug 20, 2017
I'll be keeping an eye on this one, it's nice to see some effort being put into the UI and ascetic instead of the standard boxes in the middle of the screen approach you see elsewhere
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
I must say, i usually dont like trainer games that much, but this one is really good. Got my first bot from the scrapyard and fixed her up with other scrapped parts. Through the time and money i invested, i got kind of attached to her. So instead of selling, i trained her in mechanics since she got a Tech Smart trait and now shes basically my assistant.
Thank you! :love: Such situations is what i really want to happen when playing game!

More content will be added, for sure, underlaying framework is flexible and allow lots of things.

Planned to add scrapyard clashes when i get to combat related things, already on my todo list :D

Mitsutachi Corp. is more like instant-bad-end if you fail their demands. Wanted to add some racketeer goons events. You can either pay up some cash/give up bot or fight them off either by yourself or with help of your combat-skilled bots. But again, combat is on todo list, but not on top.
Other factions, including (semi-)hostile ones surely will be added.

Will be honest, not thought about finer specializations. Good idea, will keep "think about it" on todo list, thank you!

Bots appearance is something very difficult to change. Really depend on assets. If by some miracle some good 2d artist contact me i may actually do it. But as long as arts is real porn (pretty much impossible) or 3d renders (lots of work) it's simply unrealistic, sorry. Maybe will add better avatar system, to pick up layered image if asset pack allow it, or just use single image/movie if not, but it is really at very bottom of todo list.

Good ideas, thank you!
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4.60 star(s) 45 Votes