The potential of this games is pretty high, especially if you consider the possibility to add modded content too it. Right now several users are already trying out mod packs to add bot parts and even new bots to the game, and the developer has some neat idea's for the future.
Gameplay wise its a simple enough concept. You scavenge for a new/defective bot at either the flee-market or dump and then set to work scavenging the parts needed to repair those parts that are irreparably damaged. Mean while you do what you can to get it in has best a state for you to sell it with a nice profit, or keep it to boost some of your possible actions.
This gameplay loop may be simple, but that is also it's core strength, there are no complicated needs to track (like hunger, sleep, etc.) and while for now the amount of content is light, there is potential for a lot of improvements.
Lets face it, no mater how good a story you have, people always come for the visuals, the porn, the models and pictures. For now its still a bit bare-bones on that end, but there is a older pack of real porn assets out there that adds some gif's or pics to the actions. Personally i prefer the 3d models myself, simply because your not restricted to whatever porn scene your showing during a action, and cause it helps keep it all uniform when your having scenes with one and the same model. That said, it could lessen the work load to use real porn as a base for now, and work on adding 3d models back in later, or even have the option to choose between them(though that is more workload).
Story is rather simple in a good way. Your caught in a counter intelligence sting by your employer selling company secrets to a competitor. After a lovely time with a bunch of black site fixers you are mercifully saved by a mysterious benefactor who orders you to be released, relatively unharmed

, and told you have a debt to pay off. Your then released with most if not all your assets taken from you, including your house, and left to fend for your self. You eventualy set up a Chop Shop (the games synonymous Defective Sexbot Chop Shop) to repair and resell bots to earn enough money to pay of the debt.
The story is as i said simple it its setup, but has some nice plot hooks to be expanded and built on. While some may say plot is irrelevant in a game on this site, it does add a bit of more depth to the game, so its a good start for now.
It is still in its rough starting stages, but has great potential to grow into a great game. Some of its gameplay loops require some balancing, like how in some cases it can be easy to clear the debt in a relative short time frame. Some RNG elements regarding chances of finding parts are also needing a few tweaks depending on both difficulty setting and just overall. Content wise it will grow if the current mods being made are any indications, and the fact it is so accessible to being modded by the player is a great plus.
So i wish the Developer good luck and hope to see this grow into a great game.