4.60 star(s) 45 Votes


New Member
Mar 18, 2019
There is an option already to handle that broadly, though Radnor did say he was considering alternative ways to deal with it on a by-part/by-part-type basis (or similar). Open the Workshop, then bottom left is a button to toggle Do-Not-Sell On/Off, just switch it on and you will prevent all your shopkeepers from selling anything on their own.
Oh wow, I somehow missed this. Yea this handles the issue.


New Member
Mar 18, 2019
In the current game, I just train my shop bots until I have all of the good traits (immediately hacking out the bad ones). Once they have all the good traits, it does not matter if they are totally pycho because there is no downside at this point. Perhaps that will be an issue after future updates, but for now, it is not a problem for me.
Bonus: since I have to keep removing things like 'tech dumb' over and over, I gain a good amount of experience in computers and it gets much faster removing traits in the mid and late game.
Yea I somewhat have given up and done the same. Just the perfectionist in me who likes to see all greens makes me want to go and keep them as close to stable as I can. But yea, if later there are consequences to this action it would be a real issue. If at some point there is, then there definitely will need to be some balancing.


New Member
Mar 18, 2019
Sorry, missed your post.
Here is part of code for listing applicable request variants:
                if "minimal_integrity" in request:
                  if bot.chassis.integrity<int(request["minimal_integrity"]):
It should accept bot with 80 integrity if minimal_integrity is 80. Same as it works with minimal_integrity = 100, otherwise no bots would be accepted as you can't go over 100.
Maybe something else is there, like minor defect? Just in case, flavor defects, like freckles from some mods are still considered defect and if there is no defects_allowed=True then it will be blocked from being listed.

Likely transitions, somewhat intended, you can make it faster or disable completely. Open Settings->System->Transition Speed/In-game transitions.
Also it is pretty much first option if game hangs/lag on android/web.

Thank you!

I surely can see how game can become too clicky, but i guess some clicking is expected for this kind of game. Don't think schedule will work here. My approach to handle this issue would be adding more passive ways to deal with most problems. Like adding capsule upgrades to stabilize psychocore or improving techie-related roles to slowly auto-repair bots at end of time period and so on.

For Dump Site i have some random events planned where local scum will try to shake you down for what you have found there. As of 0.3.1 game keeps things you found in internal list and later on it will use it to take your things if you decide to back away from hostiles. List is cleared/things considered "delivered to home" once you leave Dump Site.
So auto-sell option would kinda kill whole idea. With bulk sales and shopkeepers unwanted parts probably should be too annoying. Also talking about shopkeepers, they sell parts for bit more than you, so if you want more passive income it make sense to keep all the junk you have for shopkeepers to sell.

More roles are planned, from bodyguard to robo-maid :D I will rework do-not-sell mechanics a bit, making it part-type, not part specific, so once you toggle do-not-sell for v4 CPU, shopkeepers will not touch any of these. Also it will allow to return parts stacking back, as having huge list is really annoying and i doubt there is much use for "don't sell this v4 CPU, but can sell these 3 of v4". Also likely will make global do-not-sell into proper screen with settings, based on rates, defects etc.

Right now low psychocore stability does pretty much nothing bad, as long as you unlocked good traits, that is. In future i will add passive ways to maintain stability, to avoid high maintenance issue. Probably as capsule upgrade or indeed as another bot role.

Player social skill is supposed to be slow to train. It is somewhat innate ability, you can train it, but you can't go from shut-in nerd to playboy overnight. I may change it in future, but generally i don't want it to improve too fast.

It is possible to add male bots already with mods, just specific "gender": "male". Later on may add support for moddable genders too, with custom pronounces and some logic flags. As for vanilla version, i don't think i can do any good gay content and there is not plans for female mc in near future (though code can handle it, so eventually i may add it), so your best option would be mods if you interested.
MC more in-depth creation/editor is something planned, but no hard ETA for now, sorry.
Yes, companion flag is planned, likely will be single bot to go with you when leaving home, providing some bonuses and helping with events.
More roles are planned, see my signature if you want bigger/faster update :D

No, sorry, have limited time, so have to set priorities. As there are already many mods to choose from i focus on things modders can't do. Eventually i will add more bot models to vanilla version too.

Thanks again for the reply. I understand how a scheduler might be a bit much. Since that is off the table, a few ideas I had to streamline the interface.

  • From the individual locations in the district (like Dump site) the options to go back to the district or home exists, is there any reason why the club and flea market could not be included as well? I am going to assume your using the same code to generate that menu no matter where you go so it might create a little more overhead on your part to either have it populated dynamically or create different functions for each. Though you could probably store the options in a dictionary with the key being the location you navigate to then auto generate those options off the dictionary.
  • From the bot interact menu could an option to fix and stabilize the bot be put here? I figure the fix option would work like the one in the workshop only limited to a single bot.
  • Again in the bot interaction menu would it be possible to add a "repeat last training" option. This along with the above option should allow someone to quickly train and repair their bots without having to navigate into other menus.
I look forward to the passive upgrades and how they balance with the rest of the game.

As to the social role, I understand it is suppose to be slow, however, as far as I can tell the only way to train it is randomly and in very small amounts at the club. I am alright with the small amounts, I was just hoping that some exp could be gotten by training your bots and working in the store (like your bots do).

Thanks again for the response, I will save any other ideas I have for your next update!


Aug 16, 2020
Here's my take on a mod.

Mega link

It includes only 11 additionnal sexbots (no parts), from D rank to S rank.
I used only 3D animations (no real porn), and mostly tried to match the rank with how "human-like" the woman was. The mod is quite heavy, since I used multiple videos for each bot, to ensure some diversity while playing. If you prefer a lighter version, the number of videos in each folder can easily be cut down.

Note that there are 2 S-rank models, but they are RARE. Like, even if you save-scavenge-load cheat, it may be hard to get them (there's one model I have yet to see in my playtest). So hopefully you'll get lucky ^^

Bots are (not by rank order):
- Kara (Detroit Become Human)
- D.Va (Overwatch)
- Mercy (Overwatch)
- Nyotengu (DOA)
- Marie-rose (DOA)
- Lunafreya (FF15)
- Tifa (FF7)
- Aerith (FF7)
- 2B (Nier Automata)
why would you make them this rare? its a porn game lol


New Member
Jun 8, 2017
Hey everyone, just wanted to say to checkout channel if you need help and additionnal mods, thanks. Have a nice day ;).


Oct 19, 2018
For 0.3.x i added universal xp_mult parameter, allowing model, parts and part defects to affect gained xp. Can affect every skills same or specific skills differently.
What is the spelling to make the xp multiplier only affect a specific skill? Is it a "sex_xp_mult", or a "xp_mult_sex" (or social, combat, ...), or is it something else entirely?


Nov 6, 2017
What is the spelling to make the xp multiplier only affect a specific skill? Is it a "sex_xp_mult", or a "xp_mult_sex" (or social, combat, ...), or is it something else entirely?
"xp_mult": {
    "bot_combat": 1.0,
    "bot_mechanics": 1.0,
    "bot_electronics": 1.0,
    "bot_sex": 1.0,
    "bot_social": 1.0,
I think.

At least the cut data connector in 0.3.0 was this:
"xp_mult": {
    "bot_electronics": 3.0,
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Aug 16, 2016
Made a couple more mods. The programming is still kind of hard so I'm glad I can at least steal take inspiration from other people's work.

Blossom (from Battlerite)

Liara T'Soni


Comments are welcome.
  • Like
Reactions: Harabec


Nov 11, 2019
Made a couple more mods. The programming is still kind of hard so I'm glad I can at least steal take inspiration from other people's work.

Blossom (from Battlerite)

Liara T'Soni


Comments are welcome.
The Liara one is great, although a warning about sound would of been good heheh


Aug 24, 2021
Likely transitions, somewhat intended, you can make it faster or disable completely. Open Settings->System->Transition Speed/In-game transitions.
Also it is pretty much first option if game hangs/lag on android/web.
I feel pretty foolish not even considering the transition setting. I use it semi frequently in other games too.
Apr 3, 2019
Made a couple more mods. The programming is still kind of hard so I'm glad I can at least steal take inspiration from other people's work.
We've all gotta start somewhere and it's good to have a place where we can help one another when we're having issues. Hell if it hadn't have been for others work I don't think that I would have even thought about making my own mods.
Apr 3, 2019
Ok I've been doing more work on my Viper Girls mod over the last couple of days and version 0.02 is ready. This version adds 4 more bots (8 in total now) 1C, 1B, 1A, 1E, as well as additional parts, now all qualities are represented.

Viper Girls 0.02


Edit 1: I forgot to include screenshots of the bot models, so here they are

Edit 2: Added Mega link:

Viper Girls 0.02 Mega

Edit 3: Updated mod to version 0.03 available here: https://thef95zone.info/threads/defective-sexbot-chop-shop-v0-3-1-radnor.104343/post-7567617
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Game Developer
Nov 9, 2021
hey Rad, here's a thought- Keeping true to Roles and a bigger house/ shop in the future, would it be possible to designate a bot to run their own shop or bay?
-Bot meets role requirements of "mechanic", assign bot to role, assign mechanic to 'alcove'. Then mc can send 1-3 broken bots to "mechanic" shop and they would be repaired after so much time passes.. (consuming mc parts inventory)
same concept for "trainer" role... assign S rank combat bot to "trainer" role, assign combat trainer to 'alcove', and designated bots can be trained in combat after time.
maybe first house has 1 alcove, but bigger houses/ garages could have more alcoves..
Just pitching ideas. You always sound like you've got a good image already in mind, so maybe you've already got this covered.
While i have game image in mind, it is not rock solid, so if suggestions are interesting and not clashing with other parts of game i may change my mind.
As for roles/bigger house, something similar is planned, bit more passive than your idea, but actual implementation may be different.
One more thing about it is a balance. Basically i want two distinct ways of doing things, either manually with full efficiency/precision or automatically/passively with much less attention needed, but lower efficiency. Think "Tinker random bot" thing, you can either repair specific bot/part manually or you can leave it to random. Automation shouldn't be perfect solution, also it shouldn't involve extra clicking.
So, while passive repairs will happen some day, i doubt it will add extra "workshop area where bots repair other bots".
Then again, i may change my mind when i get to it :D

Ok, I finally got around to seriously playing this, and only the online version, and I understand it's not the full experience graphics wise. Previously I had tried an earlier version, and from what I remember, some improvements have already been made. I've seen that additional areas, bots, parts, and tasks are planned. I only have three suggestions right now. The first is adding the ability to restrict auto sales by level and type. I'd like to be able to save certain grades of equipment for bot's I'm repairing. The second is probably already planned since combat skill is present, and that is gladiatorial ring. and third is the ability to pimp out your bots. Maybe all of these are planned, but I thought I'd mention them.
Auto sales, both bulk and shopkeeper will change a bit later on, allowing bit more precision. Don't like how it is currently implemented, either too much clicking or selling things i don't want to be sold.
Some way of arena is asked by many people. Personally, i have no strong feelings about it, so it may happen, but no ETA.
As for pimping, i doubt i will add it directly, but when i add missions system it may be possible to add it in game with mods, similar to how BBS offers work now.

Thanks again for the reply. I understand how a scheduler might be a bit much. Since that is off the table, a few ideas I had to streamline the interface.

  • From the individual locations in the district (like Dump site) the options to go back to the district or home exists, is there any reason why the club and flea market could not be included as well? I am going to assume your using the same code to generate that menu no matter where you go so it might create a little more overhead on your part to either have it populated dynamically or create different functions for each. Though you could probably store the options in a dictionary with the key being the location you navigate to then auto generate those options off the dictionary.
  • From the bot interact menu could an option to fix and stabilize the bot be put here? I figure the fix option would work like the one in the workshop only limited to a single bot.
  • Again in the bot interaction menu would it be possible to add a "repeat last training" option. This along with the above option should allow someone to quickly train and repair their bots without having to navigate into other menus.
I look forward to the passive upgrades and how they balance with the rest of the game.

As to the social role, I understand it is suppose to be slow, however, as far as I can tell the only way to train it is randomly and in very small amounts at the club. I am alright with the small amounts, I was just hoping that some exp could be gotten by training your bots and working in the store (like your bots do).

Thanks again for the response, I will save any other ideas I have for your next update!
Yes, reason is "i am lazy" :D It is not shared block, rather very similar code copy-paste. This allows for different actions, but may indeed be little bit inconsistent sometimes. Plus it may be justified by game logic, like you can leave in middle of this interaction, but not that one. Eventually it will be made more consistent, i hope.

Don't want to add extra buttons to bot interactions, if you want to fix this specific bot you have to go full tinker/hack way.
Same about "repeat whatever i just did" buttons, extra button, plus i feel it will effectively leads to "press x to win", killing important part of game, which is time/resource management, grinding and minimaxing :D Basically game should be somewhat annoying at some parts and surprise you with good stuff at other parts, creating negative-positive loop. So when you do random thing and RNG give you what you want exactly when you actually need it to survive it feel much better than just average play. It's not set in stone, i may change it, but i personally think it actually adds to game fun.

Balance is really something i should revisit, at the moment vanilla content is just there to provide something for existing systems, relaying on mods to provide more.

Eventually i will add more ways to train MC social, maybe not from training, but from different social-related activities. XP rewards will be small, but it will add up from all little things you do, like talking with merchants or chatting on grey net or dealing with factions etc. Basically it will be more on the passive training way than repair/combat/sex skills you can train more or less directly. Again, this is just how i see it now, when i implement it, it may be different.

What is the spelling to make the xp multiplier only affect a specific skill? Is it a "sex_xp_mult", or a "xp_mult_sex" (or social, combat, ...), or is it something else entirely?
Also if skill is not listed in xp_mult dict game will assume mult being 1.0 for this skill. If you want to lower/disable skill you need to explicitly use "skill_id": 0.25 or 0.

Are there plans to allow you to buy the Brothel or start your own?
I feel it would work best as separate game, sharing some of content from this one. So, at this moment i have no such plans, but i may change my mind in future if/when game is more developed.


Nov 7, 2017
Tried a normal difficulty (vanilla) game yesterday with the following rules:
-May only sell bots to the flea market.
-May only have 2 personal bots.
-The grey web can only be for buying CPUs.
By around day 125, I have paid about 1/3 of the debt and have about 1/4 million (another 1/3). In order to achieve this I worked in the shop 3 times a day except when adding capsules. All training, repairs, hacking, and scavenging was limited to 2 time parts during work hours and 5 at night.
Edit: debt paid off day 176.

I'm not sure I could succeed with these rules on a higher difficulty, but I feel that this is a good indication of the current game balance, but 4 personal bots might be enough to make that possible.
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Nov 7, 2017
Suggestion for the repair bot mission:
Sometimes those bots have 4-5 irreparable parts at 0% functionality and still only offer 1000$. This could be improved if it was 1000$ per each 0% part. It would also help if there was a higher baseline price on higher level parts because replacing a single part that is worth more than 1000$ in market value isn't going to happen at my shop. A 100% Quad X is worth 500$ by itself retail.

edit: Just saw my worst bot for this quest: an AGMX-9 with all parts at 0% except the vocoder which was at 1%.
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4.60 star(s) 45 Votes