Here's the V2 of my mod, edited for version 0.3.1 of the game.
In order for the mod to work, you will need 3 files:
- First, the mod now
REQUIRES to also use
Mr_Shaky's part filler mod/ShakyMod_Parts, which you can find here (click on Spoiler:Mods, and download from the Mega link):
- Second, the zip file for this mod assets (DSCS Assets, which can be downloaded from this
Mega link
- Third, the JSON file for this mod, "Daedalron_bots.JSON" (download it from the file attached in this post)
I have kept the JSON file excluded from the archive so that it is easier to tweak and replace for later updates (hopefully you'll just need to downloaded the new JSON).
The mod includes only 28 additionnal sexbots (7 D-rank, 6 C-rank, 6 B-rank, 6 A-rank, 3 S-rank), with 25 different looks (3 models are variants with different parts/psychocore, but with the same look). The mod also includes some parts for new slots (vaginas, ears, horns, tails, wings).
I used only 3D animations (no real porn), and mostly tried to match the rank with how "human-like" the woman was. The mod is quite heavy, since I used multiple videos for each bot, to ensure some diversity while playing. If you prefer a lighter version, the number of videos in each folder can easily be cut down.
How to use it?
Bots are (not by rank order):
- Kara (Detroit Become Human)
- D.Va (Overwatch)
- Mercy (Overwatch)
- Widowmaker (Overwatch)
- Jinx (League of legends)
- Linkle (Legend of Zelda)
- Nyotengu (DOA)
- Marie-rose (DOA)
- Kanna (DOA)
- Mai Shiranui (King of fighters)
- Tifa (FF7)
- Jessie (FF7)
- Aerith (FF7)
- Yshtola (FF14)
- Lunafreya (FF15)
- Iris (FF15)
- 2B (Nier Automata)
- Max (Life is strange)
- Chloe (Life is strange)
- Brooke (Life is strange)
- Rachel (Life is strange)
- Succubus
Special thanks to
Squib2187 for the Med-Tech arms.