I'm glad you found your way here and that you're enjoying the game, thanks!
Yes, I've thought about starting my own forum thread but as you can see I haven't got past the thinking stage.

This is my first experience writing a game and without Radnor's generosity sharing his code I wouldn't be able to do it. Radnor has encouraged me to strike out on my own a couple of times but hasn't pushed me out for which I'm grateful.
I'm intimidated by the idea of my own thread. Most game threads have to deal with people preaching their agenda (NTR or NO NTR is a big one), the graphics are lame, the developer is too slow, why doesn't he or she do this or that, etc. The people who look here are fans of Radnor's game, everyone is polite, and there's no complaining or agendas.
I plan to create a thread "some day" but I don't know when that will be. When I branch out I'd like the game to have a little more differentiation from DSCS. Up to now there really isn't much about game play that's different. When I decide to branch out Radnor will always be prominent in the credits since SR24 is mostly his code.
Of course if Radnor gets tired of me hanging around on his thread that would force the issue!