Frank Rosario

Engaged Member
Jan 1, 2018
Update 21/02/2021

Here is the Italian translation of "Defending Lydia Collier" version "0.9".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".
The translation is provided in two formats: .exe (self-extracting) and .zip. It is not necessary to use both.

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Defending Lydia Collier" versione "0.9".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".
La traduzione viene fornita in due formati: .exe (autoestraente) e .zip. Non e' necessario utilizzarle entrambe.


Update 10/10/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Defending Lydia Collier" version "0.8.1".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Defending Lydia Collier" versione "0.8.1".
Questa traduzione "non e' ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Update 29/07/2020

Here is the Italian translation of "Defending Lydia Collier" version "0.06".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Defending Lydia Collier" versione "0.06".
Questa traduzione "non e' ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".


Here is the Italian translation of "Defending Lydia Collier" version "0.05.31".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
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Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Defending Lydia Collier" versione "0.05.31".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".

Il link è:
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E se questa traduzione vi piace, non dimenticate di mettere un Like, sempre ben accetto!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I have just tried this game and had to stop playing for the moment.
Its not that its a bad game In fact looks like it could be a very good one.
Its not the Typo's and incorrect sentances them i can live with.
what has stoped me playing for the moment is errors and my own tiredness.
It may just be my game I dont know but i'm getting errors nearly every second scene on the Yennifer investigation when you go to question her it's an error screen you need to ignore to carry one and also the image of the woman talking is not Yennifer but Yanna.
then after the questioning it seems ok untill you get taken on the DCI Cavendish date to the restraunt where Yanna works then two more errors all involving Yanna in some way.
I'm not complaing just reporting it just incase its not just me and i will retry playing again later but I thought I should mention it atleast

Just Sayin.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
I have just tried this game and had to stop playing for the moment.
Its not that its a bad game In fact looks like it could be a very good one.
Its not the Typo's and incorrect sentances them i can live with.
what has stoped me playing for the moment is errors and my own tiredness.
It may just be my game I dont know but i'm getting errors nearly every second scene on the Yennifer investigation when you go to question her it's an error screen you need to ignore to carry one and also the image of the woman talking is not Yennifer but Yanna.
then after the questioning it seems ok untill you get taken on the DCI Cavendish date to the restraunt where Yanna works then two more errors all involving Yanna in some way.
I'm not complaing just reporting it just incase its not just me and i will retry playing again later but I thought I should mention it atleast

Just Sayin.
See bug fix
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Been messing with the script a very little.
I not the best when it comes to writing English even though its my first and only langue
but would like a second apinion should I carry on and Edit the rest or leave it as is.
If I did carry on would it be of interest to other's once done or would the DEV mind and rather I didn't
I would of corse try to keep it as close to whats already there and not try to mess with the story.
Here's an example.
p "Ah another Monday morning"
P "And this will be Ellie's first ever payday"
P "I can barely remember my very first payslip"
P "Must have been about fifteen years ago"
P "And it went straight to my Mum and Dad for rent"
P "They where so proud of me"
P "Maybe I should give Ellie a little bonus just in case she's in the same scenario"
P "I can certainly afford it and she's been a perfect employee since she started"
P "Never late, extremely polite and good at what she does"
P "If only all my old assistants had been the same"
(you Give her a bonus)
P "This £100 will should let her buy something nice for herself"
P "I quite fancy a cuppa"
P "I expect she'll be here any moment-"
E "Good Morning Mr Oakwood!"
E "What do you think you are you doing!?"
E "That's my job"
E "I don't want you deciding you could replace me to easily"
E "Just go and sit down, I'll bring you one over"
p "I can make a cup of tea you know Ellie"
E "I don't doubt that for a second"
E "Now just sit down and let me do it"
p "Whatever you say Ellie"
p "Any way Ellie, how was your weekend?"
E "It was really good actually!"
E "We went to Thorpe Park with my little sister"
E "I got absolutely soaked on the wave ride but it was still great fun"
E "How was yours Mr Oakwood?"
p "Mine was so so, you don't get up to much when your my age"
E "'Your age', Oh stop it"
E "Your not even 40 and already talking like you're one day off retirement"
E "I'll start going grey just listening to you"
E "I will probably be needing a wig by Christmas just to cover up the gray hairs"
p "Haha, well it is payday so at least you will be able to afford one"
E "Oh has it been a month already?"
p "indeed it has"
E "Here's your tea Mr Oakwood"
p "Thank you Ellie"
p "And here is your payslip"
E "Wow my first one ever"
E "Mr Oakwood do I need to take this to the bank?"
p "Haha, no, thats just a print out saying what you have eared, I've already transferred the your money to your account"
p "Have a look at it, And let me know if there's anything that you don't understand"
p "Oh by the way I put a little bonus in there for you too"
p "You've had a really impressive first month and you deserve it"
p "The taxes and etcetera are all sorted"
p "Just don't spend it all at once"
E "Haha I won't"
some of it is actualy just thoughts but I put P just so you know its the PLayer.
its only the first few minutes of the game.
hope it makes sence to you all so please let me know what you think.
please for the love of god if you don't like it and think its a stupid Idea.
keep the rude comment's to a minimum
thank you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
Been messing with the script a very little.
I not the best when it comes to writing English even though its my first and only langue
but would like a second apinion should I carry on and Edit the rest or leave it as is.
If I did carry on would it be of interest to other's once done or would the DEV mind and rather I didn't
I would of corse try to keep it as close to whats already there and not try to mess with the story.
Here's an example.
p "Ah another Monday morning"
P "And this will be Ellie's first ever payday"
P "I can barely remember my very first payslip"
P "Must have been about fifteen years ago"
P "And it went straight to my Mum and Dad for rent"
P "They where so proud of me"
P "Maybe I should give Ellie a little bonus just in case she's in the same scenario"
P "I can certainly afford it and she's been a perfect employee since she started"
P "Never late, extremely polite and good at what she does"
P "If only all my old assistants had been the same"
(you Give her a bonus)
P "This £100 will should let her buy something nice for herself"
P "I quite fancy a cuppa"
P "I expect she'll be here any moment-"
E "Good Morning Mr Oakwood!"
E "What do you think you are you doing!?"
E "That's my job"
E "I don't want you deciding you could replace me to easily"
E "Just go and sit down, I'll bring you one over"
p "I can make a cup of tea you know Ellie"
E "I don't doubt that for a second"
E "Now just sit down and let me do it"
p "Whatever you say Ellie"
p "Any way Ellie, how was your weekend?"
E "It was really good actually!"
E "We went to Thorpe Park with my little sister"
E "I got absolutely soaked on the wave ride but it was still great fun"
E "How was yours Mr Oakwood?"
p "Mine was so so, you don't get up to much when your my age"
E "'Your age', Oh stop it"
E "Your not even 40 and already talking like you're one day off retirement"
E "I'll start going grey just listening to you"
E "I will probably be needing a wig by Christmas just to cover up the gray hairs"
p "Haha, well it is payday so at least you will be able to afford one"
E "Oh has it been a month already?"
p "indeed it has"
E "Here's your tea Mr Oakwood"
p "Thank you Ellie"
p "And here is your payslip"
E "Wow my first one ever"
E "Mr Oakwood do I need to take this to the bank?"
p "Haha, no, thats just a print out saying what you have eared, I've already transferred the your money to your account"
p "Have a look at it, And let me know if there's anything that you don't understand"
p "Oh by the way I put a little bonus in there for you too"
p "You've had a really impressive first month and you deserve it"
p "The taxes and etcetera are all sorted"
p "Just don't spend it all at once"
E "Haha I won't"
some of it is actualy just thoughts but I put P just so you know its the PLayer.
its only the first few minutes of the game.
hope it makes sence to you all so please let me know what you think.
please for the love of god if you don't like it and think its a stupid Idea.
keep the rude comment's to a minimum
thank you.
Could be a fun addition to use on a replay or playing different routes. From my memory it all sounds similar to the original text anyway, so give it a go


Jun 17, 2017
This has probably been mentioned before, and I know nothing about British law, butttt...

Didn't the MC going through the garage and car, contaminating everything, invalidate anything he finds as evidence? Shouldn't he have called the cops as soon as he saw the missing car (especially since there were obvious bullet holes in it)?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
don't forget he didn't even call them with a tip them off to the cars whereabouts.
while I'm here still like the game btw but and I will check I didn't miss anything thing is didn't part of the story say Lydia's little sister had a boyfriend but then later refer to him as Fleur's husband? which is it?

Just Sayin.


Engaged Member
Jan 20, 2020
whoever packaged the rar zip file for workupload needs to remove the log files.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019

I hope you all enjoyed the update of Shadows over Manston.
I certainly found it interesting creating that update and it was nice to revisit the characters that I had created for it. It is likely there will be another update coming at some point in the next couple of months, however the upcoming update and the one after will definitely be Defending Lydia Collier as originally planned.

Progress so far for July:
Created and published $10 Poll Renders (Fiancee & Ellie, and Vanessa & Penelope)
Released a minor bug fix for v.2 of The Manifest: Shadows over Manston
Created and edited 135 renders for the next update of Defending Lydia Collier

What to expect this month:
Roughly 300 render long update for Defending Lydia Collier to conclude Sunday in the game's timeline, this update will continue the story and focus primarily on Stephanie, Vanessa and Jenna
So far I have completed 135 of these renders as previously mentioned, so I am roughly half way, however I will put up and exact release date when I am down to the last 20-30 renders so I am sure not to miss it.

Thank you for all the continued support, and please do let me know any feedback!

White Phantom


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019


Just another update into how the development of the next update is going.

Currently I have completed 264 Renders for the next update, and given where I am in the day I expect to have about another 40 renders per character completed, meaning the total number of renders for the next update will be around the 400 mark.
Going by the current progress, the next update should be out in about a week or so, however I will post a more accurate date when I am down to the last 10-20 renders.

Thanks for all the continued support and thank you to anybody who has left feedback, errors or bugs they have found. I've made over 100 minor changes to spelling and grammar for the next update and a lot of this is due to player-feedback, so thank you!



Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2019


Apologies I forgot to post a more accurate release date, but here is the v.06 release of Defending Lydia Collier.

Windows - Mac - Linux

Change log for v.06:

Over 100 spelling and grammar changes from v.01 to v.06
A complete new day in the story, with 379 new renders added

I hope you enjoy this update and please let me know any feedback, good or bad and if you encounter any errors so I can fix them. You can do this either here with a comment or at

A huge thanks to everybody supporting the game and everybody that has given me feedback to help me improve the game.

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Engaged Member
Jun 4, 2020
this game sounds rather interesting gonna give it a try i just hope its a long game and not one of these 5 to 10mins games LOL
been through far to many of those lately


beware, the germans are cumming
Respected User
Jan 27, 2017
here is my unofficial android port of Defending Lydia Collier v0.6.1.
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from now on my android ports of Ren'Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage, because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.

have fun and please report problems (you can reach me ).
updated: 31.07.2020
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4.50 star(s) 154 Votes