
Feb 20, 2021
games like stalker balance this by giving dropped guns low condition
And this game balances it with you not picking them up.
And do not even start the whole "Other games did this and that better by doing X and Y" argument. Just because other game Devs did something in one way does not mean that everyone has to do it like them. The Delta Zone Dev has his reasons for Developing the game the way he thinks is best, prioritizing/ choosing the things he adds to the game as it advances through the Development process.


Apr 21, 2020
How about: You can not pick up enemy weapons because it would make the game to easy.
I undersand the reason being is difficulty. But I also understand that it makes no sense that a player can't pick up weapons that are just there. So I assume the dev will come up with some kind of excuse for it at some point.
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Feb 20, 2021
I undersand the reason being is difficulty. But I also understand that it makes no sense that a player can't pick up weapons that are just there. So I assume the dev will come up with some kind of excuse for it at some point.
Alright, just so we can put this one to bed I spend some time digging through my mighty library of knowledge.

The Dev once mentioned that picking up guns will be a thing in future.
BUT (and its a Thicc Butt) they would get damaged, from getting dropped on the ground and the previous owner falling on top of it and stuff, so people will not be able to just get a fully build Corpo gun in perfect condition in 2 minutes for starting a raid.

There was nothing more said about it, since it was not a main concern at that time when he was asked 2 months ago. And my guess is that it will not become a priority for quiet some time because he is working on some big stuff (again).


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I wish there were more guns though. And dogs, considering we can constantly hear them. Dogs are more challenging and dangerous enemies than scavs.

Yea I hope I can walk amount Cyberpunk citizen. There also night life coming up from desc soo I guess basic dancing as striper or something VIP dancing
Yeah, I've been trying to find a way to get into the night club on Swamp and there is no way (though not sure I want to go there considering it's full of aliens or mutants or monsters).


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
I undersand the reason being is difficulty. But I also understand that it makes no sense that a player can't pick up weapons that are just there. So I assume the dev will come up with some kind of excuse for it at some point.
I really think that the whole limited item drops thing is immersion breaking and just plain unnecessary. In most survival games, you can take every single piece of equipment when you loot, such as Fallout or Elder Scrolls. There is no reason for the item drops to be limited because like 3m2x908x3m said, it can be balanced.

I expect such changes in a few months, if not years. This game is still pretty fresh so there's no real telling what kind of direction it'll head into.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I've been playing the game for the last 2 days trying to upgrade my stuff and progressing to hardcore difficulty and I came up with a wishlist, I guess, of stuff I'd like to see added or changed. The game has enough replayability to implement these, especially the ones dealing with combat.

1. Combat:
- enemies not always having fully upgraded guns cause it's annoying I have to have a crap gun and they have good ones
- melee combat or at least a knife so we're not defenceless once mana runs out (bayonett is a standard part of soldiers' kit)
- ability to store entire gun instead of having to take it apart
- sneakier tentacles - instead of popping up far away and being easily killed they should pop behind us and take us by surprise
- random tentacle numbers per puddle so you wouldn't know how many are there instead of knowing exactly how many you need to kill like we do right now
- tentacles not advertising their presence when you get close to a puddle, instead waiting in ambush
- combat dogs as new enemies for a faster opponent that, unlike tentacles, can move around
- randomized number of enemies per area of map
- having to unlock extraction points like in EFT - turning switches or wheels, etc. instead of just running from one side to the other
- nightvision goggles
- tougher tentacles - should take more than 1 shot to kill
- tips on what each cyberpower does (I have no clue except for sparks and I'm not will to waste mana or risk cyberpsychosis to test)
- combat helmets
- more maps
- tbqh, I think the tentacles are too weak and kinda disappointing. Think they should be the most dangerous enemy, if only to offset they're basically static (limited to their puddles) and can't rob you or even do damage. The only thing they do is rape and annoy
- tentacles should be harder to kill, faster and sneakier - hiding until they strike. Also, personally I think the struggle mechanic for them should be reworked to have the "pushing eggs out" health-dropping mechanic. The longer you take to either free yourself or to be raped the more health you lose from being constricted or suffocated. Especially since they don't really do any damage attacks to the player. Their static-ness and harmlessness needs to be offset and there are already systems in place to do it, just need to be implemented

2. Immersion:
- water being shallower than having to walk under water
- more money for traders
- primary needs (hunger, thirst, sleep)
- possibility to sleep in hideout and recover health and stamina (I guess in exchange for something)
- actually getting info when clicking on "?" in options
- some kind of a documentation to come with game explaining stuff in better detail, like a pdf file

3. Sex:
- if there are more enemies around you when you get raped, they should take turns
- mental effects from rape (either same as psychosis or stuff like shaking hands, slowness, blurred vision, crying sounds, no crouching after a lot of sex for like a minute, walking slowly, etc.), gets worse the more you get raped (can buy and eat pills to help fight these effects)
- bigger belly from inflation and pregnancy (the maximum right now is too small imho)
- more severe bukkake vision effects
- pregnancy effects (horniness - blurred and red vision effect, automatic random surrender to enemies for sex, jackets and shirt don't fit anymore cause of bigger tits - like with skirts; panties don't fit anymore)
- horniness as a mechanic?
- only one robbery per sex (during one rape on hardcore mode I was literally robbed of absolutely everything I had and then killed)
- possibility of random length of sex stage (I like not knowing what will happen)
- lactation/milk dripping
- possibility to turn off robbing
- automatic 1st person view after sex (so when you chase a robber you don't waste time switching to gun)
- more logic or explanation by how you get raped by humans (right now it seems disorientation is enough to start)
- no visual change to Ivy (she's sexy af as she is right now)
- more of a joke: death from too much cum inflation
- tentacles that hatched in you should maybe eventually kill you? would give a reason and incentive to try to prevent pregnancy and to push the eggs out before they hatch. there should be an element of danger to having something like that in your body

This is by all means not a complete list (I'm sure ideas will pop up as I continue to play), but I think it would help a lot, plus some of these would not be that difficult to implement, especially the combat suggestions.

I really like the game, I think the combat and maps give it replayability and I was very pleasantly surprised when I found out if you try to squeeze out eggs you lose health - that was a nice mechanic and would welcome seeing more of that sort. I also really really like the clothes ripping mechanic, one of my kinks for games, but sadly almost in no game to be found.
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Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
I really think that the whole limited item drops thing is immersion breaking and just plain unnecessary. In most survival games, you can take every single piece of equipment when you loot, such as Fallout or Elder Scrolls. There is no reason for the item drops to be limited because like 3m2x908x3m said, it can be balanced.
I'm guessing that part is taken from Tarkov as well, since there you have a limited size of backpacks and cache. But at least in Tarkov you can pick up enemy guns, so that contradiction throws me off.


Jan 21, 2023
Bro i love this game so much so here are the things i agree on with
The ones i didn't respond to i either don't agree or doesn't matter to me

- melee combat or at least a knife so we're not defenceless once mana runs out
This could work, with a little line of sight check and stealth mechanics so you can go zero to hero lik Tarkov
- sneakier tentacles - instead of popping up far away and being easily killed they should pop behind us and take us by surprise
This could be nice but there still should be a little moment to react
- random tentacle numbers per puddle so you wouldn't know how many are there instead of knowing exactly how many you need to kill like we do right now
- tentacles not advertising their presence when you get close to a puddle, instead waiting in ambush
Sure but you still know they'r there
- combat dogs as new enemies for a faster opponent that, unlike tentacles, can move around
More enemy types are always welcome
- randomized number of enemies per area of map
Isn't this a thing ? I mean the locations are a bit randomized but don't know about the count
- having to unlock extraction points like in EFT - turning switches or wheels, etc. instead of just running from one side to the other
This would be EXTREMELY nice and add quite a bit more replayability
- tougher tentacles - should take more than 1 shot to kill
- more maps
This has to be planned like two maps are not gonna cut it, at one point in the future they might even connect the maps and add some hideouts once per map or smt. But for now it's fine this game has a long way to go and a lot of potential i just hope it doesn't die like the rest of the nsfw games.
- primary needs (hunger, thirst, sleep)
Maybe if there's gonna be a big ass map this could work real well
- possibility to sleep in hideout and recover health and stamina (I guess in exchange for something)
As i said maybe if the maps are connected and there are hideouts but idk
- if there are more enemies around you when you get raped, they should take turns
I didn't explore sex mechanics a lot, i've been playing this game mostly for it's extremely well made combat. Afa i can tell this could break the mechanic of sperm count and pregnancy chance since the more cum in you the more chance you have
- mental effects from rape (either same as psychosis or stuff like shaking hands, slowness, blurred vision, crying sounds, no crouching after a lot of sex for like a minute, walking slowly, etc.), gets worse the more you get raped (can buy and eat pills to help fight these effects)
Perhaps, as i said idk about the sex mechanics a lot, would have to try it to know if it'll be good in game
- more severe bukkake vision effects
- possibility of random length of sex stage (I like not knowing what will happen)
- lactation/milk dripping
Why not
- no visual change to Ivy (she's sexy af as she is right now)
Idk man some changes that are revertable could be nice, so you can choose if you want the changes or not

I hope this game develops nicely, and hope these comments people make are helpful


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
I've been playing the game for the last 2 days trying to upgrade my stuff and progressing to hardcore difficulty and I came up with a wishlist, I guess, of stuff I'd like to see added or changed. The game has enough replayability to implement these, especially the ones dealing with combat.

1. Combat:
- enemies not always having fully upgraded guns cause it's annoying I have to have a crap gun and they have good ones
- melee combat or at least a knife so we're not defenceless once mana runs out (bayonett is a standard part of soldiers' kit)
- ability to store entire gun instead of having to take it apart
- sneakier tentacles - instead of popping up far away and being easily killed they should pop behind us and take us by surprise
- random tentacle numbers per puddle so you wouldn't know how many are there instead of knowing exactly how many you need to kill like we do right now
- tentacles not advertising their presence when you get close to a puddle, instead waiting in ambush
- combat dogs as new enemies for a faster opponent that, unlike tentacles, can move around
- randomized number of enemies per area of map
- having to unlock extraction points like in EFT - turning switches or wheels, etc. instead of just running from one side to the other
- nightvision goggles
- tougher tentacles - should take more than 1 shot to kill
- tips on what each cyberpower does (I have no clue except for sparks and I'm not will to waste mana or risk cyberpsychosis to test)
- combat helmets
- more maps

2. Immersion:
- water being shallower than having to walk under water
- more money for traders
- primary needs (hunger, thirst, sleep)
- possibility to sleep in hideout and recover health and stamina (I guess in exchange for something)
- actually getting info when clicking on "?" in options
- some kind of a documentation to come with game explaining stuff in better detail, like a pdf file

3. Sex:
- if there are more enemies around you when you get raped, they should take turns
- mental effects from rape (either same as psychosis or stuff like shaking hands, slowness, blurred vision, crying sounds, no crouching after a lot of sex for like a minute, walking slowly, etc.), gets worse the more you get raped (can buy and eat pills to help fight these effects)
- bigger belly from inflation and pregnancy (the maximum right now is too small imho)
- more severe bukkake vision effects
- pregnancy effects (horniness - blurred and red vision effect, automatic random surrender to enemies for sex, jackets and shirt don't fit anymore cause of bigger tits - like with skirts; panties don't fit anymore)
- horniness as a mechanic?
- only one robbery per sex (during one rape on hardcore mode I was literally robbed of absolutely everything I had and then killed)
- possibility of random length of sex stage (I like not knowing what will happen)
- lactation/milk dripping
- possibility to turn off robbing
- automatic 1st person view after sex (so when you chase a robber you don't waste time switching to gun)
- more logic or explanation by how you get raped by humans (right now it seems disorientation is enough to start)
- no visual change to Ivy (she's sexy af as she is right now)
- more of a joke: death from too much cum inflation

This is by all means not a complete list (I'm sure ideas will pop up as I continue to play), but I think it would help a lot, plus some of these would not be that difficult to implement, especially the combat suggestions.

I really like the game, I think the combat and maps give it replayability and I was very pleasantly surprised when I found out if you try to squeeze out eggs you lose health - that was a nice mechanic and would welcome seeing more of that sort. I also really really like the clothes ripping mechanic, one of my kinks for games, but sadly almost in no game to be found.
I'd really like something closer to ODefeat/SL Defeat wherein there is a struggle mechanic. The whole premise of it is actually pretty balanced and I'd think the player should be able to rape the enemies as well for a change of pace.

Just one robbery kind of defeats the purpose of a hardcore game, but it does make sense because of unfair the game really is. You get stolen once and you

An EFT-esque looting/inventory system would be better, allowing multiple weapon storage, balancing the drops as well. I think this game is supposed to be a sort of SPT with sex type of game which is fine, but it feels bland if that's just the case. I think the game will benefit from some SL/OStim inspired mechanics and deeper Cyberpunk-ish implant gameplay.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2019
Btw., has anyone explored the area in the green myst and behind the "delta zone" and "danger!" holographic barriers?

I tried, but it was night, I got jumped by one raider who promptly raped my girl and because of the length of animation stages I eventually got robbed blind (3 robberies, I honestly hate and despise this mechanic the way it's implemented), had like 4 pieces of ammo left and then while trying to figure out what to do the rapist came back and basically executed me.

Gonna be unpacking the pak file to see if I can modify stuff to my liking.

Sure but you still know they'r there
Sure, but I wouldn't know EXACTLY WHERE they are. Adds an element of danger and uncertainty to the play. They are a little better in hardcore and if you disable the "weak tentacles" option, but it could still be better. I honestly like the idea/feeling of dreading getting into each puddle not knowing what it's hiding or where. And considering tentacles are nothing but muscles like a snake they should really be more durable and impervious to bullets.

Tbqh, I think the tentacles are too weak and kinda disappointing. Imho they should be the most dangerous enemy, if only to offset the fact that they're basically static (limited to their puddles) and can't rob you.

They should be harder to kill, faster and sneakier - hiding until they strike. Also, personally I think the struggle mechanic for them should be reworked to have the "pushing eggs out" health-dropping mechanic. While struggling the longer you take to either free yourself or to be raped the more health you lose from being constricted or suffocated. If you're taking too long you die. Especially since they don't really do any damage attacks to the player.

Before this game never been a fan of tentacle porn, always thought it some of the lamest, but for this game it works, though they should be more of a dangerous opponent.

Isn't this a thing ? I mean the locations are a bit randomized but don't know about the count
Well, I've been playing Swamp non-stop on all difficulty settings and there is always a more or less set number of enemies per section of the map. Would be cool if on hardest difficulty there would be a swarm of them.

Idk man some changes that are revertable could be nice, so you can choose if you want the changes or not
Yeah, reversal is good, but I was honestly more talking about her face and general body shape. With the unlocks to modify her a bit... holy crap, she can get like 85% of what I would classify as visually perfect female. For the rest 15% her breasts would have to be more natural (and bigger) and her face prettier. Honestly, she would have to be Cristy Ren. <3

Just one robbery kind of defeats the purpose of a hardcore game, but it does make sense because of unfair the game really is. You get stolen once and you
Problem is, with how it is now you can lose LOTS of stuff with just one robbery, if not everything. Good luck getting out alive then. 2 or 3 robberies and you have nothing left because you can't limit the amount they steal from you or what it is. By mistake I put stage length to 100 seconds and disabled "next" button. And watched frustrated for 5-10 minutes as my character got raped and robbed incessantly. Then when it was over I found out I had NOTHING left and then the returned rapist killed me. Lost like 10 minutes. Pissed me off to hell.

An EFT-esque looting/inventory system would be better, allowing multiple weapon storage, balancing the drops as well. I think this game is supposed to be a sort of SPT with sex type of game which is fine, but it feels bland if that's just the case. I think the game will benefit from some SL/OStim inspired mechanics and deeper Cyberpunk-ish implant gameplay.
I actually reinstalled Tarkov cause of exactly playing this game, but haven't played it yet, cause there are elements that make me like this game far more. Sex of course, but mostly the danger/chance of being raped, not rape itself, it motivates me to play better. But I also REALLY like the damage to clothes and the fact that they're on a really hot girl that gets increasingly naked - you don't get that in EFT either. Nor in Skyrim or Oblivion - there were tries and mods years ago, bu they didn't really work so well.

I don't mind the inventory system that much, sure it could be better made and there should be a way to see only either weapons or just medication or just clothes once you collect a lot of stuff, so you don't have to search for them for eternity. There should also be more money drops on dead enemies - but why are Russian scavs dropping EUROS?! Instead of rubles?

This is another weird part about this game. The game is supposedly taking place in USSR, but all the writings on walls and buildings are in Polish (no Slavic language except them uses W and Y and other weird letters). Poland was not part of USSR, it was part of Warsaw Pact which were basically satellites of USSR. Using EUR money just is weird. Poland itself still keeps Zlots, EUR is not official currency.


Jul 14, 2021
Game is great but as a person still getting used to mouse and keyboard i believe adding controller support will not only make the game better it will drasically boost up your player count and possible get you more subscribers to your subcribe star or what ever source of income you use also i would love for more pregnancy option as it looks like only tenticals right now i would love for human and other monster and i dont mind beast if it behind a body mod that allows universal pregnancy with all species it give more variety and little more fun to look for the sex scenes
Nov 3, 2021
STILL getting used to mouse and keyboard? No offense, but where have you been for the last 30 years? ;-)
This might come as a surprise for you, but not everyone uses PC to play videogames, especially in the US, where many people convert to a PC master race only at the age of 30. Personally, I think controllers and KB+Ms excell in their own genres, but could be a nice QoL feature somewhere post-launch for people who really need it


Jun 19, 2018
This game caused my pc to restart 2 times and caused BSOD once. I'm staying away from it until this issue is confirmed fixed.
My specs, ryzen 3500x, GTX 1660s, 16 gb ram, windows 10.
Game runs around 30 fps in max settings. Rarely, especially the open hilly map with hoverbikes, for no apparent reason fps comes down to about 0 then go back to the previous 30.

Case 1: On the hills map I reached the other side, inside the city the after two corpo soldiers showed up and began fighting me my PC restarted.

Case 2: Same shit after I was wandering inside one of the buildings on the hills after clearing the area. Game auto close with a message "fatal error". I opened the resource monitor and the GPU had a temp 60C, nothing much, especially since the weather is very hot here. I tried reopening the game after a few seconds and the PC restarted.

Case 3: I wanted to check the pregnancy mechanics and went to the swamp map to get fucked by tentacles. Despite having cum in the womb the pregnancy chance stuck at 99% for a loooong time. After it reached 100% and eggs counter reached 15% my PC showed BSOD.

I would not touch this game for now. I didn't had this problem in v12. I'm having this problem for the first time and I player v8 and v12 previously.
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Feb 6, 2019
Fair warning:

This game caused my pc to restart 2 times and caused BSOD once. I'm staying away from it until this issue is confirmed fixed.
My specs, ryzen 3500x, GTX 1660s, 16 gb ram, windows 10.
Game runs around 30 fps in max settings. Rarely, especially the open hilly map with hoverbikes, for no apparent reason fps comes down to about 0 then go back to the previous 30.

Case 1: On the hills map I reached the other side, inside the city the after two corpo soldiers showed up and began fighting me my PC restarted.

Case 2: Same shit after I was wandering inside one of the buildings on the hills after clearing the area. Game auto close with a message "fatal error". I opened the resource monitor and the GPU had a temp 60C, nothing much, especially since the weather is very hot here. I tried reopening the game after a few seconds and the PC restarted.

Case 3: I wanted to check the pregnancy mechanics and went to the swamp map to get fucked by tentacles. Despite having cum in the womb the pregnancy chance stuck at 99% for a loooong time. After it reached 100% and eggs counter reached 15% my PC showed BSOD.

I would not touch this game for now. I didn't had this problem in v12. I suspect the new crack is constantly fighting with the game, just my uneducated guess since I'm having this problem for the first time and I player v8 and v12 previously. I'm not fearmongering against the crack either, this game isn't worth bricking my PC over. The developer is more focused on making a DRM than making a better game IMO. I'm just very disappointed and afraid of this game now.
100% it's your computer and not this game.
3.60 star(s) 62 Votes