New Member
Jun 17, 2019
For those wanting to play v15 in all its uncensored glory with access to all cheat features, well here you go.
V15 Download- (Credits to a user I won't name, to keep their active Patron alive)

Here is my crack for version 15 of DeltaZone, which avoids requiring a "freeplay" UserID code, or requiring Delta or Investor tier to access cheats.
All you have to do is simply just use the UserID (without quotation marks) "crack", and press the Login button and it will work. The UserID should automatically be filled with crack, but if not just type it in manually.

Do feel free to @Me if any game updates come out and the crack doesn't continue working, or some other issue with it.

There is a more detailed readme.txt but it is quite self-explanatory, basically just put the .dll file next to the game's DeltaZone-Win64-Shipping.exe file and it will work automatically (Not the DeltaZone.exe one at the top of the game directory as that is just a launcher, it is the one inside DeltaZone\Binaries\Win64).

(Use winrar or 7zip to extract it using the password TJ888 and do not use the built-in windows extraction tool as you cannot enter a password)

Edit: For anyone wondering why I need to password protect my crack now, it is because VirusTotal has implemented a new AI detection called "DeepInstinct" which is falsely flagging all my cracks as malicious which as a result causes F95Zone to flag it as a virus. Password protecting the zip avoids it being scanned by DeepInstinct allowing it to not be falsely flagged as a virus.

You're a godsend my man, Thank you. Much love brother


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
No I actually reinstalled the game
Then I copy pasted the dll in the win 64 folder and then i launched the game
the results are still the same though
Forget about it maybe when the later versions come out I will try then
For now I have to go back and prepare for my exams so I won't be playing the game at all
Best of luck to the dev and thank you for having the patience to put up with my silly problems
Bye and have a good day.
did you copy and paste the .dll from the V14 build to the V15 build? Because I think you need the latest dll to get the crack to work properly.


Respected User
Dec 7, 2022
did you copy and paste the .dll from the V14 build to the V15 build? Because I think you need the latest dll to get the crack to work properly.
They downloaded the latest because before their folder was called crack-05-03.
Not sure why it isn't working for them though, but my guess is some permission issue (run as admin should fix this) or antivirus issue.


Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
is there a way to "see" better? i usually get destoryed by a dude from somewhere(generally he is shooting from inside a tree) no muzzle flash nothing.
Lower the graphics. I wish the options were more varied and rather than trying to simplify it with "Graphics" and "Game Code". I want to play the game on low models, high textures, and ultra lighting without AO. Another thing that might work (that I haven't tried) is to increase your gamma on your monitor or in Windows.


Engaged Member
Aug 24, 2018
There is no character creation but there is character customisation. done through special items purchased in the game. customisation options are somewhat limited and specific RN

ok but a lot of clothes? shoes? or always the same :(


Nov 29, 2020
ok but a lot of clothes? shoes? or always the same :(
i actuallly talked to the dev of this and they said more cosmetic stuff will be added later, such as being able to be a cat girl. they are mainly focusing on the gameplay, i can understand why since cosmetics itself maybe easier then making the mechanics and all that to make the game fun and not broken.


New Member
Feb 28, 2018
The female model is pretty amazing and with the continuous addition of more customization this might be the best I have ever seen.

Gameplay overall is also very enjoyable but it desperately needs more items to loot that have more of a use.
Enemies should also get an upgrade as their AI is pretty easy at the moment. Also, even the trooper guys get trivial once you have your gun halfway away from scrap. The cyber abilities seem cool but the psychosis penalty is too rough to really warrant using them I feel. Besides the special vision that highlights chests and corpses and maybe the bullet time ability I don't get much use out of them.

Also, please make the shops sell more that just one or two of a given item. Not every shop should have 100 of each but a random inventory would be welcome. Having to go from trader to trader just to be able to get sewing kits is a bit frustrating.

I enjoy the bike even though it is a bit wonky to drive and the girl seems to have a stick up her ass once she gets on. But at the moment there isn't really a use for it. The few times I found it, the terrain was way too "offroad" and made driving just a hinderance. I haven't tried the bike while enemies are around but I'd imagine that they just blast you off it. Especially if the terrain isn't that clear and you have to slow down. It reminds me a bit of the weird hover bike from Perfect Dark.

The sexual gameplay needs work though. Not much to do on that front so hope that it will get a lot of work. Especially the animations. The tentacle animations are alright but the human ones are borderline bad. Be it from dead faces to weirdly repeating animations.
I also hope for more enemy types. Especially non humans.

Also, the moaning in my opinion needs some work. Weird hearing her moan while deep throating.

Pregnancy is great. The belly growth is very well done and looks very good. Also, the option to turn off the visible tentacles and eggs was a good addition. Just wish there was also an option to turn off the stomache noises as it made it feel like the girl had some bad mexican food after you hear it too much.

Would also be nice if the player could toggle the standing animation. Or at least giving the player a little bit more control over how she stands via an ingame lust system or something like that.

I very much enjoy this game. I usually just lurk but this game made me actually want to say how much I like it and I want it to improve because there really is something here. Quality you usually don't see from games like these.


Active Member
Mar 22, 2019
In all the drama on this post, the only thing I want to make sure we have is a way to disable pregnancy (n) or at the very least have an in-game item like birth control to stop it.
theres is
You have
1- birth control
2- pregnancy check
3- medic station
4- swallowing
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Dec 17, 2017
any tip ?

I can't pass the first ennemies.
They are fat too strong and quick compared to the character. Also, very few ammunition...
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Dec 17, 2017
ok this thread seems to be whining whining so im going to do a basic guide on to how to not suck at delta zone. yes the game is hard at the start but if you walk up to someone in armor and piss in their eye and they blast you with a shotgun you cant complain the gunplay is bad

First start in hold my hand please difficulty, or if you want start in can i play mommy and skip to the next paragraph. Go to the trader and buy yourself a barrel (not a short one) a foregrip a red dot sight and a stock. press k to bring up your gun and add the things you just bought.

buy yourself more fmj and some of the cheap ammo 5.56 hmd. press k again and see the ammo type at the bottom.

hmd is shit but cheap so you can use lots of it. don't bother using it for anything other than scavengers though
fmj is good for raiders and scavengers, but not good for corporate soldiers
apn is bad against unarmored soldiers but will mess up corporate soldiers with a few good shots

walk through to start the map, but read the instructions. if you paid attention to number 4, then you would understand the ammo above.

when you load in, go into inventory <tab> and use the battery. This will give us scanner ability. also press k and change ammo type to hmd.

Assuming you started in the big warehouse, walk forwards and up the hill. keep going straight until you come to water. tap right mouse to bring your gun up and then walk through. if a tentacle comes near shoot it near the bottom to scare it away. from now on you have to be this careful aroud all water.

there might be a wooden box nearby if there is then open it and take the stuff inside. this is how youll get parts to upgrade your gun and get something better. also from here expect to encounter enemies. keep an eye out for both boxes and baddies

enemies make a lot of noise so your best bet is to listen out and go slowly. dont go straight trhough the fence ahead, there are corporate soldiers there and they have big armor and even bigger guns. instead go right and walk towards the big building. go between the fence and the building on the right, climb up and reach the roof. theres usually some good boxes up here.

youll also see enemies from up here. if you run up to an enemy they will take you down fast, so instead use cover and take shots at them from a distance. use the scanner <caps> to see their health sometimes they can go down but get up again. also cover means something that can stop bullets a bush cant stop a bullet so it is not cover. simple. if they shoot at you hide. they will keep shooting at where you were so try changing positions and getting them from a new angle. dont stand in the open unless you want to get shot and used. if they are shooting at you hide.

View attachment 2411015
$ is shops and skulls are corporate soldiers who will kill you before you even scratch them. avoid.
the pink flashlight is the danger zone dont go there unless you have a light and a decent gun.

once you've killed the ones nearby, follow the rough map above. you need to avoid water and keep an ear out for anyone walking nearby. if you get close to enemies switch to fmj rounds for more damage but try not to waste those shots. loot bodies to get more ammo and better parts and keep swapping gun parts when you get better ones.

You'll reach a big door with a blue wall around it and a dna detection gate. go through and there will be a safe zone and a trader with every item in the game for sale. if you got impregnated then you will have to go the long way through the pink zone. buy a better trigger so you shoot properly, get a better bolt to stop jams and a better laser. you can buy other things too and also sell things you dont need by clicking the bottom of the trading window. get more ammo.

theres a passage that leads into the pink zone where the best loot is. if you go that way, use the scanner to see in the dark or bring a flashlight. once your done follow the trail on my map again.

at the river crossing climb the building to make sure there's no one nearby. there is so shoot them until they are gone. cross the river being careful of tentacles again. follow the forest on the right, staying behind rocks and being careful of more raiders and you will reach a clump of buildings. head inside, and congratulations you have survived the delta zone.

now you have a few better pieces for your gun you can try and take on the corporates we avoided in the first run and explore the map some more. use apn against the corporate and if you get shot at hide and dont come out until they stop. also dont come out where they were just shooting or they will shoot you again.

if you get hit and enemies are approaching you can press tab and then use pain killers to stop being stunned and then shoot them. if they are too close you can use pills to prevent getting pregnant. you can also press 2 to swap to an empty gun and when they steal things theyll leave your main gun alone.

if you get pregnant you have to push the eggs out. they tend to be pushable at around the 40% mark but on these difficulties the game will tell you when its a good time to push.
I readed that, layed the game several times....

- there is no traders, and I don't think player got money at very time.
- the first ennemies encoutner (the scavengers) are very tough, quick and accurate. And you have only enough ammunation to fight maybe two of them.
- the emission zone is a hell.
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Dec 17, 2017
ok, you can't face two ennemies at the same time, and it take a huge amoutn of ammunation to kill one...

By the way, they stolen everything... how I could recover the stuff ?
I'm tired to restart from the beginning for the 10 time...


Dec 17, 2017
The game seems cool... but I never suceed to defeat the first ennemies ! The game is just too punishing.
- robbed ? game is over.
- killed ? you're stoeln of everything, game's over.
- ennmies start shooting at you ? player controls begin to mess up, game's over.
- during a fight, a ammo block your gun (happened several times, I lost 3 times just because of that) ? gun become useless, youcan't fire anymore... so game's over.
- several ennemies ? nor radar to spot them..; and they're hard to see in this forest. game's over.
- i di'nt find a way to deal with rape consequences


Dec 17, 2017
ok, i finally find a way. if you can get the suppressor from the trader, you can have a chance...
but still, these robberies are game killers.

Also... there is just that zone ? i can't enter to the swamp, or the city ?
I readed on the game thread there is a city and a stripclub... not implemented yet ?


Jan 20, 2021
The entire crack folder ???
You mean I just have to extract the file you pasted here and then copy paste the entire folder in win 64 ?
If that's the case I did that exactly
I am going to college now
Will post later
The folder named crack that is highlighted in the png I sent u in that the entire crack folder that I have got after unpacking the attachment you sent is present

Edit: so I just extracted the crack folder again lol and pasted the entire folder in win 64
In the game the crack word is already filled out in the user ID part now but when I try to login it says user ID corrupted so that's new I guess ?
I'm guessing you're using some kind of translator to read the instructions? Copy ONLY the file type called .dll.

I couldn't stop myself from explaining this, even though I personally am not using the crack and just the free version instead.


Jan 20, 2021
Also for people using MediaFire and complaining about terrible download speeds: Reload the link and download again (it should query the best server based on your location). Also, if you're using a VPN, might want to pick a location near your real location, to ensure that you're not trying to download from across the world.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2019
Yes English is not my second language but your explaining is also not working
From what I have understood reading through the whole comment you wrote I did the following
Pls correct me if I am wrong

After clicking the login it either shows no user ID found or go to patreon
WHY are you not using the screenshot function? Windows 10 has several. instead of taking a damn picture of your filthy screen.
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