Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
Where's your damn gun, you get molested by tentacles and then once you go through that you don't have a gun.


New Member
Apr 25, 2017
Having played both games, CP2077 with current content and updates and this game, I can attest to that CP2077 is a great AAA game. Could it be better? Surely. Was it good enough at release? Depends who you ask. I for one had no issues that others moaned about. Helps keeping your rig clean, updated and meeting minimum specs or having any conflicting processes in the background.
Also, I'm quite curious, who is this "they" that you're referring to while you suggest this game is in any way comparable to CP2077?
CP2077 for me is a "BAD GAME" with high-quality visuals (aside from the bugs). The gameplay mechanics are awful, i played browser shooter games got the shooting better than CP2077. The physics and other gameplay mechanics and effects are worse than games from 2006. It is a looooong cutscene with playable moments in between. Bugs is one side of the issues of CP2077. IT IS A BAD FPS GAME.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2019
lol, I was wondering what happened to this game just yesterday. happy to see it didn't just quietly die.
Feb 27, 2018
Guys, wait for your X-Mas present, you will get Release 05 Uncensored for free ^-^
Are you going to put some sort of password control on that regardless? Because the impression I'm getting is you put that shit on all the builds, and that's sketchy as shit. Why the hell do you do shit like that if you provide a download link to your patrons anyway? You're giving it to your patrons for free also, they're paying you to continue the development, they're not buying the game as a product.


New Member
Jul 24, 2020
If only it were a male protagonist you'd have my vote but alas. I hope it goes well for you in the future it seems promising for those interested in the genre.
Feb 27, 2018
This is just plain wrong.
It is not a felony to delete anything from your computer. What's a felony is to destroy evidence that opposing counsel might require in a legal case against you (or, for that matter, a case where that evidence might be in your favor).

As such, it becomes a felony to delete stuff in your computer that you are aware might be used in a future legal proceeding. Specially if, for example, you've been served for some legal procedure, and you know (even tangentially) that what you're deleting might be needed for those legal proceedings.
If you go to court for something, and the other side says you deleted something 4 and a half years ago (I believe most SOX requirements target 5 years) that they now need, and you can prove that, when you deleted that, you fully believed it to not be relevant to any kind of possible crime you might be commiting, then you will probably not get charged about it.
I talk in hypotheticals, mainly because you can get charged for the most assinine reasons, be innocent, and still get a guilty veredict. You shouldn't, but it happens.

The whole "deleting a virus is a felony" is just nonsense too.
Just because you don't like the Sony rootkit (as an example... and I can perfectly agree that it's pure BS), that still doesn't remove the fact that you have signed a contract with Sony to consume their product in exchange for letting them ram that rootkit up your @$$. So, if you circunvent it, or delete it, you're probably breaking some copyright law because you're violating whatever license they gave you to their code. Is it right? Not really. We can debate how effed up copyright laws are all year round. It still doesn't mean the illegality is on deleting a virus, but on you breaking a contract.

Stop strawmanning your arguments in just because you don't like facts please.
so you're saying you have to prove you were deleting your browsing history innocently for it not to be considered a crime? So it's a felony to delete your browsing history unless you can prove you weren't doing it to destroy evidence? Illegal until proven otherwise is means it's by default illegal. There was no signed contract with required to purchase a CD with XCP copy protection, and the blanket adhesion contract didn't say it contained a rootkit. If you think adhesion contracts are worth following then you're a fucking retard, and if you don't, then they have no power over you. The law is a list of demands from the government upon the public, if they can't back up their threats they're not worth the toilet paper they're written on. The laws on this topic are insane and only ever enforced arbitrarily, so the point of them is to provide a beatstick for the government if they find someone they don't like. The fact that some judges are sane enough to not apply the law as written doesn't mean that the laws aren't fucking insane as written, and if you have to rely on judges not sticking to the letter of the law, you're probably fucked. I can tell you didn't even skim the sources I linked, since they contained specific examples and precidents for what I was saying. The dmca says "No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected" No definition is given for "effectively controls access" and the courts have made it clear that basically anything counts, there is no fair use exception, and you don't even need to know you were doing it. Paywalls effectively control access, and deleting your cookies makes them not pop up, so it's a felony to delete them QED you strawmanning fucktard.


Dec 16, 2018
At any point are there going to be the ability to go around in different outfits/being able to wear whatever you want and take off whatever you want, or no?
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Confused Demoness
Dec 1, 2017
And the guys going "I pirate a game and if its good i will support it", stop lying to us and first and foremost yourself. You are not supporting him by going "Hey look at this cool game, by the way here is it for free", you are disrespecting his work, skills, the money he put into the project and dreams.
You assume a lot, little friend.

I'm supporting 3 games now and I've supported a lot more that I no longer for whatever reasons. Change of direction, released and completed.. and so on. All of those I supported, I started off by downloading them here and trying them out first. I'm not going to get conned into supporting something for a month for a piece of shit.. and honestly to my opinion is 90% of the games here. Also, your taking this high horse moral stance.. on a pirating forum. Maybe that argument would hold up over at ULMF or something. Also take a look around, you'll find a number of devs active here, if we are hurting them so horrendously, why would they even give us the time of day over here? Maybe, just maybe we do give back.

Lets also get this strait. I'm apprehensive of this dev, but I'm hoping my feelings on it are proved wrong. I honestly am. I want this game to come out and do great and deliver lots to us and others. So far it looks great, but.. that's about all its got going for it right now. There is very little content, controls are wonky, camera handling is off on transitions and well.. there is almost nothing to interact with. Its strait up alpha and bit to early for me to dive into. What's concerning me is the game presentation gives off some red flags, not as bad as Euro, but something I'm watching.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
I'm the same way. Typically things I like after I pirate them, I'll purchase. But if the game has only like 5-30 minutes worth of content, asking the same price as a full featured indie title with 8 hours of content, I generally do not support them financially. I will however offer feedback and suggestions and bug reports. This project is still too early pre-alpha for feedback to be really useful. (Dev correct me if I'm wrong; assuming you read my posts).

I've seen way too many promising adult games reach a certain point in development, and then they give up. Here are some good examples of that, all in UE4: FapLife, SuperDeepThroat 2, The Legend of Kya, Vizonica, and Way of the Sorceror.

Then you have games where development doesn't go anywhere because reinvent the wheel, and lose all the progress they had up to that point, all in UE4. Some examples of that: Kalyskah, Feign, and Sorceress Tale.

Then you have games that have suffered from massive feature creep and a loss of scope, and thus have gotten nothing really accomplished, all in UE4: Sorceress Tale, Kalyskah, Lifeplay, Iragon, and Slaves of Rome.

A lot of these titles have severe gamebreaking bugs, terrible UIs, horrific controls, and are stuck in perpetual development hell. Developing in UE4 is extremely hard, and when most developers hit a wall, they give up, or they reinvent the wheel, or they ignore the wall and keep adding features without ever addressing that wall.

And there are plenty of games that aren't UE4, that got abandoned too, when they were off to a promising start. Like, Fall:Out (by Dvoika games) or Corta's Platformer (by Corta) or Anything made by Zone-Archive lately.

Its possible that Devolution will not end up like this. But it is too early to tell, and until it is more evident that they are committed to the task, I'd be leery of doing a subscription model for supporting it. But a one-time fee structure where I pay once, and only once, I'd be more inclined to do, because then I'd only spend the money once and if it turned out to be a lemon, I can live with that. Just like I lived with the fact when I bought Shadow of the Tomb Raider or Shadow of Mordor or Mad Max (AAA titles) and absolutely despised them, it was only one time I spent $40 on it.

Hence why I suggest a one-time fee structure. People who are more on the fence, would likely be inclined to support financially if it was a one-off thing.


Nov 22, 2019
Patreon gives more money. Unless off course you are trying to sell the uncensored version of the game. That just means the dev is completely new here.

Game looks promising though. I dig the graphics quality.

@Dev:First time i see this project. I see you have a small incomeready to do this full time. That's very good.
Maybe you could also set some goals. I know that Wildlife (Adeptus Steve) has always set new Goals for themselves and they are steadaly growing now with 100k per month and a small Studio.

How many people are currently working on this project?
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