
New Member
May 6, 2021
Ok, I take back what I said. It seems that for sure this is deliberate. There is fixed timer. It seems that due to my stubbornes to play this game I failed to realize that there are multiple ways of deformation to trigger - this coused it to seem random at first. I think that unless we can get how game detects crack ( another verification perhaps? ) or get source code of game itself
Thanks for being open enough to admit when you realized your mistake, not enough of that nowadays.

Not sure we need any more opinions on this, but I do want to thank kekpuker (and all the community's efforts) for looking into it and giving us a way to try the updates out for so long in the past; cheers you legends. There are definitely points on both sides of the "support or pirate" coin so keep an open mind. At the end of the day, we're just random people trying to jack it to some pixels.


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
When trying to log in, the game makes at least the following 2 http requests

Both have various headers set, but the interesting one is
Authorization: License username

With username being the name typed into the login box in the game

Can someone with a legitimate key log in and intercept the return value and compare against the return value of a bogus username and see what differs?


New Member
Nov 27, 2023
When trying to log in, the game makes at least the following 2 http requests

Both have various headers set, but the interesting one is
Authorization: License username

With username being the name typed into the login box in the game

Can someone with a legitimate key log in and intercept the return value and compare against the return value of a bogus username and see what differs?
What do you need ? Can you explain and i'll try.


New Member
Mar 30, 2020
What do you need ? Can you explain and i'll try.
You'd need to use software to intercept the http requests, such as a transparent proxy. Fiddler or mitmproxy should work fine. Then run the game without the crack and log in normally, and also run the game with the crack and log in with the crack user. In the request in the proxy software you should see the responses from the server and see what's different. Note that you probably shouldn't post the response here as there may be data that is unique to you. If we can figure out what the server should be sending back then we just intercept the traffic and always send back what it's expecting for a legitimate user.


New Member
Nov 27, 2023
You'd need to use software to intercept the http requests, such as a transparent proxy. Fiddler or mitmproxy should work fine. Then run the game without the crack and log in normally, and also run the game with the crack and log in with the crack user. In the request in the proxy software you should see the responses from the server and see what's different. Note that you probably shouldn't post the response here as there may be data that is unique to you. If we can figure out what the server should be sending back then we just intercept the traffic and always send back what it's expecting for a legitimate user.
How do i MP you ? Unfortuntely i could not dowload a clean "crack version" every link seems down


Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
I used to be 20$ patron for this Dev back in 2022. So, I download the game yada yada and once I've missed 1 payment - the game ended up turning into a demo)
Like, come on, mate...Even online games-services don't require you to pay sub fee just to play it.
And you want me to pay you 20 bucks each month just to be able to maintain the same content within the game?
I had money in my pockets a few years ago and never seemed to be a greedy bastard, but I want to support you because I WANT TO and not because I HAVE TO.
Like, even take an option to make boobs bigger) When I play Hitman, for example, I pay for a skin and I have it for ages)
In here - nah, fuck that) "Pay me more")

Enabling anti-piracy stuff each time and working on it more and more is just outright stupid game where you'll never win. Furthermore, you'll lose more and come off as a greedy lad which ends up with you losing out on people like me.
The simple lesson is: unless you get yourself Denuvo, pirates will pirate. But by showing middle finger to everyone you just end up alienating 5-10% of these pirates who could've ended up supporting you.
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Sep 21, 2020
Alright, I decided to approach crack problem from different angle. What do we want to achieve with the crack? NSFW mode and Cheats if possible. So I decided instead of unlocking some tiers introduce NSFW stuff in SFW mode. And looks like it worked! I played for half an hour, screwed with lots of tentacles and my game didn't break! New crack is available in this post as always!

Main difference with the new crack is that you don't need any login. Just press "Skip Login" and you should have Cheats and NSFW stuff unlocked.
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Engaged Member
Jul 1, 2017
Alright, I decided to approach crack problem from different angle. What do we want to achieve with the crack? NSFW mode and Cheats if possible. So I decided instead of unlocking some tiers introduce NSFW stuff in SFW mode. And looks like it worked! I played for half an hour, screwed with lots of tentacles and my game didn't break! New crack is available in this post as always!

Main difference with the new crack is that you don't need any login. Just press "Skip Login" and you should have Cheats and NSFW stuff unlocked.
I can't access "this post" link


Jan 23, 2022
Alright, I decided to approach crack problem from different angle. What do we want to achieve with the crack? NSFW mode and Cheats if possible. So I decided instead of unlocking some tiers introduce NSFW stuff in SFW mode. And looks like it worked! I played for half an hour, screwed with lots of tentacles and my game didn't break! New crack is available in this post as always!

Main difference with the new crack is that you don't need any login. Just press "Skip Login" and you should have Cheats and NSFW stuff unlocked.
Thanks for your time looking into this


Oct 18, 2018
Hotfix coming out shortly
Edit: It's out




  • Fixed bug where some emission zones didn't work, most notably the one in the new Refinery map
  • Fixed bug where sometimes scouting tasks wouldn't generate
  • Hoverbike now can trigger location tasks
  • Fixed corpo bunker navigation
  • Fixed hoverbike crashing into invisible walls near map travels

  • Added cyberware repair toolkit count to cyberware UI
  • Switched hand scanner for the shock capacitors in "Bad" loadout start
  • Changed how enemies cover fire (to prevent them from shooting you through multiple floors)
  • Running over enemies with the bike now deals more damage
  • Added some cover spots at the entrance of the Refinery map
  • Updated cum liquid textures to make them look more natural
  • Changed cum amount and color
  • Red glow when selecting cyberware implants now glows for a bit longer
  • New sound for the trash loot object
any hero for hotfix?
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Jan 17, 2019
I used to be 20$ patron for this Dev back in 2022. So, I download the game yada yada and once I've missed 1 payment - the game ended up turning into a demo)
Like, come on, mate...Even online games-services don't require you to pay sub fee just to play it.
And you want me to pay you 20 bucks each month just to be able to maintain the same content within the game?
I had money in my pockets a few years ago and never seemed to be a greedy bastard, but I want to support you because I WANT TO and not because I HAVE TO.
Like, even take an option to make boobs bigger) When I play Hitman, for example, I pay for some skin and I have it for ages)
In here - nah, fuck that) "Pay me more")

Enabling anti-piracy stuff each time and working on it more and more is just outright stupid game where you'll never win. Furthermore, you'll lose more and come off as a greedy lad which ends up with you losing out on people like me.
The simple lesson is: unless you get yourself Denuvo, pirates will pirate. But by showing middle finger to everyone you just end up alienating 5-10% of these pirates who could've ended up supporting you.
I supported the $20 tier for a month so I could get access as well. Not sure I even remember what I did exactly, but I believe I linked discord with patreon and then had a bot in his discord generate me a password. It changes every time a new version comes out and the old revision is no longer playable with the new or old creds so you have to dl the new one if you want to play.
If you linked your patreon with discord you should still be able to get a new password generated in discord with the bot (kitty something?) It used to work fine for me, but I lost interest in this game and haven't played in a while so I don't know current status.
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Active Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2018
I supported the $20 tier for a month so I could get access as well. Not sure I even remember what I did exactly, but I believe I linked discord with patreon and then had a bot in his discord generate me a password. It changes every time a new version comes out and the old revision is no longer playable with the new or old creds so you have to dl the new one if you want to play.
If you linked your patreon with discord you should still be able to get a new password generated in discord with the bot (kitty something?) It used to work fine for me, but I lost interest in this game and haven't played in a while so I don't know current status.
Nah, I've unsubbed a long time ago) Haven't played it for a year or so)


Nov 12, 2018
Alright, I decided to approach crack problem from different angle. What do we want to achieve with the crack? NSFW mode and Cheats if possible. So I decided instead of unlocking some tiers introduce NSFW stuff in SFW mode. And looks like it worked! I played for half an hour, screwed with lots of tentacles and my game didn't break! New crack is available in this post as always!

Main difference with the new crack is that you don't need any login. Just press "Skip Login" and you should have Cheats and NSFW stuff unlocked.
No way dude...you did it again! o_O
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Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
If you turn on godmode, the bug doesn't appear. Or it might be because I'm running most video settings on low, as my machine doesn't even meet minimums. Anywho, some feedback for someone to pass along.

Haven't played the game in like 6 releases.

1) Gunplay feels like Arma 3 for the player and Bulletstorm for the AI. Everything is immersive like the safety on our gun selector and realistic, while enemies have none of our negatives; gun jamming, reloading, need to aim, slow to aim (especially scopes, blurry vision (when before ADS and after), unlimited ammo, no arm/leg fatigue, able to see through foliage, and doesn't have to deal with horniness.

2) Enemies can still strip main gun components from me, but I can't field strip those parts off.

3) No idea how to use cyberware upgrade kit, cyberware repair kit, weapon repair kit, but sewing tools are simple to use.

4) Apparently remove clothing means destroy entirely. Oops. Why can't it just drop on the ground, in case I miss-clicked it?

5) UI for cyberware in hideout isn't clear when something is an upgrade or not. Its also not clear when you go to buy cyberware if the item is an upgrade or not... so I bought a whole bunch of stuff, and wasted all my cash, to find out I already had better installed.

6) Had a green tentacle lay eggs, which immediately hatched into tentacles, even before the sex animation was done. Fun times.

7) Had a need to masturbate, had no cum on me or in me. Masturbated, and now my face and body is covered in semen. Weird times. Had to use like 9 tissues to clean up the entire mess.

8) Had a need to masturbate, and a guy came around a corner, and couldn't fight them. Forced to have sex. A weird mechanic, where enemies don't get horny but I do. For reasons. I could understand it if I was near tentacles and their pheromones was making it impossible to think, but yeah.

9) Not sure the point of facial/body reconstruction cyberware, if you don't start with it. Hunted through several traders and never even found the cyberware. So had to look like a gross cyborg the entire experience. Or play without cyberware to keep the human-like appearance, but then be at a massive gameplay disadvantage.

10) So there is hair and eye color changes, but you can't change the color of eyelashes, eyebrows or makeup. Interesting...

11) Experimental 3rd person shooter, didn't work for me... so stayed in 1st person.

12) Gun stats confused me, so went with the bullets with the highest green boosts, not sure if that was the best available though.

13) Its not always clear if I have better gun parts installed or not, so you have to make a mental list of all the parts you have and hope the trader has them. Would make things so much simpler if there was like a ^ symbol next to a part, indicating it was an upgrade for one of your equipped guns.

14) A similar system could be used for cyberware.

15) Saw one new sex animation for tentacles. Couldn't get group animations to play with multiple raiders present.

16) Enemies will force dialogue on you, even if you are aiming your gun at them. So then you might be forced to have sex or such without any player agency. Sure I might sound horny, but if someone was pointing a gun at me, I would not be quick to pull my dick out.

17) Tentacles can spawn from the smallest of puddles. There is a few behind Hawker, and saw 6 tentacles appear back there, but the puddles were barely an inch deep.

18) Lots of corpses in the environment or crates, that have nothing in them.

19) Really need a take all button in containers.

20) Why does it need to search for every single line of loot in a container? Just have a longer search animation depending on number of objects.

21) Enemies will fall down but the gun indicator doesn't always state if they are dead or not, so you often have to waste a bullet on a headshot to be sure. I suppose the only true way to know is if you get the loot popup, but that means getting close enough to check.

22) Locational damage for enemies either is glitchy, or on raiders/corporates doesn't work. Scavengers, you shoot em in the legs or arms, and they suffer combat penalties, but other enemies, doesn't seem to do much and you are back to spray and pray.


Anyway all the feedback I got. Performance wasn't great and my GPU kept freezing despite my GPU-Z not stating a bottleneck. So I don't want to destroy my GPU to play, and as I'm way below minimums, this will be all I play until I get a better machine.
1. Enemies are also stun-able, and are also crippled by limb shots. You can also adjust the amount they see through foliage. It's also not that bad, you can definitely hide within bushes and ambush enemies. This is how you're supposed to play Permadeath; the game isn't hard, just takes a little learning.

2. Never experienced that, but if that's so Devolution should fix that.

3. Repair and upgrade kits are used within the seperate context menus (i.e. the Cyberware interface in Med-Stations and in Hideout and when customizing guns at a Workbench).

4. Because that feature hasn't been implemented, probably because no models exist yet.

5. When you buy from vendors, there is a plus or minus stat on the left side of the item name, which is a calculation (that I don't know) of tier and durability. When an upgrade is available, the buttons will turn white, indicating an upgrade can be made.

6. Green tentacles are much more annoying or fun that normal tentacles, depending on which you prefer.

7. Again, never experienced this, but why the need for 9 tissues? One or two is enough for one interaction.

8. There is actually a hidden feature that is exactly enemies' horniness. It's just random (from what I found) and some enemies are more lenient while others will shoot you, force you to do anything, then steal your gear.

9. It's a bit rare, but the higher tier your vendor is the more common it is. Had it appear a bunch of times on a few saves, you just need to grind for it.

10. Color customization is kinda new so don't expect much.

11. It's just a shitty Fortnite cloned feature.

12. Again, it's a calculation of tier and durability. I usually go for what is the highest tier unless it's under 25% and I don't have repair kits. Bullet types are explained on the wall of text when you set the game to Easy (which you should if you're new to the game).

13. See point 5.

14. Also see point 5.

15. I think it's dependent on how many enemies recognize you and are fighting/wanting to fuck you. Was surrounded by two guys but was only fighting one, didn't get the spitroast animation.

16. Also a stupid thing but out of technical limitation. Enemies will bleed out if you peppered them with enough bullets mid-conversation.

17. Puddles are the bane of my existence. Luckily the one next to Trader can be avoided by hugging the fence.

18. By design, but I think it's influenced by the difficulty (some stat about loot shows up when you press "I").

19. Removed for "difficulty".

20. Tarkov thing.

21. You can also use the hand scanner. Again, it's a thing of "making the game more difficult".

22. It does work on Raiders and Corporates, but they have higher levels of armor, therefore needing more shots. Either that or it is buggy. My advice is to use buckshot if you don't have APN as it'll stun Corpos and kill everyone below that. After stunning a Corpo, you can spam any bullet of choice into their skull. Just not .338 because it got nerfed to hell (has pretty high armor penetration but basically no stopping power).
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Active Member
Jun 15, 2021
Alright, I decided to approach crack problem from different angle. What do we want to achieve with the crack? NSFW mode and Cheats if possible. So I decided instead of unlocking some tiers introduce NSFW stuff in SFW mode. And looks like it worked! I played for half an hour, screwed with lots of tentacles and my game didn't break! New crack is available in this post as always!

Main difference with the new crack is that you don't need any login. Just press "Skip Login" and you should have Cheats and NSFW stuff unlocked.
Works without the underwear? Haven't installed yet. This one's absolutely awesome though. Legend once more.

Update: Yes it does! And it also still allows a sex scene skip (pressing "L" still works to stop any NSFW features). Your name is now etched into the Hall of Gooners.
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3.60 star(s) 62 Votes