4.70 star(s) 3 Votes
Oct 3, 2017
Whenever I go to the fountain or the alley it says "Tada!" and throws me back to the main menu. There isn't any interaction in other places as well, the only option I can say is "No". Is there a patch or am I missing something?
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Sep 1, 2018
Whenever I go to the fountain or the alley it says "Tada!" and throws me back to the main menu. There isn't any interaction in other places as well, the only option I can say is "No". Is there a patch or am I missing something?
That's as far as the content goes for this version. I just uploaded it as a sort of demo for now.
I should have a version with actual playable content by the end of this week.


New Member
May 24, 2020
I am very excited about this game, I hope you can continue the project, I will be waiting for the next versions
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Jun 26, 2018
The problem with removing the traveler is that I kinda want to actually follow the game's story, and without the traveler, Dvalin wouldn't have been purified and Morax would've been forced to kill Osial before he destroyed Liyue, so he wouldn't be able to retire as the god of geo.
Same with Inazuma, without the Traveler, Raiden wouldn't have removed the Vision hunt decree.

And I wouldn't feel right just ignoring everything wrong with the world and focusing on all the sex stuff.
I have no idea what you're talking about.

But as long as I can end the game with a harem with all the LIs that don't have dick, it seems perfect to me.


Feb 27, 2018
There is a demand for Venti, let people have fun, just make the scenes optional, why people get so butthurt if others want something.
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
There is a demand for Venti, let people have fun, just make the scenes optional, why people get so butthurt if others want something.
I don't see any problem adding him as a romanceable character (and even other male, futa or trans characters) as long as his content is optional.


Dec 12, 2018
That was supposed to be clear later on, but MC is not Aether.
MC wakes up a few days before the Traveler gets to Mondstadt for the first time.
For now I'm planning to have MC relive the events of the game from a different perspective than the traveler.
I would prefer if the MC was Aether (w/ the option of renaming), so we could enjoy a better developed relationship by using some references to things in the game.
By playing with another random character he would have to be lesser than Aether, considering the lore of the game since everything/everyone shifts towards him after he arrives, unless you do an ending where "Everyone forgets everything" and that would be kinda lame.

Also twincest.

Just my opinion.

Also, having a random character trying to achieve what happens in the game would feel too awkward.
Maybe an Aether unable to use elemental powers would be a cool concept, making him have to use his traveling knowledge or charisma in order to achieve stuff, but just a random human without power would be more useless than the soldiers in Inazuma (who trained for years) trying to face against Raiden.
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Feb 29, 2020
i was expecting to brush this off as another "3dcg with popular characters cashgrab" but seeing your commitment to telling an actual story instead of opting for the easy route of completely disconnected excuse plots to get people banging is commendable

the option for a femc would be nice, but if it forces you to contort the story in ways that get out of hand i won't be too beat up about it

also #ventigang
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Sep 1, 2018
i was expecting to brush this off as another "3dcg with popular characters cashgrab" but seeing your commitment to telling an actual story instead of opting for the easy route of completely disconnected excuse plots to get people banging is commendable
Thanks, that means a lot. If I want to do something I'd rather do it right, or at least try to.
I'm not that confident in my abilities as this is my first renpy game, but I want to try and do something good.

the option for a femc would be nice, but if it forces you to contort the story in ways that get out of hand i won't be too beat up about it
It's not so much as contorting the story, more like a combination of: Having to add a "if-else" to each event, doing double the work for sex scenes, straight male writing a lesbian (or bi) female.
Still, I want to try to please as many people as I can as long as I don't compromise the story or the lore(or my sanity).

So if adding a female MC means more people will enjoy the game, then I'll try my best at adding one.

also #ventigang


Aug 29, 2020
I'ma elaborate on my previous comment which was quoting this
but some Main Story scenes will be missable and won't become available again
don't put missable scenes in the game, if you want stat requirements thats fine imo it can add to the lore of the game itself if done right.
But from what I can tell this is you're first game and from a pure consumer perspective all having missable scenes will do is drive potential players away especially if this really is you're first game this is the one that is establishing you as a creator. My personal recommendation would be to avoid permentaly missable scenes as a whole (personally regardless of how well established you are) and focus more on the story itself. As I said having stat requirements is fine imo, if you feel like you can do them right meaning not placing the stat requirements too high to where it becomes a grind. If it ends up becoming a grind that will most likely drive people away too just like missable scenes will.

Personally I'd consider what is available right now too small for even a demo but even some triple A games that still release demos have been skimping on that. I spent a while trying to trigger to only scene in game atm using multiple choice paths until I found a bug to actually allow the scene to play.

Based on the very limited playable content, you do have potential but as I mentioned its too short for a demo/prologue so it honestly is hard to tell completely.

This has been a long comment but it's not supposed to be a review more of a comment and feedback


Aug 29, 2020
as for the venti and other male characters content people seem to be asking for, I'd personally prefer if you did add them to have them waifuized/female versions of them

and for the female protag comments I'd ask that you also add a futa option if you do add a female protag option
and personally I hate the idea of playing as Aether the character just doesn't sit right with me even in the Genshin universe so you're idea of a completely different MC is perfect though if you are going to have it technically in the same universe I'd hope for Lumine content too, but definitely add Hu Tao and and Ei/Raiden Shogun content


Sep 1, 2018
You had a lot to unpack there...
don't put missable scenes in the game, if you want stat requirements thats fine imo it can add to the lore of the game itself if done right.
But from what I can tell this is you're first game and from a pure consumer perspective all having missable scenes will do is drive potential players away especially if this really is you're first game this is the one that is establishing you as a creator. My personal recommendation would be to avoid permentaly missable scenes as a whole (personally regardless of how well established you are) and focus more on the story itself. As I said having stat requirements is fine imo, if you feel like you can do them right meaning not placing the stat requirements too high to where it becomes a grind. If it ends up becoming a grind that will most likely drive people away too just like missable scenes will.
This is my first game, that means that I've been a player for years on tons of other games until I got the inspiration to make my own. This means that I have an idea of what mechanics are fun, and what others are unnecesary.

It will be possible to watch all scenes in-game, if you play your cards right that is. I don't want a clicking simulator where all you got to do is click to hear the next dialoge, go to a certain place, skip the dialogue, choose a random option and get the girl no matter what you do, that's just boring.
That's why I want to add missable scenes, you have to actively try to romance the girls in order to get them to like you. And even then, it's not like I'll make it a huge ordeal. Same with stat points, they're just there to add a bit of individuality, and by that I mean that I won't force people to grind out mindless tasks to get their stats as high as possible.

Personally I'd consider what is available right now too small for even a demo but even some triple A games that still release demos have been skimping on that. I spent a while trying to trigger to only scene in game atm using multiple choice paths until I found a bug to actually allow the scene to play.
Demos don't need a specific size, I released this because I wanted people to see what I was planning and how it was going to go. I completed the objective of getting feedback to know more of less what people want before making a first version full of stuff nobody cares for.

And the scene with Barbara is easy to pull off, I made it easy since it's the first scene of the game. You only have to choose twice for a total of four choice combinations to get to the scene.
It's really not that hard to save and load before each choice to get the scene.

as for the venti and other male characters content people seem to be asking for, I'd personally prefer if you did add them to have them waifuized/female versions of them
and for the female protag comments I'd ask that you also add a futa option if you do add a female protag option
I'm currently going for a kinda-sorta-maybe-canon story, where the only thing that changes is the MC's existence (And the whole sex thing ofc). So changing character's genders is a no-no for me, but as I previously said, scenes will be missable, by that I mean that you can miss them on purpose with some pretty obvious choices here and there.
So if you don't want to have an intimate bro moment with Venti, just don't try and fuck him, that's it. Same with pretty much every character if everything goes as planned.
And adding a futa option for the female protag defeats the purpose of having a female protag (+ that's triple the workload for me = triple the time you guys will need to wait until next patch). That would mean that for each event, I have to make a male scene, a female scene, and a futa scene. So if you want to have a dick, choose the male MC.
Still, I didn't ignore the venti suggestions, so I won't ignore yours. Again, if enough people ask for it, I may add a (optional) futa scene for the female MC.

Sorry if I sound kind of angry, it's 4:30 a.m. and I'm still trying to work out some stupid bugs that keep appearing on the new scenes. I hope you understood what I'm trying to say, have a good one and thanks for trying out my game. Even if I don't agree with some of your arguments, I will acknowledge them and I will try to improve.


Aug 29, 2020
Demos don't need a specific size, I released this because I wanted people to see what I was planning and how it was going to go. I completed the objective of getting feedback to know more of less what people want before making a first version full of stuff nobody cares for.

And the scene with Barbara is easy to pull off, I made it easy since it's the first scene of the game. You only have to choose twice for a total of four choice combinations to get to the scene.
It's really not that hard to save and load before each choice to get the scene.
a demo should be long enough to develop and idea of the game, based on the content provided that wasn't possible. the only reason I know a bit about it is based on your ideas going back and forth in these comments. Based on the content provided the only thing that is there is that you was found on the beach passed out and Barbara treated you for a week, Amber found you. but that doesn't really give an idea of the game.

the scene with Barbara the only way I was able to trigger it after trying all possible choice options was to continuously scroll back and forth through the charisma +1 part until I stacked charisma for a while it's the bug I'm pretty sure I mentioned since it didn't take away a point for scrolling back.

This is my first game, that means that I've been a player for years on tons of other games until I got the inspiration to make my own. This means that I have an idea of what mechanics are fun, and what others are unnecesary.
missable scenes aren't fun when you have to constantly go back and try to decipher which choice pattern is the correct one. As I said having stat locked scenes is fine as long as the grind for it doesn't start to feel like a grind. I'm sure others will agree on this.

I'm currently going for a kinda-sorta-maybe-canon story, where the only thing that changes is the MC's existence (And the whole sex thing ofc). So changing character's genders is a no-no for me, but as I previously said, scenes will be missable, by that I mean that you can miss them on purpose with some pretty obvious choices here and there.
So if you don't want to have an intimate bro moment with Venti, just don't try and fuck him, that's it. Same with pretty much every character if everything goes as planned.
And adding a futa option for the female protag defeats the purpose of having a female protag (+ that's triple the workload for me = triple the time you guys will need to wait until next patch). That would mean that for each event, I have to make a male scene, a female scene, and a futa scene. So if you want to have a dick, choose the male MC.
Still, I didn't ignore the venti suggestions, so I won't ignore yours. Again, if enough people ask for it, I may add a (optional) futa scene for the female MC.

Sorry if I sound kind of angry, it's 4:30 a.m. and I'm still trying to work out some stupid bugs that keep appearing on the new scenes. I hope you understood what I'm trying to say, have a good one and thanks for trying out my game. Even if I don't agree with some of your arguments, I will acknowledge them and I will try to improve.
as somebody else said in another comment, a good parody will gender swap characters to farther cement itself as a parody. Even going for a fairly canon story it would still be a parody since it's not the original creators of the universe so it wouldn't hurt to have female versions of them.
As far as the male/female/futa protag goes if you're going to include more than one you might as well include them all that was just a suggestion in case you do decide to add the female protag like some comments have asked for, it would only help the game being optional causing a wider audience especially since the futa genre doesn't have many good games, which would stray from your vision otherwise they would of been included from the beginning. And you don't really sound more angry than expected from getting feedback that goes against what you invision though everything I've said can only help if you learn from it.


Oct 9, 2019
I think having missable scenes is fine (easily solved with a gallery unlocker mod usually). Replayablity and different endings - just like a hangout events - you can load up a save file. It feels rewarding in a way,

Gender-swapping seems like a lot of work unless there's premade models already. And redesigning beloved characters is always gonna have mixed reactions.

I rather see the developer keep it simple and not overwhelmed. Keep the scope small in Mondstat for now: male MC, fan-favorites (broke fortune teller, tone-deaf bard, red-burny girl, etc.) And expand slowly to Liyue and then Inazuma with whatever male/female/futa MC.
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
I think having missable scenes is fine (easily solved with a gallery unlocker mod usually). Replayablity and different endings - just like a hangout events - you can load up a save file. It feels rewarding in a way,
That will be fine for those who use that kind of mods... I rarely watch what I have in the gallery, so in my case, if it doesn't happen during the game, I won't see it.

On the other hand, having different endings is nice. So, even if I only like to see one (as is my case), I can choose which one I prefer to see among them.


Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
It will be possible to watch all scenes in-game, if you play your cards right that is. I don't want a clicking simulator where all you got to do is click to hear the next dialoge, go to a certain place, skip the dialogue, choose a random option and get the girl no matter what you do, that's just boring.
That's why I want to add missable scenes, you have to actively try to romance the girls in order to get them to like you. And even then, it's not like I'll make it a huge ordeal. Same with stat points, they're just there to add a bit of individuality, and by that I mean that I won't force people to grind out mindless tasks to get their stats as high as possible.

And the scene with Barbara is easy to pull off, I made it easy since it's the first scene of the game. You only have to choose twice for a total of four choice combinations to get to the scene.
It's really not that hard to save and load before each choice to get the scene.
Personally, I think it's better that you make the scenes avoidable than making the scenes missables. In the first case it's understood that it's the player himself who chooses his path and whether or not he wants the scenes, while in the second it seems more random and dependent on not so clear choices. The nuance is important.

In my case, I will prefer to avoid scenes and romance with LIs who have certain fetishes (femdom, bdsm, maledom, futa, etc.). But I don't want to miss any of the LI's scenes that interest me. I'd rather be the one who chooses than to depend on answering a few questions appropriately.

In any case, if it's going to be like this, I guess I'll wait until I have a mod or pdf walkthrough to be sure what options to take to achieve the LIs I want.
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Oct 3, 2017
That's as far as the content goes for this version. I just uploaded it as a sort of demo for now.
I should have a version with actual playable content by the end of this week.
I wake up, name my character, Amber shows up, I get out of the church and that's it. There wasn't anything else, there wasn't any handjob scene. I cannot do anything in the game, the only thing happening is whenever I go to the tavern (nothing to say to anyone) on my way out a bard interrupts me and asks me something. The only option I have is "No." When I click on characters I can only say "No." or "Leave." This cannot be the end of the content according to the tags.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found out that you have to choose the correct combination at the start.
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4.70 star(s) 3 Votes