I built on top of what
stonerM had already done. They had about 40 to 50% complete as best I could tell. (
I think I caught a few error's that were in there as well, but may have made more
anyway it played fine for me when I was done )
This is a rather short Shoku, but maintains Shoku standard game play. )
I had to use another tool other than T++ to do what I did, may be some over lapping text in places (
tried to avoid this as much as possible ) , I have managed to rid the game of I think all of the Japanese text that you would normally see there.
Should be completely English now, Many places I left the MTL, but I did try to tweak it enough to make the story move along well I think. (
If you try it let me know what you think, but I think it does reasonably well. No need to bash me to much, I did it for myself, and decided to share )
It is just the data folder. It played solid for me.
File is in the spoiler
To install just drop the data folder from my zip file into your game folder, and allow it to overwrite. [
Make a back up of your Original Data Folder encase you don't like what I have done]
Just put your backed up Data folder back in and allow it to overwrite mine, and your back to square one.