Every link i tried to download got blocked by antivirus and categorized as trojan. Is it safe to let it trough the antivirus? I really dont wanna reinstall my os all over again.
I got the same warnings. After forcing it through and running multiple times to play through the game though, I can confirm it is fine.
The problem is that cheatengine, by its design, acts like a virus in the way it edits actively running programs. You will have a hell of a time getting it past any antivirus because of that (windef actively removed it from my pass list multiple times believing it to be an entirely
different virus). Definitely not the best solution for a translation I have seen, but it works and appears to be safe.
Fair warning, the gameplay is quite good as a sidescroller, but there is very little sexual content beyond running around naked. Only a couple animations with the (7-8) main enemy types, some erotic traps, and some CG's for beating the bosses. It is fine, but it feels like an afterthought. Succubus affection, linked in the post immediately above this, is
much better in that regard and has the sex built in as a mechanic to strengthen your character.