VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Depraved Awakening [v1.0] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game and one of the most iconic, the TRUE visual novel. An interesting story with several endings (depending on your choices), the soundtrack is what brings the "magic" and immersion to this game, especially Kai Engels' "Something". The characters are well crafted, models very well made, good aesthetics.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    Even though it was an above average game, it started to bore me a lot towards the end and sadly I had to quit the game towards the end. It would have been better if some parts were not so long. I didn't feel that the choices in the story were effective enough.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6577935

    It took some time, but my quest to find something good, new and different (on this website) is now concluded. Depraved awakening makes me wanna use the word GREAT. There are other titles (here) that I'd qualify as great, but my idea was to keep trying stuff outside my comfort zone. This time it's gonna be "all rainbows and flowers review", cause I genuinely believe that Depraved Awakening deserves it, and you that you should try it.

    Here's what I liked:

    - I never saved - I never felt like was giving a wrong answer, or that I should go back and give another answer. I was always good or at least Ok, with the consequences of my choices, and I never bothered to check the girls" numericals". I was entertained and immersed ALL the time.

    - Surprising characters - It was a short run, but something simple like a "switcheroo" between who you can and can't trust did wonders, to add some depth to some of the cast.

    - Good writing - I don't know who it is, it doesn't matter. He/she/it/them/other knows what they are doing, and understands how fiction should be delivered, at what pace, and the limits of what can be achieved, in this sort of work. It's perfect within its scope, and some "non-following content" every now and then, doesn't detract from my statement, it actually makes things better.

    - My own preconceptions were put into the spotlight - It's simple, I was so relaxed, and natural, that I was able to confirm some things about my own tastes. Ex: I should have been born in Ireland, cause pasty white, freckles, red hair, and green eyes really does it for me. I'm not even sorry, Christina is a freaking treasure.

    - The only character that "escaped" was the hooker - I'm a virtual scumbag, but the irony is not lost on me. Are you still here, go read this!!!

    - The ending - I ended up alone, and it was fitting after my choices, no idea on the possibilities, but this one felt right (my choice? died... maybe she could be saved).

    - Silly similes - I like them, they fit my own taste. Can't give a bigger compliment than that. (I use the word silly because they revolve around things like Dorothy and the wizard of OZ)

    - The music is there but it's not intrusive - Some titles have barely any audio, others delve too much on the author's own tastes. This one just gives some adequate ambience. It's good by comparison, not by itself.

    - Visuals - Again better by comparison to other titles, although I will say the animations need work on the camera shots. Do note that I'm still new to this kind of presentation (half a dozen titles).

    - Action sequences/dramatic events - Good quantity, surprise factor, lasting consequences. What else can you ask for from a work of this magnitude? They are very good.

    - Many of my own influences came to mind reading this - Stuff like Spider-Man, resident evil, sin city, even train to Busan (name drop). I don't know about the writer, but I thought about such things.

    - Tanned, blond, shy, Korean is a thing - "You live and learn boy". You live and learn.

    What about the bad? There's some of course, but people on the internet are finicky. Just this one time let me exert some positive influencing. Lord knows I'm overly critical, most of the time.

    This a 10/10, no question, when looking at fun, engagement, surprise and by comparison to the some of the competition. I'm buying this (had a great time with it, it's only fair), replaying it at some point, and checking the developer's other title. If it's close to this good than some support is in order(I'll want more). Highly recommend it, and I'd feel some sort of satisfaction if you also end up enjoying it.

    Fun fact - I named my character Humbug Fapdoodle, that should tell you that I had zero expectations reading this.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Just amazing looking women with high quality renders.

    Game is just so well polished and looking great.

    Awesome storytelling capability with creative imagination.

    It's a real pleasure enjoying game from this developer.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one true gem of a game. Pure noir detective story (something from Humphrey Bogart era) with nice jazz music and spiced with sex. Game start as a novel, not much of a choice. But as soon as all player are introduced, things start to be more interesting. Decisions affect the further branching of the story, graphics become better and even sex scenes become wilder, witch culminate with the big bang at the end. Actually there are several possible endings, and each one has different end sex scene, but there are all extremely good. Not to mention that all the female characters are very fuckable, I mean likable
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game which greatly improves as the game progresses. Took me ~4-5 hours to complete and I used the walkthrough mod. I unlocked most scenes, but some depend on which ending you choose. I would rate this a high B-tier or low A-tier game.

    -Interesting story (and somewhat realistic?)
    -Animation and renders significantly improve in the 2nd half of the game
    -The girls have unique models, they aren't just carbon copies that you see in a lot of VNs

    -The animation and renders are really awful at the start
    -Some of the girls are not attractive at all (e.g. Kirla)
    -Audio is very basic
    -Incest patch doesn't feel very natural, i would recommend not using it

    Full review:

    The story is one of the high points of this game. I really like the mystery and detective work. Since I used the walkthrough mod, I'm not sure how impactful the choices are on the story. I thought the story pacing was great and the conclusion was well done as well.

    The character design goes from really awful to amazing. The render quality is average at best for the first 2-3 hours, then for the second half of the game the renders have incredible quality. In particular, Judy's face in the 1st half is really quite ugly and unnatural, but in the 2nd half she's super hot. The only girls which remain hot throughout imo are Carli, Christina, and Stella, and even then their render quality greatly improves. I do appreciate that this game uses models which are unique unlike a lot of other VNs.

    The scenes, just like the character design, goes from rudimentary and basic in the 1st half of the game to incredible in the 2nd half. The animation in the 1st half is choppy and often is just 2 images playing back and forth - at that point I'd rather just have still CGs. In the 2nd half of the game, the animation is noticeably better, with actual smooth animation and it's brilliant. The scenes are also easy enough to unlock if you're following the walkthrough mod. There is also a gallery in the main menu which shows all the scenes, even if you havent unlocked them in game which i think is good. One of the problems with City of Broken Dreamers (the dev's other game) was that I only got like half of the scenes and the rest was just locked.

    The characters are also interesting, they do have actual personalities for the most part, though of course a lot of them are super slutty (this is a porn game after all). I don't really feel like a huge emotional connection was made with any of the girls in aprticular, in my playthrough, the MC seemed to have gotten together with Carli, but it didn't really feel natural? Like he's banging all these girls and he just chooses Carli, I didnt really have a choice. Another thing is the incest in this game. I feel like Judy wants to fuck you way too easily, after like a few days of living together, and the incest did not really feel natural (though I guess this could be attributed to the Awakening?). Either way, it doesn't affect anything too much, just a small criticism.

    My only other 'issue' is taht the audio was very basic, I would've appreciated more moans during scenes or just some music during the story/dialogue as some parts are just completely silent.

    Overall, it's a good game with a great story and animation/renders which significantly improves in the 2nd half of the game. If you can get past the choppy, low-quality scenes in the 1st half then it's definitely worth playing.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was able to catch my attention, thou I don't really like a used models. Only a Judy (second from right) was able to get my attention on start and Christina(first from right) later.
    It was interesting to see the story and check a different routes.
    Scenes was quite good too, especially with Judy and Christina.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played through this game and I haven't seen half the available characters.

    Great atmosphere, ok mystery, above-average writing with believable characters. This is definitely a studio to keep an eye on, as pretty renders are a dime a dozen - writing skill is what separates the good stuff from the chaff, and this game has it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the good 18+ with nice renders, and interesting story, though I am a bit disappointed that one of the victim girl is destined to die, the game still gives a quality time to sit down and enjoy a somewhat bloody, violent but enough sex content to make up for that. Worth playing!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v1.0 completed around half.

    - Decent size, no pointless grind
    - The graphics improves with time
    - The game was finished
    - Pretty static girls shots
    - Lots of sex scenes

    - pretty meh story for me, maybe better than average game here but I did not care about girls at all they were just sex dolls
    - some girls look downright scary when their mimic changes, it improves a bit towards the end
    - terrible animation loops
    - unlikable protagonist
    - the sex talk is pretty bad. MC talks to all girls like sluts which is fun but its a bit much of it here. Also even that is pretty low quality.

    I would rate this 5/10. Seems people here like it very much, but meh story, ugly graphics especially during sex scenes and lack of care for characters is a bit much for me. 5 years ago it was probably good but now there are many games with better story and graphics.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This was an interesting game that I enjoyed playing. It's more of a visual novel than game I guess, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

    Beautiful renders and environments - I really appreciated how many renders there were for even small things like walking or running in action scenes, it gives the content a faster and easier time getting through instead of lots of unnecessary text describing these more mundane actions between the fun stuff. Would have loved to see true animated sex scenes and not just "moving pictures", but still very enjoyable. Beautiful girls but perhaps a bit bland in varying personalities.

    Easy but interesting plot, I do enjoy a real plot behind all the crazy porn logic that still feels "kind of" real, which I feel the author managed well.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice varied porn, beautiful models, decent plot. There are some branching options with several girls, allowing you to go for more/less depraved relations with them.

    And a gallery to check out variants after you're done.
    I enjoyed it, looking forward for more from this author.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    countless ages and reviews exist for this, but had to confirm that there are in fact minimal choices and most gals (and choices) are sex
    (often times sex is forced and choices are want any progress with them then do every dirty possible thing from groping too spying N jacking it possible and nothing else)

    For more in depth review suggest just checking screen shots, accept "animations" are below average, and then mainly focus on reviews that are 2-3 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    They say a classic has a timeless quality to it. In my opinion, this game holds up in 2023.

    People recommended this game and the score set expectations. While not perfect, this game does build a world, offer fantasies and engages the player in its story. Most AVN's never get there.

    Story wise this game made me feel. I felt agitated, angry, saddened, surprised - but most of the time I felt curious and horny. Provided you take the time to sit with it, this game will take you places and make you feel things. The only thing is - the bad guys aren’t really fleshed out that well.

    The beginning made zero sense to me, but you play a detective trying to figure out what happened to one of your clients. Crazy things happen as coverups become apparent and your snooping has its toll. The game does not shy away from pain, gore and suffering - which definitely helps ground the realism of the game in sometimes unrealistic settings.

    The game is quite long with many paths to pick that don't always make sense. A 'points' counter has been added to let you understand how you are faring with a LI. But often times, it's quite a chore getting to the special moments. Not to mention the non-canonical ones. I’d recommend a walkthrough to find you all the sweet scenes for a second playthrough - go with your gut feeling on the first one.

    Graphics depend on the beholder. Personally I liked the art style, the fidelity of the characters and the way scenes are shot. Dev has an eye for cinematic shots and goes out of his way to create some interesting perspectives. At times, things get really visceral - gore and body fluids - but I felt it all supported the story being told. Renders seemed great to me, animations were a couple frames long. Not buttery smooth, but I didn’t care for animations.

    Most of the characters have their own quirks and there are a lot of intimate / sex scenes. Some might say a little too much, as it can hinder the story from progressing. There’s some serious moral stuff going on, although it never fully goes alpha dominant (apart from that one photo.. you’ll see it). Judy is basically forced on you story-wise which can throw some people off, but for the most part you get to handpick your experience - and the choices do matter as I’ve come to find out. And yes, Carli is top wife for me as well.

    Should you play this? Yes. There’s a lot to take in: you get to be a detective, fuck multiple women, maybe fall in love, be chased by villains and potentially NTR a guy for life. It’s a rollercoaster, but one I wouldn’t want you to miss.

    9/10 because of the minor points and the backtracking - but this is still gold in 2023. 10/10 if you like hot stepdaughters to corrupt.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game, nice characters and original narrative. Characters are very nice build and written. An animations and sex scenes should be better, but this game is also old so i don't blame author. Really good game, and for characters worth playing.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Dark, suspenseful, and chaotic in its nature, Depraved Awakening exceeded my expectations with its excellent narrative and brooding setting. Some characters have good stories, others are a bit more underwhelming. The plot itself is the magnum opus, full of twists and turns that will keep you on your toes.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: Completed Game)

    I consider Depraved Awakening to be an excellent game. Easily one of the best completed AVNs on the site. We have to always keep in mind that the game was developed in 2017, so it won't look as good as the AVNs around these days. However, the renders still do a serviceable job. The story is intriguing with several compelling characters. Carli is one of my favorite AVN LIs of all time. Overall, DA has been a standard for good games and it has inspired many games after it's release. Must play. 9/10.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Starts off compelling and then grinds to a halt, meandering its way through the plot while feeling that it is going too fast because of the high frequency of character interactions that serve little but to set up a sex scene.

    I have the same complaint about City of Broken Dreamers, so lessons were clearly not learned.

    Sex scenes have great ideas behind them, but the execution sucks because of the bad animation and ugly models. The latter can be forgiven as these are using very old Daz models, and I can't fap to any other game using them either... City of Broken Dreamers is much better here.

    Like with CoBD, the characters are paper thin and I do not care about them at all. They are sex props - which would be fine for a porn-focused game, but DA clearly aspires to more.

    Dialogue is great in this game though. If we ignore the lack of character, I can count on two fingers the number of times I was jolted out of the story by something unnatural in the dialogue. This is a problem with 99% of AVNs, and others do it at a far higher frequency.

    I had to quit after the threesome with Lynn and Christina because it's just too boring for me, and without the saving grace of attractive models and animations. That scene was so dumb because it required a ridiculous interaction between the two women that is then spun 180 degrees fast enough to give whiplash. I have to think it's something to do with the awakening drug, but at this point in the story, it feels terribly wrong.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good and solid game, the first game of this great author. Im gonna put some things of the game that I liked and what I didn't:

    - Good story. It's much better than the average H-games.

    - H-scenes good overall. Scene level improves throughout the game, so much so that at the end you unlock the best scenes of the game (but they are not cannon).

    - Poor animation. Some animation looks like to be done with just 2-3 frames.

    - The pace of the scenes are a bit high. Every 5 min MC is fucking someone. I dunno if there are more lines in sex scenes or out of them. This maybe be good, but can make the story worse. At least, you don't have to "farm" to get early scenes like other games.

    - Character design is really good. The girls are so hot and there is much variety. Who cares the boys?

    - Poor sound. The only sound I remember is explosions and such. In the H-scenes, there are not moans or cum sound.

    - Pretty good technically for how old the game is, still looking fantastic.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Doesn't really appeal to me. The build up feels all wrong and rushed. Also the way the MC instantly calls the women sluts in the dirty talk doesn't really do it for me. Plenty of people appear to like it, so give it a shot and if you don't like it initially, for the reasons I brought up, you most likely won't change your mind if you push through either.