Just here to report some "bugs". So
I'm saying "bugs" cause it's more like a flaw in the progress of the story.
To summarise, I am like
day 70, got all the girls possibles (I think) entered "phase 2" (espacialy Ayako and all the girls at home) BUT I
only did the "Long Nap" on the roof of the School (and didn't progress the story further). So I got some incoherences in the event.
1- When doing
Shiroi events, got Ryouka to show up (even if she is suposed to be in "jail") to heal her and all. Plus, during the confession, I got a
"phase 2" Ella to show up (I didn't had seduced her at that time) so another issue.
2 - I didn't
visit Sun until day 70, and I don't need to explain why it's messed up at that point (Ryouka again). But I got some interestings issue after that. Now, when I call Ayako in my room (in the Afternoon),
she is back to her "phase 1" apparence/gameplay (and I can do again the 3 Corruptions an 3 Dominations events). But if I go to her room,
she is in her "phase 2" apparence/gameplay (the stage I was before going to Sun's place).
3 - These last two are completly bugged scripts. And it's all about Rin. First I got her to "phase 2" and, when I talk to her, the
screen stay on the classroom image (can't see Rin's face). Second, there is a mixup in her event. When I
try to play the Event 2 of Sasaki (she is in "phase 2"),
it open the dialogue screen of Rin (with her event) and I'm stuck with that.
That's all all for the bugs I noticed
I can say this is a good game with many choises and interesting characters.
The only this left to patch is the naration track (got some actions, especialy with Nanami, that don't make sence to be kept after she enter "phase 2") and some accessibilitys things (sometime it's kinda hard to tell what are the travel options when there is the same option in the list of choise and in the bottom of the screen).
And last, but not least, maybe add 1 or 2 more soundtracks (even if the actual ones are good) for more diversity (like a music for romance sceens and all...).
And please add something in the tutorial to explain what are the symboles on the girl's statues (the heart, broken heart and star), this star is driving me nut for not knowing what it mean x/.
And last, it's about the prostitutes in the Alley. They are mentionned in the tutorial but it's not explicitly told where (and more importantly when) to find them so I had to look in the comments to find the answer to "how do I recharge the power ?". And, still on the prostitutes, maybe increase the amount of power given by the "anal" and "threesome". Technical they are less attractives than the simple "sex" (who is the best optimisation of power/money) wich is kinda sad when you see the price of the threesome.
Even if I say that, this game is really good with some cool mechanics and I'm looking forward for the updates

Good work, and good luck JAD !