You only explain if you are guilty, especially on this topic, human trafficking is not easy to explain.
So this means you cannot find anythign on line, so there is a real reason to suspect human trafficking,
sealing of records
Bro', that's just some bullshit you made up to defend the dev's bad storytelling. And what the fuck is up with all this shit about human trafficking ?? Where'd you get that from ??

Who da fuck would even mention being a victim of that with a smile on their face ??

And what kinda insane person would call a woman, who was a victim of human trafficking and abuse, a slut and a whore ?? Nobody. Ppl wouldn't be trashing her like this if she actually was a victim of that, coz you never blame the victim, but this whore chose to make money the easy way in life by spreading her legs and getting her holes stuffed with dick. Sluts like that don't deserve no sympathy, coz they chose their own path in life, so excuse us for not buying her ridiculous excuses that not even she herself believes.
She gets worked up over this, so it must be something aggregious/hurtful or shameful, or else she could just show him on her phone
It should be. Last time I checked, most women were shamed, bullied, treated like shit and looked down on for this type of
career, while others didn't give a shit about how many dicks they get and what others think of them as long as the money's worth it, so you simply don't tell your family you earn a living by getting dicked on camera, especially not an insane idiot with anger issues like the MC in this game.
Why is there an animated tag here???? There's zero animations.
Don't worry, that's prolly kept for the sister's 'perfomances' on camera, and there's a lot of those to 'enjoy' watching, so the next updates (IF the game won't be abandoned) should be interesting to play.