Yes, well, I was aiming for "not the best" for sure.
The development speed was not, in fact, as fast as it appeared. I plan to post a short note after posting the final version, but the game took about 14 months to create.
Great. Realistic expectations are a good feat ^^
But seriously, good isn't bad. And compared to the (in my opinion) really high-quality games in the genre, the game is still missing something. The number of renderings isn't that high, we usually only have a background with sprites and rarely complete scenes. They stand also for very long and there are seldom several perspectives and so on. In addition, the characters are quite rigid and don't have a lot of facial expressions.
There is simply still air to the top and that is in my opinion a good thing

- I am looking forward to a next project and am sure that this will be even better.
In my ratings list the game got a 6.5 and is on place 65/317. For comparison. Melody got an 8 from me, just like DfD or Haley's Story. Waifu Academy got a 7. To name just a few.
But you didn't notice the 14 months here or did I overlook the game for so long? From 0.3 to 0.9 was felt very short.