I mean in the end its up to them.
If the dev wants and thinks they could do it with reasonable amount of time why not.
It doesnt have to be anything complex, just a simple battle system for starters and see how it goes from there.
I just suggest things i'd like to see in the game and make the dev aware of the suggestion preferably.
Its up to them to do whatever they want with the suggestion.
Personally i'd just like to see some kind of interaction during combat, i dont wanna sit lazy and relax while while they slaughter people, its supposed to be intense for the player too, adding that stress in the game.
So it would make player feel, do i wanna engage in combat with those people in fear of losing or maybe winning, not knowing what could happen and it would affect the story itself preferably.
I would avoid making battle system like in some RPG games where you collect and sell items, that doesnt sound very good to me i'd give it -1 unless it works very well with this type of game
What makes amazing games in my opinion is immersion. So i think its wise to add more immersive things in the game, suitable for every player.
Most of the VN's are just clicking and almost falling asleep, if you wanna be different i already suggested something
I know it seems pretty ambitious for a small team but im just putting it out there
I can respect that. It's all ultimately up to the dev. I will say that just because one can add something to a game doesn't mean they should add it. This isn't a first person shooter or a close combat fighting game, it's an adult visual novel. I generally prefer AVNs that don't change the original mechanics midway. It's one thing if the added items were planned from pre-release stage, but tacking on more bloat just for shits and giggles? No thanks. This game, through the first six episodes, has already struck gold with the story, characters, and lewd scenes. IMO, it doesn't need QTE or any other gimmicks. This game may not be an overnight hit, but it is steadily growing in popularity with each release. I'd hate to see a change in focus alter that trajectory.
I will concede that if QTE, (like all of the other controversial items in the game), is made optional then I guess what you say is ok. Aside from some episode release dates potentially taking longer, it's hard to argue with something that you can opt out from. The problem is, they already have a lot of opt outs (gore, extreme violence, multiple protags, sharing, etc.). That's a lot of content to work hard on that many players might never see. That would be a waste of time for me in my visual novel, but if it doesn't bother this dev, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯