Well yes but the kill herself before getting raped doesn't sit well with me because. To actually want to kill yourself you have to have nothing to live for she does have something to live for her family and rape is just that you dont have a choice in the matter.So, we both agree that false choices are pointless and a waste of time it seems.
So, the choice you want, as I understand it, is that the Player have Shani at some point lose a fight on purpose basically (choosing to dodge right instead of left as your example put forward) and have her get raped and left behind (because she's a woman and it okay for that to happen to her while not her father). Then, because of that a whole new, multi-scene subplot is generated of her coming to grips with that moment AND her father being presented with how he deals with it which again, to avoid no false choices, has significant impact on the story. As a write myself, that sounds like a nightmare web to get into for content that doesn't fit the character of Shani (who has been set up as the kind of person who would kill herself before letting herself get raped in my opinion) and doesn't fit the narrative being laid out so far. Not to mention that most people wouldn't see it anyway.
Edit: If that is the choice you'd like to see, cool, this post was not meant to be a judgment or attack. I'm just trying to wrap up this interesting discussion cleanly with both of us knowing were the other stands and what the other is trying to say.
I also don't see Shani as someone who would stab herself in the throat to avoid getting raped because she strikes me as the never give up type. Also i don't really care to much about the rape option the one im more into would be the knight in shining armor. M/F version. You know one night stand in the Zone the zone that is ment as a comming of age and finding yourself.
What we know of Shani pales in comparison with what we should find out about Shani in the next few coming updates.
Suprisingly enough im not into rape the only reason i can stomache the Asha scene the way I do is because she likes it. If she didn't i'd avoid it like the pleague.
Her of course either being rescued by someone or rescuing someone depending on if you have Shani help or Shani self up.
Surprisingly i'd do opposite though Shani help being her rescuing someone and Shani self her being rescued.
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