- Oct 21, 2020
- 703
- 2,177
Yes, this is a work in progress, so there are scenes that are self contained, and they might not always include sexy times because that is not their purpose, and there are scenes that foreshadow and lay the groundwork for the characters to be guided in certain directions
The only plot relevant item where you are left "hanging" mid event (debatable because it makes sense to split it into 2 days) in this update is that we announce the second part of the Hive quest on the mission board and have moved its production up 1 release later, and yes, we did that without changing the questlog into "to be continued" because there were a few technical issues that prevented us from doing so.
Other than that, the only thing where you are left "incomplete" is the harem, which contains a couple of greyed out options that you haven't access to yet, which are plot dependent. We decided to basically spoiler that there will be multiple variations of scenes involving the people whose image you see in the harem when they are both ready to be released AND the characters are available and not someplace else, because of the point in the plot you decide to have a look at the harem.
as for the other instances you mention, Kateryna's opening towards preggo fetish, our first visit to Omar's place...yes they don't resolve immediately... there are in game reasons for that... for one, build up in the narrative, pacing... then the fact that we have a living world that has a number of plots that come together to make the overall plot...which means that the various moving parts are ready when they are ready. We can only do so much and you will never get a "next release" that resolves all of the plot points and then starts new plot points in the subsequent release. This is just not that kind of game.
So yes.. there is foreshadowing, and we don't really believe we should spell out everything to the minute detail.. so, foreshadowing of what, is for you to find out playing/waiting for the next update... But I don't think we've made it too hard to guess what it might be.
Put simply, the world of Zeta does not aseptically revolve around what the player wants and that's it. You have a lot of agency, but the other characters have their own kinks, fetishes, agendas, identities. Things that are revealed gradually as you explore the relationships with them, others that are evident from the start...and yes, there are exceptions.. there are circumstances that are set in stone such as the relationship with Zahra (and her character traits) or Ain, which are established since before you even start the game...
Your task is to navigate those events to steer them in the directions you like best.
This will never be a game where every scene resolves into a sex act.. and yes, until it is well and truly done, there will be occasions in which a scene is there purely to set the stage, to titillate, to introduce things, themes, characters.
do we have a lot of moving parts? yes.. possibly even too many... certainly too many to see them all progress over the course of 1 or even 2 updates... this will change over time as certain plot elements solidify or run their course.
Going backwards... That the Vessel of the Temple carries the PC's offspring is entirely your choice.. you could also have decided that she does not. Kateryna's character revolving around a fixation about pregnancy is also your call.. you can discourage it if you decide it doesn't make sense to you for Z to have that option...The Omar/Rabiah stuff for example, is it supposed to be foreshadowing sharing or cucking? Or maybe he cucks you? Choice between the 3? Oh and "encouraging" Katrina to be pregnant vs "steering her away", so is that a choice for preggo fetish featuring her...? And what's the point of that considering the PC is married, in a relationship with the queen and earlier in the day meets a pregnant woman carrying his offspring?
We provide options. but when you make the call, don't blame us for the call you decide to make.
If you don't like the notion of her having a pregnancy fetish because you don't think it fits with, say, the household or the context, don't follow that path.. it does not come at the exclusion of her character, she will do other stuff...
Does that mean that making a choice means you follow 1 path and not the other, therefore you get one scene and not the other? yes. That's a conscious decision because in DS, choices must have consequences...
Does it mean that a fairly big update looks smaller because you only see part of it? Probably, yes (won't be the case every time, but occasionally yes.. for instance, if you killed the blue haired girl in the market, you don't get to boink her in this update).
We are writing a game that aims at creating a believable and complete narrative once it is fully done. Until then, there will be inevitably some things that feel a bit off, some loose ends and threads, maybe even some rewrites.
Yes, Omar's House is fertile territory to explore that line of kinks... how exactly, will be something you will discover as the game goes on... again, this is a matter of pacing and trying to be just a little bit realistic in setting the stage for the sexy times.
(and yes, I realise that this may not work out as intended every time, and that sometimes the pacing is actually a little off, but we do our best)
Now for the real worry that I take away from your post...
you say the event progression needs fixing.. I was fairly sure we did that with the public release (9.b)... if that is not the case, I would like some more info..
What exactly is out of order? can you give me some more detail so we can actually act on the problem? feel free to reach out on the discord.
Thank you.
EDIT: apologies for the rambling nature of the post.. I am in bed with the flu and not firing on all cylinders.