The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@herrbertold Indeed, that's why he is feared and shunned by his own people, though, like with all the other mythology you have already seen in the game, I take my own spin on it.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2017

That's all i can say. Woah.

Nah i am kidding, i can say more, I loved this alot so i am really looking forward to chapter 5 and the rest. Awesome job man.
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The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@Darkarhon Thank you! I hope you find your way to trying my other titles!

@herrbertold Oh yes, quite so, I love mythology, folklore, religion, and such, and I have studied it for decades as a hobby. So, all the monsters that appear in the game are from actual folklore. You got a small taste of it on the mountain zone already, but hundreds of more monsters will be seen as the game progresses! In other words, write what you know- but make it your own!


Jun 7, 2017
@Darkarhon Thank you! I hope you find your way to trying my other titles!

@herrbertold Oh yes, quite so, I love mythology, folklore, religion, and such, and I have studied it for decades as a hobby. So, all the monsters that appear in the game are from actual folklore. You got a small taste of it on the mountain zone already, but hundreds of more monsters will be seen as the game progresses! In other words, write what you know- but make it your own!
I've played a couple of your other games. I enjoy the work and dedication you put into them. I have mixed feelings on some of the story lines and of course as with anything "If I made this, I would . . ." But, like I said before, I appriciate the work and dedication you put into your projects, even when I don't care for something in them.

As I get further into the game than the Hunters base I will get a look at more.


Active Member
Oct 14, 2017
It absolutely boggles my mind the scope which you're giving this project compared to your others. Is this your favorite project of the bunch? I don't have any doubt you'll finish it, given your track record, and I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes out of this.

Just a note: Maybe you can think about adjusting the colors some. Playing this game for a while seems to make me go cross-eyed and gives me headaches. Maybe it's just me, though I haven't experienced this with your other projects.

Also, just a note: even though Hobbs gives you the doxy drink at Bron's request, I don't have one in my inventory later on. Maybe I overlooked some explanation for that.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@herrbertold Thank you!

@cell943 To answer your first question, cell, LONG POST, so I'll put it in a spoiler tag:

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TLDR; I am sorry I wrote so much! But, you know how I get when someone asks me about what I love! So, this is not my favorite project- it's impossible for me to choose one as my favorite- but it's just that my abilities and those of helpful fans have come together to make something special!

The color adjustment is an interesting idea. I wonder if I could have an option in game for a color switch of some kind. May I ask, what do you envision as being easier on your eyes?

You Doxy Drink vanishing is news to me, but it will be MANY updates before it is actually working anyway, and knowing me as variables are added one will probably have to start over. Though, I intend until final release to try and give folks a "skip to chapter X" type option if they only want to see the new content of the update. Thanks for the feedback!


May 24, 2017
Gotta say this has to be my favourite of your games so far, and not just because I really fucking love VtM and contemporary fantasy in general. I like the less bleak feel this one has and it's nice to be able to appreciate your writing without feeling so fucking anxious (which I hella was throughout Slugs and Cereborg, you're damn good at setting an atmosphere), so it's nice for a change to be able to bump back in one of your games.

Also especially loved the more signposted bad ends in this as it meant I had the choice to go out of my way to see them and it made me more likely to do so.
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New Member
Apr 29, 2018
Not usually into horror, but this seems intriguing. If I like it, looks like there are plenty more games by the author.
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Feb 14, 2018
This looks like it may be right up my alley. While I have no preference to clowns, I do have a thing for body modification. The flatulence thing is a little offputting, but it isn't scat so I think it will be tolerable. That all said I certainly have high hopes, Slugs and Bugs was promising, but didn't care for the use of heavily edited real life pinups instead of cgs. Seems this one eliminates that problem, so should be good. Let's see if it can trample Dustmania Grotesque for depravity shall we.

Also to the author, think you might go a little darker with future projects, maybe into some guro? You seem fascinated with corruption, and have a thing for women enjoying things that should never be enjoyed by anyone (I.E. Being Murdered/Cannibalized, Mutilation/Mutation, Ritual Sacrifice etc.) Any way we could see corruption of that level in the future? (I haven't played this one yet so if this includes the above, please disregard, though the tags didn't make it sound that extreme.)

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@Xymma You'll be happy to know that I plan to rework Slugs and Bugs: Invasion in the future with all CGI and tweak the gameplay. In regards to D:BB here, this is only the first update, and this will be a massive project, so I hope somewhere within it, it will have something you can really sink your teeth into.

As far as guro, it's not really my personal fetish at all. You see, in death and murder, from my fetish standpoint, the villain gains nothing. Now, bend your enemy to your will, take their soul, rape their body, twist their mind, and that new and improved slave of yours seems much sexier to me than a carcass. That is not to judge anyone on their fetishes, because we all have our kinks (and rightly so!), but I have seen, first hand, in my own work what happens when I try to write scenes about things that turn me off, and it really isn't good. There will, however, be zombies, and blood. Here, I shall give you a teaser of my Asylum monster hunt:
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Jan 1, 2019
I do wonder if the maker have the right to use Sin Episodes Emergence - What's the world come to by Zak Belica.
I have nothing against that the make uses it, it fits and it's a good song.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@cordux I do not. But, since my work is free and not sold, I likely needn't worry. However, if I ever got a letter or such asking it be removed, tis easy enough.


Active Member
Apr 8, 2018
Can confirm that I have no Doxy drinks in my inventory even though I supposedly received one anyway at the end, after refusing to straight-up accept it when offered.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@Wooloomooloo Yes, thank you for letting me know. I have not actually added it into the game yet, so, it will be there in several updates when I figure out what characters it can be used on for some Bimboization scenes.
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Feb 14, 2018
@Xymma You'll be happy to know that I plan to rework Slugs and Bugs: Invasion in the future with all CGI and tweak the gameplay. In regards to D:BB here, this is only the first update, and this will be a massive project, so I hope somewhere within it, it will have something you can really sink your teeth into.

As far as guro, it's not really my personal fetish at all. You see, in death and murder, from my fetish standpoint, the villain gains nothing. Now, bend your enemy to your will, take their soul, rape their body, twist their mind, and that new and improved slave of yours seems much sexier to me than a carcass. That is not to judge anyone on their fetishes, because we all have our kinks (and rightly so!), but I have seen, first hand, in my own work what happens when I try to write scenes about things that turn me off, and it really isn't good. There will, however, be zombies, and blood. Here, I shall give you a teaser of my Asylum monster hunt:
While I understand that even people who have fetishes in the same realm of depravity as my own doesn't necessarily mean they delve to the depth that I do, I feel I have been misinterpreted slightly and wish to clarify. I do have a thing for corpses, but that is entire different fetish altogether than the one I'm trying to express. After finishing what you have done of Desideratum,(Excellent name by the way, it's rare that I find a word not in my vocabulary) I noticed you brushed what I'm talking about slightly. More or else I'm talking about a depth of corruption where women seek and gain sexual satisfaction from things like being murdered, mutilated and devoured. Much like Dustmania Grotesque you have a plot device that allows for all of these to occur without the permanence of the grave. I certainly like the Zombie thing(They have to die first to become undead, yes?) Moreso if the process that kills them and turns them into a Zombie, is both gruesome and something they enjoy vehemently.

Lest I sound ungrateful, I want to truly commend everything your doing, you have created content that has filled more of darker fetishes than most, and certainly more than anything English origin. That's probably why I'm being so forthright with my requests, because your the only author that I know of that has fetishes near as dark as my own, that I can actually communicate with. Although, if you aren't into the level of depravity I am than you needn't fret, your still doing excellent work, and I most certainly will continue to follow this project and the remastered version of Slugs and Bugs and basically anything you do with CG.

Speaking of that, what is the rate at which we can expect updates? Seeing as, how I understand it, it is just you and your illustrator working on the project I imagine it will be fairly slow, and understandably so, you can't rush quality. Still, having an estimate would be better than simmering in the dark.

Ps: There is another fetish of mine that you "might" be interested in, and it would certainly help me out because I have yet to find it outside of text only stories. I have a for impregnation, much like yourself, but I also have a thing for alien(using the term alien as an adjective here) reproductive cycles. For example, there is a story were the embryo requires gestation within multiple mothers. I haven't found anything else like that but with how much I enjoyed that, I imagine weirder would only be better.

Pss: I hope you don't mind me bouncing ideas off you like this, it is your story so I don't mind being shot down, I just relish the fact that my ideas are being heard by someone with a means to make them reality, even if that may never actually happen.

The Anax

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2017
@Xymma I don't mind you bouncing ideas off me at all! As far as the art goes, I do everything. I do all the art and find all the music (sometimes I pay musicians to create music for me if I can't find what I want for a scene), and I do all the writing. The one thing I cannot do is programming (like the inventory and random monster hunts). As you might imagine, me doing so much is what takes time. However, you will be happy to note that even though I make so little on Patreon (it's tough to survive on that amount every month in the USA, but I am just scraping by), I am able to do updates every month or a handful of times it has been bi-monthly for the full update. This IS my only job and income. Thus, I work on these projects about 10 - 16 hours a day. I have not had a day off since Halloween though I might take a day or two off in April. Anyway, some have conjectured my autism causes me to be such a workhorse, for myself, it keeps away the depression and the countless haunting thoughts that await me any time I am not thinking about something else. The rest of this post gets long...

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Thanks for asking, and sorry I always have such long responses, but I do like to ensure I communicate well to my fans!
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