RPGM - Completed - Desire Eater [v2.0] [Tail Aki]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A shame how awful the translation is atm bc the plot is pretty good for a HGame, the context + art made the scenes pretty enjoyable. Overall I had a great time with it.
    As for the buttstuff, although very few, they are of great quality.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Solo ignoren la traduccion, es un increible juego vale la pena, las escenas estan bien y no tiene enemigos entonces tu vas descubriendo la historia y la verdad no se por que lo puntean tan mal, solo juegalo y solo ten presente que hay mismas escenas con algunas variaciones pero no quiere decir que sea lo mismo y lo mismo, solo que no son tantas escenas como tal vez lo venden, si te interesa solo que este bien traducido ahi si no lo juegues, te ahorras el perder tiempo en algo que lo vas


    509 / 5.000
    Resultados de traducción
    Resultado de traducción
    Just ignore the translation, it is an incredible game, it is worth it, the scenes are good and it has no enemies, so you discover the story and the truth is I don't know why they score it so badly, just play it and just keep in mind that there are the same scenes with some variations but it does not mean that it is the same and the same, only that there are not as many scenes as perhaps they sell it, if you are interested just that it is well translated there if you do not play it, you save yourself from wasting time on something that you are doing to see without sense
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing info: How I rate/review and other info is HERE . W.I.P This sentence will not be included if review format is finalized and blog updated.
    Review layout: Lazy/minimal format (others)
    Review type: Game
    Review format: Lewds
    ✅ Cute FMC
    ✅ Art is nice enough
    ✅ Main scenes are good enough
    ✅ X-ray shots are great
    ✅ Some outfit with scene variations
    ✅ Lewd stats
    ✅ Simple premise/story
    ✅ No grinding
    ❔ Kinda corruption, but feels more of shy girls sexual awakening
    ❌ The tranlation I played was pretty shit
    ❌ Lot of repeating CGI
    Not much to add... short little hentai game with solid enough scenes for some good private time. So as a „fap“ material game it’s good enough to recommend. (even if ignore translation I played) but rather bland and bad game as a „game“ .. So strong 5 I would say?
    Total Score: 5/10
    Game status:
    ✅ Finished
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Innocent Chloe

    As far as Japanese RPGM games go I thoroughly enjoyed this one, not the best but definitely very fun and some great h-scenes.

    The gameplay is straightforward and doesn't bore you with grinding and the game is focused entirely on the type of RPGM gameplay I enjoy most, namely exploring the cities and interacting with NPCs to progress the story, find side events and such.

    This game has 4 endings and the story is interesting enough to make most players try for each ending (just look through the discussion thread and you will see how many people are trying to clear all the endings just for the story despite the fact that reaching any ending already unlocks the entire h-gallery).

    The only reason I marked it good rather than excellent is because the game is a bit on the short side and as a player you don't have all that much choice in how events unfold.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    + Nice and slow evolution of ecchi scene all the the way to sex.
    + You can choose to beat the game while staying virgin
    + Nice art
    + Straight to the point (ecchi), no combat or grinding
    + Many dress and hairstyle

    - MTL is understandable. but not great, I end up skipping a lot of reading
    - Story is okay
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    First thing first, the game itself is really good, but the translation is unsurprisingly bad (for now).

    Story: The game is about you using your power from a contract with demon to save your friend. If i remember correctly, there were 4 endings (or 3) in total depends on how your choices during the play through, which is pretty cool and all the endings are pretty good. Another fascinating point is that you can do a virgin run in this game and that's pretty rare in MRPG (i like it).

    Gameplay: No grind and easy to play. All you need is going around the town and completing everyone's requests. Most of the quests can be done by being a good girl, or by using your female power. Depending on which ending you want to get, you can easily find the way to complete it. Remember that every action has a consequence and you will get the ending base on how much desire you've gained. So in my opinion, it's really nice and good to see a game that doesn't look like most "copy-paste" MRPG.

    CG: The art is good and every scenes are decent. There are many kind of fetish from shota, mind control, harassment to just usual sex. You can also change your MC's looking and the scene will also change with your character, this makes most scenes become really unique and rewatchable. Moreover, the game has a really different way to show the scene so it's good to experience new things.

    Map: Well designed. Not too big or not too small. Everything is perfect and has its own purpose. You can easily do all the tasks without running around for minutes like other games so i must say that i like this game's map design.

    Overall, this is a pretty good game with all the good points. However, i must give it 4 because of the shitty MTL (Trust me,... the translation is quite bad when comes to sex scenes. For example: iku, oji, ochin, etc). My opinion ? Try if you have a gut or just wait for a proper translation (which will worth it). I'll replay the game and change it back to 5 when there is a better translation, but for now it is what it is.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    + No grind, several pose and clothes/hairstyles, good looking aesthetic.

    - okay MTL so writing is understandable but retarded (I'm not in it for the story so I'm good) It's not like I'm paying for it anyway.

    4/5 would nut again