
Dec 28, 2017
There is a scene if you stay with Riley. No matter what, the MC sees the new character.

And it's college, I also never heard of a HS where the day is not fully scheduled. I think the "exchange student" term has been misused though, because he's just studying abroad. In any case, that's at least an easy fix.

I get your point, however you're wrong about what Chloe thinks of her boyfriend. She doesn't "stick that he is a good guy regardless", she only said he's always been good to her and she doesn't understand why he would do such a thing.

What I planned was new choices once you're actually at school with Chloe and when you meet Billy again.

Masturbation with a sex toy is considered vaginal sex, according to list provided by F95

The thing is that a prologue like this one steers quite a lot of people away from the game (ugly MC, some cringe dialogues, some bad lighting, some bad looking models and lack of choices at the end). It shows I lacked experience. And honestly, I'm almost embarrassed to promote the game because of it. That sucks, because the other half of the game is decent and there's a bunch of nice animations and renders I do want to promote.

Also, I'm sure I could do that remake in a very reasonable amount of time, because its structure is already mostly there.
You seem to want feedback, so here's some. The girls are beautiful, especially the two sisters, but they are too easy. If the MC was ripped, handsome and smooth, then maybe it would fit. He's not though. Kinda feels like this one game I tried, I think it was WVM, where the girls were just throwing themselves at you for no discernable reason. If you want to redo the prologue, you can re-render the scenes with the MC with a hotter model or just make him the older one immediately, then invent some excuse that he took a gap year, was in a coma or whatever, so he's with younger people in school.

EDIT: I don't want to be too negative, I really like the models and animations. I just think the scenes would be more gratifying if they felt a little more earned, either because MC is attractive, or because of work done. There is a good amount of bonding with Kayla for example, but the hottub with Chloe or stuff with Emma doesn't feel "earned". Unless there is some reason for all the girls to be slutty, but that would also deminish the satisfaction somewhat. Overall, I like it and iwll follow the game.
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Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
If she has no lack of male attention, she has no reason to be clingy. The two contradicts each other.
They don't actually, and the reason why I said that is bcz this is a porn game first and foremost, not real life, and some things need to happen so the story can progress and the characters grow.

Chloe most likely never even slept with Billy, she only trusts him so much cuz of what she thinks she knows about him, not how he really is... she doesn't exactly have other men to compare him to either. Plus, the dev can't afford to risk making his supporters and fans even angrier than some of them already are cuz of the kidnapping 'prank' by showing her openly flirting with men other than the MC or vice-versa, or worse, 'socializing' with them under the sheets. IRL, we both know it'd be a completely different story, this isn't IRL tho.

As for her making a mistake, that's all good but that doesn't mean everybody should just automatically nod their head to it.
Nobody did tho. Kayla sounded pretty serious about wanting Chloe to either break up with Billy or at least demand some answers from him as to why any sane person on the planet would come up with such a stupid joke, and the MC instantly accepts to help her 'punish' him if you go to them and don't spend the night at Riley's. The MC's less concerned about it than her cuz he's a man and the MC of the story, nothing too bad ever happens to MCs... he also has no right to tell Chloe what to do, since he barely knows both sisters, but Kayla was scared shitless, almost left traumatized after that so-called prank those two idiots pulled. It's only natural for her to be a lil more emotional about it.

I understand why you'd want the MC to have reacted differently to their half-assed explanation for their prank, I also hate the doormat, beta type of MCs, but using your fists to get your point across or to clear up a misunderstanding is and should never be considered an option, for all sorts of obvious reasons, more so since the MC doesn't exactly look like the fighter type of a guy. A diplomatic approach is a better option to solve this problem, IMHO.

We'll just have to wait on the next update, and see if it's good enough for us.

I was on both sides in my 20's, but whenever I saw someone doing something stupid I did tell them as it is, and haven't supported said choices, or participated in supporting it. And that's what I was talking about, having the choice of not doing so, that's what's missing.
Let's be honest for a sec, don't think too many of us were too rational about our actions and the words that came out of our mouths at 18/19yo or in our early 20s
Same here. Did and said my fair share of stupid stuff I'm not exactly proud of now, but it wasn't as bad as what others did, and I obviously didn't kidnap anyone for the lolz lol. This is why I said that not a lot of us would always do or say the right thing giving too many fucks about the consequences of our words and/or actions.

she acknowledges her mistake, of not standing fully behind her sister, but she sticks that he is a good guy regardless, so there's that, basically it means shit.
It actually proves my point tho. She's a naive, young woman in love, who doesn't have enough life and relationship experience and who thinks the guy gives her the comfort of a stable relationship and loves her back just cuz he farts a few compliments her way and treats her nicely for you-know-what reason. Suddenly, all these things makes her think he's her potential future husband, but I'd argue here that this could very well be used as a plot device to force the MC, in a way, to step in, help her, show her how much of an actual great guy he is, spend some time together getting to know each other better, and ending up together.

I'm completely fine with you still disagreeing with me on this topic, if this isn't the answer you were looking for, but just read the dev's last few replies in the thread and take into account the fact that he's willing to listen to feedback, do better and tweak the few things that don't make sense storywise or paint the characters in a bad light. That's enough to convince me to be optimistic about the game's future.

My point is, you shouldn't give up on the game so soon. I'm pretty sure the next one or two updates will address this issue... there's no need to take it too seriously, just stick around and see if you like the final result.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
I can’t think of a single reason why the MC wouldn’t be on the first flight home.
the best course of action for him would be to return home
How about the succubus or demoness he saw that made him age ~5y in a single night ?? You think that kinda powerful bitch would just let him run away without getting what she expects from him ?? And why the fuck would the MC fly his ass back home with his tail between his legs ?? Just cuz Chloe has a BF and not all women in the game instantly jump on his dick, like it's the case in a lot of non NTR porn games ??:unsure::WaitWhat:

you're wrong about what Chloe thinks of her boyfriend. She doesn't "stick that he is a good guy regardless", she only said he's always been good to her and she doesn't understand why he would do such a thing.
Yep, a clear case of misinterpreting what she said. Chloe never claimed Billy was a saint, just that he was always good to her and treated her nicely, and we all know what a guy's true intentions are when he's too friendly and too good to an attractive woman.:whistle:

As long as the MC can prevent that and steal Chloe away from him, I won't have anything to complain about on this topic.

If someone acts like that, they are fucking delusional, and that's all there's to it. It goes back to the previous point, they are free to do that, as I should be free to stand from that table.
Just spend the night at Riley's, and nobody's gonna force your MC to play white knight for Chloe, if you don't want him to, ffs. You act like he's forced on 'cleanup' duty after Billy fucks her and nuts inside her holes no matter if you go there or not.


Jul 29, 2018
My post was not about any character other than the MC and what he experienced. He just arrived in a foreign country and I’m assuming nothing similar ever happened before.. so the location would be the culprit.

I’m aware that if he did end up leaving, then the game would be over. So the purpose was to raise awareness to the dev so that it could at least be contemplated why the MC stays instead of doing the most rational thing possible.

Had it just been him seeing the demon woman then the MC could just have shrugged it off as him being drunk, tired, stressed or something else, but with the rather drastic physical changes on top of that?
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New Member
Jan 22, 2024

...the selected music, the subtle background sounds, the whispery sultry narration are just so effectively executed. Really puts you in the moment. The impact is especially visceral if you as the player actually IRL experienced very similar moments in your own life (I have, and this is one of the first games that actually gave me goosebumps (re)experiencing it).

I especially found the female nervousness/hesitation/teasing and somewhat annoying/*eye roll* conversation between the MC and the younger sister incredibly authentic. Some might find it as unnecessary filler or pointless, but this is how these types of girls REALLY are. It's like this silly charade of verbal gymnastics that is very much necessary to ingratiate yourself with them.

While I do agree with some of the other commenters that the girls' fascination with the MC seems rushed/forced, if you sorta ignore it and just buy into it (I just pretend the MC and characters already had a long standing familiarity), then some of the standalone scenes I mentioned are just absolutely thrilling and in their own right make this game an early contender for GOAT.

Net-net, I don't think any game has put me back in the shoes of being a teenager so vividly quite like this one. This dev is VERY TALENTED and my hat tip to them.

(ps, hope they incorporate more texting/sexting in future updates!)

Forest Fire

Jul 23, 2021
Looked good so I downloaded, the prologue is just eternum lite?
am I playing an eternum ripoff?
only have barely played so have hopes that this is different
EDIT- The Humor is perfect according to my tastes


New Member
Jun 3, 2021
Haven't played much of this so far, just been to class for the first time and now in the library talking to Kayla, I've not read much of this thread to avoid spoilers.

But I just needed to get something off my chest. The game looks great and the story has been interesting so far, but the look of the MC is a bit off-putting and it took me a while to figure out why.

When you see him from the side in the library it looks as if he's at the beginning of a transformation into a werewolf, as if the snout is starting to elongate. It's an ... interesting design choice.

But apart from that one thing I'm enjoying it so far and that's what matters.
Apr 30, 2021
Haven't played much of this so far, just been to class for the first time and now in the library talking to Kayla, I've not read much of this thread to avoid spoilers.

But I just needed to get something off my chest. The game looks great and the story has been interesting so far, but the look of the MC is a bit off-putting and it took me a while to figure out why.

When you see him from the side in the library it looks as if he's at the beginning of a transformation into a werewolf, as if the snout is starting to elongate. It's an ... interesting design choice.

But apart from that one thing I'm enjoying it so far and that's what matters.
Have you reached the point where he 'matures' yet? He gets doubly hideous. He really creeps me out and a lot of others too


Feb 22, 2020
I've to admit, I'm really partial to the VAM renders.

Is there any other game that uses the same? Would love to try more. I only know about Sparkling Duplicity, which I've already played.


Engaged Member
Jul 21, 2017
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:WaitWhat::WaitWhat: Lil FYI, you contradict yourself in these statements. Just an observation, not a criticism.;)

The bottom line is, the MC cannot just go back home without risking to be killed either by the demoness' own hand or the old age caused by the same demoness/succubus' powers. This thing should be obvious and, naturally, out of the question. Dev could give us an option where he does just that for an early game over screen, if you guys consider it necessary or something, but the MC dropping everything and leaving like that would beat the whole purpose of the story, IMO.

a prologue like this one steers quite a lot of people away from the game (ugly MC, some cringe dialogues, some bad lighting, some bad looking models and lack of choices at the end). It shows I lacked experience. And honestly, I'm almost embarrassed to promote the game because of it.
Don't be. Everyone, with not exception, makes mistakes. The most important thing is to learn from them, fix them, and do better next time.

In your case, I personally appreciate the commitment to trying to make a game that's as best as you possibly can, and obviously, you should do this without letting all the criticism bring you down.

Every single porn game on this forum is a work in progress until the dev themself says it's not anymore, cuz it's either completed or permanently abandoned, so again, don't be discouraged to keep trying to give your best for your current fans and potential new fans and subscribers just bcz you risk making mistakes or upsetting some users. If someone doesn't like certain things, characters, situations, or whatever in the game, they're free to express their opinion on it, offer helpful suggestions, and wait to see if things improve or the game's not worth playing anymore.

Feedback and constructive criticism are always welcome and needed for devs to improve the quality of their work and get a better understanding on what the majority of their fans liked and disliked and where things could've been done better. Keep in mind that you can never please everyone tho... my only advice is to tell the story how you think it's best and it'd sell best and to only take into account the feedback you consider useful.

That's all you can do, that and to keep working hard, showing dedication and hoping for the best.(y)


Feb 24, 2018
I've to admit, I'm really partial to the VAM renders.

Is there any other game that uses the same? Would love to try more. I only know about Sparkling Duplicity, which I've already played.
just play vam, after 2years you will create such game yourself :D


Jul 29, 2018

:WaitWhat::WaitWhat: Lil FYI, you contradict yourself in these statements. Just an observation, not a criticism.;)

The bottom line is, the MC cannot just go back home without risking to be killed either by the demoness' own hand or the old age caused by the same demoness/succubus' powers. This thing should be obvious and, naturally, out of the question. Dev could give us an option where he does just that for an early game over screen, if you guys consider it necessary or something, but the MC dropping everything and leaving like that would beat the whole purpose of the story, IMO.
Which we know because it’s a game. I’m not sure why you’d think that the MC would be aware of things that he hasn’t heard or seen. I suppose the dev could change it so that the guy is a self aware character who understands that he’s stuck in a video game but incapable of breaking free from the script.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2019
Any info about DESIRIUM - [0.12.1] ?


  • 453 new renders
  • 37 new animations
  • 10 000+ new words
  • New music/sfx
  • New content with Riley, Kayla, Chloe, Emma, Anna, ???...
  • Updated UI for Android version
  • Added autosave
Release Dates
  • [VIP] January 21 - 18:00 (EST)
  • [Gentlemen] January 28 - 18:00 (EST)
  • [Founders] January 28 - 18:00 (EST)
  • [Supporters] February 4 - 18:00 (EST)


Sep 7, 2024
A neutron star is the remnant of a massive star (bigger than 10 Suns) that has run out of fuel, collapsed, exploded, and collapsed some more. Its protons and electrons have fused together to create neutrons under the pressure of the collapse. The only thing keeping the neutrons from collapsing further is “neutron degeneracy pressure,” which prevents two neutrons from being in the same place at the same time.

Additionally, the star loses a lot of mass in the process and winds up only about 1.5 times the Sun’s mass. But all that matter has been compressed to an object about 10 miles (16 kilometers) across. A normal star of that mass would be more than 1 million miles (1.6 million km) across.

A tablespoon of the Sun, depending on where you scoop, would weigh about 5 pounds (2 kilograms) — the weight of an old laptop. A tablespoon of neutron star weighs more than 1 billion tons (900 billion kg) — the weight of Mount Everest.

Shockingly, recent experiments by cosmologists have confirmed that neutron stars are still less dense than this game's MC.
4.30 star(s) 48 Votes