I don't know if it counts, but I did try the game with the task manager open just to see how it would go but nothing different, no spike in ram usage or not of the like, I would also just leave the game open in random scenes, but it would always happen, even when I would hold ctrl the whole time, and the time it took for the game/pc to close would be the same regardless of what I did, but I will wait for, and the other version did not have those issuesWe'd need someone to chime in who knows how to check these things, but if I am correct, the VAM animations are more computationally intensive than whatever these games usually use. (Just look at the fabric and hair movement.) There used to be a stress test program one could download that would check your RAM and VRAM, that would be where I would look first. I'll try to remember what it was.
It was called MemTest86, but it only tests RAM. Still its worth doing that, maybe someone else knows one for VRAM.
PS: I will just wait for this version to leave beta, to try again and see if it fixed, but thanks for trying to help