The game hates me...

I can get all the girls but one, usually Emma, not sure what if anything I'm doing wrong, Nick didn't even offer for me to join him with the schoolgirls this time. And I only went on 1 date with Emma, no waterpark fun at all.
No side jobs from Nick this game either, but I got the job as a problem solver. Out of the walkthrough for Candace I only missed the church balcony scene and the getaway scene. I tried to do the balcony on day 50something and the she agreed to the getaway but the weekend was well after the end of game date.
The walkthrough made it easier to be sure, I was already doing most of the correct choices in the first place, but I had not played enough to know when all the "plot device" days were. Good news was I got a full relationship with Cassandra, including the 3some with Jessica.
Just one note of discord, at the end (devil end) Jessica has her top still on, and Ashley is wearing underwear while the other 2 are nude. Not sure if that is intended or just something that was overlooked, or is still being worked on.