It's Futa Friday!
And that means it is time for
update #2. And also because I've just finished another batch of locations - the showers and Engineering deck on ship Despina and the entirety of Spaceport on our outlaw space station.
Today will be less spicy than the previous update, as it is nearly 100% tits and dicks-free

. But if you are interested in learning about the game's setting and the environments, you'll enjoy this one. If you don't care or want to explore on your own after the release, you can safely skip this update!
The setting introduction:
An expansionist Union owns most of this galaxy from the seat of their power - aptly named "Core Worlds." Citizens of these worlds live in immense luxury, having access to high education and incredible quality of life. Although lately, many have begun to claim that these worlds are nothing but golden cages - all luxury, no freedom. Others talk about forced conformism, state-dictated morals, and dissidents disappearing overnight.
Still, no one can deny Union's achievements regarding peace and stability. Whether Union is a totalitarian force to be dealt with, or a benevolent dictatorship making needed compromises for the good of its citizens, depends on whom you ask.
However, you as a player won't start your journey on a posh, luxurious Core Worlds. No, no.
See those red parts along the edge of the map? Enter the Periphery, the galactic frontier. A dangerous, wild, and largely lawless place. And after Union took power, it became a place where millions of dissidents, freedom fighters, and all types of "socially undesirable" found shelter. Along with criminals, pirates, smugglers, and just about everyone in between.
As a result, Periphery began to develop a peculiar culture. One that is staunchly independent, with little care for established laws and norms of the "better folk" of civilized Core Worlds. At best, the frontier culture is freedom-loving, genuinely tolerant, and independent, adhering to the golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." At worst, there is a tendency for blind contrarianism and approval of dangerous dog-eat-dog views.
From Union's perspective, frontier people are anarchist degenerates, good-for-nothing-have-nots, criminals, or dirty backwater bums. On the other hand, citizens of Periphery see themselves as the last free people in an otherwise Union-dominated space, their way of life as a matter of pride.
There are ten space stations on the frontier, serving as the last stop for the space truckers and cargo haulers before they dive into the endless galactic shipping lanes, a resupply spot for explorers before they venture into the unknown. And a rich but dangerous claim for space miners and ice collectors. And, of course, home to various outlaws, exiles, and all others deemed unfit to live in a decent Union society.
PS-10 is a space station twice unique. It is furthest, the most remote of them all. It is also the only one that, a few years ago, got rid of the Union governor and proclaimed independence. Since then, there has been no government on the station, only local bosses who keep a fragile peace. Simply put, it is a "wretched hive of scum and villainy" on steroids. And it is also where
you begin your journey.
About custom environments:
Finally, let me give you a peek at some of the environmental details I have been working on. I'm a great fan of custom-made environments filled with little details, so I hope you'll appreciate these:
From the top left: 1) the custom display of a futa condom vending machine. 2) Distant background of the street scene. 3) Writing on the wall of a (very slow) elevator. 4) A small portion of a wall at Spaceport. 5) A background shelf in a particular clinic run by one strict doctor who likes to train boys (Yes, there will be scenes with toys!). 6) Grafitti on the hull of public air transport.
There are
LOTS of details like this throughout the whole game. Some have story-related meanings; others do not. Some are to make you laugh, and some to make the scene hotter. Some might even foreshadow future events. You will most definitely enjoy Star Periphery if you like custom-made environments with lots of small details to look at!
That's it for today. I hope you enjoyed the update (even though lacking in nudity this time). If you have any questions about the development (or any wishes), do not hesitate to hit me up with a message or a comment.
Next update?
The next update will be much sexier, as I will show you another batch of character introductions. You can look forward to a
stern doctor, a combat veteran, and a smuggler queen.