yes but realize that at some point he is going to be bedding her and calling her "Mrs. Skye" then will just be rubbing her nose in to the fact that she is cheating on her husband. not to respectful, or gentlemanly.
What do you think I meant by "call me hypocrite"? The method of address is respectful, the underlying intent to remove her dress is the complete opposite as I think we both agree.
However, the removal of the dress and what, from that point on, must inevitably follow is the point at which respect and gentlemanly conduct ends, so its pointless to keep up the pretense thereafter anyway.
Besides, having willfully decided to cheat, I say the lady damn well deserves to forfeit any further expectation of respect and gentlemanly behavior on my part and to have her nose rubbed firmly in her betrayal. Just because I lured the lady in the direction of betrayal does not make me the true villain of the dance (as they say, one cannot tango alone).
No, in spite of constant reminders that she is indeed "Mrs Skye", it is the lady's decision and hers alone to ultimately drop her defenses, along with other no doubt lavishly lacy accoutrements, that kicks the whole despicably delightful event off. Unless she agrees or wants it to happen, it never takes place for that would be, at least as far as I understand the subject, rape.
It's not the siege that brings about the Queen's surrender, but her raising of the portcullis that ultimately brings her, perhaps, to her to speak
