- May 11, 2017
- 3,305
- 4,253
Simple answer for Linux. Whatever you type for the code, has to be exactly what the file is named.
Bad Example Code would be JoeEatsAnApple.JPG, the file being JoeeatsAnApple.JPG will not work. This is why people are taught always use just pure lowercase for code, file names, and folders.
Follow an exact format and declare exact file types. So joeeatsanapple.jpg or joe_eats_an_apple.jpg if you want readability, also no swapping of jpg/jpeg. The important part is exact thing you put in code is exact thing the file has to be named, in the exact place.
Bad Example Code would be JoeEatsAnApple.JPG, the file being JoeeatsAnApple.JPG will not work. This is why people are taught always use just pure lowercase for code, file names, and folders.
Follow an exact format and declare exact file types. So joeeatsanapple.jpg or joe_eats_an_apple.jpg if you want readability, also no swapping of jpg/jpeg. The important part is exact thing you put in code is exact thing the file has to be named, in the exact place.