I was first drawn in by the character designs, and they are a big plus in this game.
The writing is okay for the most part, but be warned this is almost a kinetic novel so far. In multiple hours of reading there's only been 1 real choice so far.
It is described as a "slow burn" but that is putting it lightly, the prologue is very slow, although things seem to be picking up now. And I don't mean only in regards to H content as this isn't that kind of VN, but in terms of plot advancement or character development. Felt like there were long bouts of time where little to nothing happened.
The mystery is done well and keeps you interested.
Mechanics and UI
The UI and mechanical system could be much improved, but the game is trying too hard to be similar to a certain other game. Inspiration ought to be used to improve on what is good rather than simply mimic.
I was first drawn in by the character designs, and they are a big plus in this game.
The writing is okay for the most part, but be warned this is almost a kinetic novel so far. In multiple hours of reading there's only been 1 real choice so far.
It is described as a "slow burn" but that is putting it lightly, the prologue is very slow, although things seem to be picking up now. And I don't mean only in regards to H content as this isn't that kind of VN, but in terms of plot advancement or character development. Felt like there were long bouts of time where little to nothing happened.
The mystery is done well and keeps you interested.
Mechanics and UI
The UI and mechanical system could be much improved, but the game is trying too hard to be similar to a certain other game. Inspiration ought to be used to improve on what is good rather than simply mimic.