Well I think I played through it. A few thoughts.
After getting past the intro (already stated my first impression). Well I think the MC is ok. I do like the indifference and cold attitude he's portrayed to have. I guess I also didn't particular like how he blamed others during the intro. But after getting far into it, hes interesting

Seems to show some tactical knowledge and patience. Tho I kinda wish he would have more desire. To initiate some sexy stuff or some means to get involved in it. If the girls start hitting on him, it might just all work out. The problem is if there will be the right development and events for that happen. He seemed confident when it came to the ecchi stuff. A good sign.
I was actually quite happy and intrigued by
Aishas story. I thought it be some drawn out thing where the MC is constantly chasing her while ignoring the other girls.. but I it felt good it wrapped up fairly quickly and the moved on in another good route. I was actually impressed with the MC when he was going to leave her to have her happy life. A thoughtful thing to see his former wife happy. But after getting news of her impending bad ending, it forced his hand and he took action. It felt like a good moment when she remembered. I only wish she had some some reaction to Shiari, like getting mad when she found out Shiara had hurt her most important person. She slashed his neck for crying out loud, thats dangerous. The Jugular is right there.. Any reaction really.
I beem enjoying most scenes with Aisha, but the best scene was when the red haired kid went to harm the MC being taunted. Only for Aisha to zip in and beat the shit out of him no mercy.
That was hot. Really protrays how important she sees him.
Sandbox just feels bad, I find my self just skipping time alot. I'd have to say its the worse thing atm. Many games on this site do it so much better.
Take every thing I say with a grain of salt. I found the characters interesting and wanted to see how they react and interact with the MC. What kept me going for sure. and hoping for some outcomes Theres a good mix of animation in it too. appreciate it.
Its been enjoyable.
Tho its really sad to see the monster girl say shes dying and walk off like its her end. <3 Monster girls. Will the MC do anything to save her?