- Apr 27, 2017
- 7,898
- 8,548
Knee-jerk reaction much?What the actual Fuck, dude??? NONE of what I said was an insult!
Didn't react as though you had. Pointed out that you were being disingenuous in your comment. It being intentional or otherwise is irrelevant. Also, simply showing not to make assumptions about what someone is and isn't aware of, in regards to both this dev team and the games, particularly based off a single post someone has made.
That you took what I said as some sort of aggressive response to a perceived attack was not my intent. Clearly others have responded to your writing like that before, but you shouldn't apply tone where there is none without the appropriate words or smileys. It'll save you a lot of unnecessary stress.
No, expanding on what I said would have been limited to what I wrote about - The "copy/paste" reusing of old ideas from both abandoned and completed/on hold projects. You went beyond that.Yes, I did expand on what you had said.
There's nothing wrong with being verbose per se, unless when verbose turns into tangential waffling, which you did dip into.I have a propensity toward being a bit verbose.
No, you're not. You also falsely assign intent to something that didn't have that. That has been the biggest contributor to misunderstandings/miscommunications online. More than people falling for trolls.Some people, am I right?
Although trolling used to actually be something that took a modicum of intelligence and cunning, but now it's simply "hurr-durr, memes" as a standard.
No, people did that. They still do and always will.I feel like the internet has stolen humans ability to kindly communicate in an articulate and empathic way.
Due in no small part to imagining written text as literal spoken word, and assuming it's in a specific tone of voice that it isn't, just because they didn't like the words... That alone has exploded into all sorts of overly-sensitive ranting/raving all on its own repeatedly. It's just now more visible due to shit-hole social media.
Add on to that years of tribalistic and political ideologies being motivating factors for the things people say, combined with an overall nosedive in people possessing common sense, and then you start to get to how we got to the point of less "articulate and empathetic". People stopped caring, because people were being selfish school kids in their 30's and 40's - that alone was within the last couple of decades, while the last 5-10 years took it from the online world, out into the real world to smash everyone over the head with.
Before the internet, it was gossip among cliques at all ages, about people of all ages, weaponising rumour and sadistic intent. All the internet did was allow it to happen between people of different nations at the stroke of a key.
Its use as a major part of SL was good, and added "meat" to the story.IMO Aleistra is a really cool story premise, and the renders are good. Plus I havn't had any bugs playing it. Its liner and so likely much easier to code.
I'd say there's more a need for having an overall story outline, breaking the relevant parts up accordingly, and working on each important part... That's what looked like was happening, but hasn't really continued to bloom after SL's completion.
Djinn being a reboot of Shade and Sins of Her Father (one of the reasons given previously) that tied into SL is a good idea, but there hasn't been much directly linking characters/events yet.
As bizarre as it seems, both games have too much of a focus on the pornographic elements when compared to the story and world building, and that's sad to see.
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