Can anyone please provide a list of name for all 17/18 girls to be enthralled.
Right now the girls you can enthrall are:
Chiya-The Scientist you meet at the start of the game
Fonia-The pole dancer at the apartments
Laila-The girl working out at the park
Saki-The news reporter relaxing on the beach
Maya-Chiya's Sister and a Nun
(Mika the Cashier is someone you can interact with, but she can't be enthralled at this time)
Maki-The Girl who wishes to become like a dog
Hoshino-The cashier of CrazyVids
Hakari-A student reading the library in the morning
Baily-A student you can help study
Jessica-A student you can help with family problems
Maimei-A student who enjoys the taste of something interesting
Kiara-The principal of the school who you help with family problems
Laika-A girl you meet after progressing far enough in the plot that you can find visiting the park in the evening
Miss Hannah-Your teacher who you can enthrall after spotting a poster in the morning and asking her about it
Viva-The gym teacher who you can enthrall after talking with her either in the morning or evening depending on how far you are in her story
Nora-The school nurse who you can interact with in the morning and evening depending on how far along you are in her story
Hana-A woman trying to track you down and after you control her, you need to complete sexual deeds with her before she's fully enthralled
So in total, that's seventeen girls you can enthrall with one who can't be yet, but you can still get some action from her within the game. I hope this helps everyone! (Though this is only up to Vers.1.3 so the amount of girls is bound to change soon enough when new updates come out.)