You know that there are Dev's with patreons more than 1000 and income more than 6k 7k and some above 15k 20k who are doing this

and if any way patch is not associated with dev..nothing will can share to third party website with different name.. and patreon cannot do anything.. It's just upto dev if he/she wants it....and if dev makes another game he/she shouldn't tease the mother son relation this much(Like in doll city) to get our hopes up..and no will report because everyone wants that

Agree, if Patreon policed all the pirate sites on the web, looking for incest patches, it would be pulling the plug so often it would end up driving itself down the drain. And there is also the "name your character relationships" option, which many games implement, and Patreon doesn't bother them either. They are just a bunch of fucking hypocrits, that's all.
Bottom line is, Slooty Slots is a 3D artist, not a game developper. Her coding skills must simply be too limited and she probably can't/doesn't want to put the additional work time figuring out how to create a patch or implement a rename charcater relationship option. She had never intended to have mom/son sex, and well, she never lied about it really. She should've perhaps come out clearly about it though, and say: "sorry boys, your mommy sex fetish is great and all, but I don't dig it, so I won't do it."