Mary arc is very good and interesting that I forgot it is a porn game.
Bit of a confused character and an intellectual wannabe. Clearly a Nazi but prefers Soviet economic models (collectivization, collectivization......). Hates humankind with her guts but wants to read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations (aka Stoicism 101 circa Roman Empire) while fucking someone in the ass.......

. Btw I kept both the book and the tea.
But apart from all that superficial crap, she does best what she does best an' she has the mouth for it. Also she makes quite the impression during facefucks. And I liked the dungeon. I was genuinely taken aback by the sheer contrast of all that horror with the elegance of the Emerald castle. Gotta give that to the dev.
I didn't like Rosita very much because I'm not into THICC mommies. However I did like how the shock factor was introduced with the memory crystal. There were telltale signs (apart from the obvious factor that she indeed is a bitch as a rule of the game) but very few and far between ("you need me more than I need you", "no need to know what is not good for you" etc). All that did give indication that something was fishy but the memory crystal revelation was like an express train hitting your balls. And yea her headscissoring was great. Another good one by Dekarous.
Katrina and Narcissa are great characters, quite in line with the story. Exactly the kinds that fit for a femdom story full of supernatural shit.
Madeline was complete bonkers throughout. Instead of Mistress, she should be addressed as Sister Madeline. Only during the last footsmother and handjob did she at least appear like a character fit for the story.
Overall artwork is good but there's a paucity. Language is good, which is a rare thing. Gameplay is fairly easy with the -->
Shadowbound - Surrender - Lavanya's melody - Shadowbound - hit - hit - shadowbound sequence, even if one doesn't have enough potions or cool weapons. I finished off Mary even before she could kidnap Lavanya into her realm. Rosita I defeated in the very first fight. But that's good; I mean come one, who cares that much for gameplay difficulty in a fucking porn game. I hope that in the next releases Dekarous doesn't bust that sequence. Overall I like the story more than the wank material (I'm not at all into piss, crap, fart etc. I just waaaaiiiiiiitttttt for one HJ or BJ).