5.00 star(s) 5 Votes

Favorite Character Poll 2 [Writing, not Gameplay]

  • Fiebre

    Votes: 6 15.0%
  • Jurissa

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Daphne

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Paola

    Votes: 5 12.5%
  • Cervas

    Votes: 8 20.0%
  • Oklys

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Zest

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Frida

    Votes: 2 5.0%
  • Qliph

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Marin

    Votes: 9 22.5%

  • Total voters

Fez Dispenser

Game Developer
Aug 6, 2023
keep update.this one of my favorite games
Thanks that means alot since this is my first work
In chapter 9, if you fastfoward text when Reese tells you about the switch it can do that.
I'll take a look at it

In other news the next vote is up, and if anyone has gotten to the end of the update you know the deal. I'm giving about a week for voting, but if I see a clear winner, I'll just get started on the next arc. If you have an opinion let it be known since my turn around time on updates is a bit slow. You get two votes for your first and second picks. Thanks again for everyone who's been enjoying this!
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Reactions: test011


Jan 10, 2018
Played from the start to finish. Quite an enjoyable experience, I like that there is some thought put behind mission design. Corruptions are pretty well done too.

Overall good work.
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Reactions: Andy20202023


Nov 29, 2018
is there a way to make the textbox more or fully transparent?
looking at the teaser renders, half the sex scene is hidden by them alone being in both top and bottom part of the scene
so having the textbox be transparent and the text be more visible using text outline would be nice imo
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Reactions: Andy20202023
Feb 8, 2019
In what can I say as a player interested in strategy games like this. And from what I can Observed in Argo's Personality.

Its better to start conquering Broxie first. Since its right besides your territory (Eleyid) and not across the sea/ocean.

(If this was real life, Argo also can't immediately go too far as he just made Eleyid as his own kingdom. He needs to solidify his influence and kati's help to prevent Eleyid's citizens from rebelling by making his presense known) And Xerxia, being an elf can serve as a representative or guide of sorts. So there is inside information somewhat already for Argo.

Not to mention, Broxie is also said to removed themselves from conflict and had gone into seclusion. So no one will suspect that Argo will try to conquer it. And as far as everybody knows. Eleyid is still "free" under Kati.

Then it can go to Chepin or Oasis. However, I prefer that Chepin will be the next. As a warring states region with no absolute ruler. And centered in a secluded island no less. It gives more reason to invade it after Broxie.

Not to mention. The region itself (or more specifically the daimyos) will be more focus and have their hands full on their respective territory than outside news. And while I admit that Oasis is easier to gain a foothold due to the small Islands...

Argo's goal is to gather strength and raising an army while leaving Dalhia unaware of it as long as possible. And in a pirate region like Oasis. Information is very cheap with the right gold or threat

Argo is somewhat arrogant, but not stupid. And as he knows Dahlia. He knows she isn't either. She manage to kick him out of his own kingdom more or less on her own. And he under estimated her (thinking that, aside from her sh*tty personality. She isn't special) leading to his life on the run, until he encountered Saphy.

So as much he will want to put the b*tch in her place. He will be more cautious, if not paranoid to prevent something like that again.

Then Its Oasis right after. With the combined might of Eleyid, Broxie and Chepin. Regardless of Oasis's many many Islands. Argo has more than enough man-power, influence and resources to secure it.
Last edited:
May 11, 2023
Since I like fire emblem games I want to make a tier list of the units available as of 0.2

Argo-8/10, With test buster 11/10
PROS: He's your lord, Has high defense, Perfect availability,
CONS: low movement, no combat abilities
Argo is your lord and he's very good in the early game but after chapter 4 some issues are apparent, especially the mage chapter where his average defense gets him shredded in that specific chapter and he can't double. He also has lower movement then the rest of your army. Despite this his bulk helps in other maps.

PROS: Healer, Solid attacker, Miracle cheese, perfect availability
CONS: Average defense?
Your healer but unlike most healers in fire emblem she can actually attack, I'd consider her a perfect unit because she can fight, heal and possibly cheese with miracle, and there's an event where she can gain more range when healing so it just improves her support capabilities

PROS:High attack, bargain
CONS:Slow, frail
She's supposed to be a strong unit with high attack but with the exception of her joining chapter she usually doesn't have the speed to double or the capability to take attacks. She has an event where she gets bargain so atleast she's good for shopping.

PROS: High attack, High speed, Skill with crit
CONS: Low defense
She is probably the best combat unit so far, Her High attack and speed let's her double and kill everything in a fight and if she can't she has a skill that just lets her crit her way through. Her only con is that she has low defense so you can't just throw her into a horde of enemies, despite this she is the best boss killer in the game and has oddly high resistance which let her deal with mages surprisingly well. She has an event where if you heavily out speed your opponent you just double immediately
(unfortunately when you do get it the game ends)

PROS: Great promotion, Fast
CONS: mediocre skill, Average defense
Eclair is great, at first she might be mediocre but with some level ups she can gain a lot of speed and magic which lets her easily defeat enemies. Her skill is kind of mediocre though with having a chance to just have her attack hit. her promotion is the best part about her as she gains a horse while the others get some stat boosts with no major buff outside of that.
(I actually don't know if Safy has an insane promotion because she's level 9 so sorry X()

PROS: Good bulk, Good magic, Good speed
CONS: mediocre skill,
Your first pre-promote and she's amazing, she can do everything with her high stats and healing. Only con is that her ability just ignores status effects, which is a non factor. Amazing unit

PROS: Horse, vantage
You only get to use her for 1 chapter but so far she has a good impression, Having a horse is great and vantage can be a useful ability if you can utilize it

Pros:Insane Bow, Mobile skill
She has a personal weapon where it's magical and gives +10 in magic, she is also unaffected by any terrain penalties so she seems to be already insane with only being able to used in 1 bonus chapter

Here's my tierlist, since I don't know the character's average stats these are from my own personal run and my own opinons feel free to disagree.
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Reactions: Fez Dispenser

Fez Dispenser

Game Developer
Aug 6, 2023
Since I like fire emblem games I want to make a tier list of the units available as of 0.2

Argo-8/10, With test buster 11/10
PROS: He's your lord, Has high defense, Perfect availability,
CONS: low movement, no combat abilities
Argo is your lord and he's very good in the early game but after chapter 4 some issues are apparent, especially the mage chapter where his average defense gets him shredded in that specific chapter and he can't double. He also has lower movement then the rest of your army. Despite this his bulk helps in other maps.

PROS: Healer, Solid attacker, Miracle cheese, perfect availability
CONS: Average defense?
Your healer but unlike most healers in fire emblem she can actually attack, I'd consider her a perfect unit because she can fight, heal and possibly cheese with miracle, and there's an event where she can gain more range when healing so it just improves her support capabilities

PROS:High attack, bargain
CONS:Slow, frail
She's supposed to be a strong unit with high attack but with the exception of her joining chapter she usually doesn't have the speed to double or the capability to take attacks. She has an event where she gets bargain so atleast she's good for shopping.

PROS: High attack, High speed, Skill with crit
CONS: Low defense
She is probably the best combat unit so far, Her High attack and speed let's her double and kill everything in a fight and if she can't she has a skill that just lets her crit her way through. Her only con is that she has low defense so you can't just throw her into a horde of enemies, despite this she is the best boss killer in the game and has oddly high resistance which let her deal with mages surprisingly well. She has an event where if you heavily out speed your opponent you just double immediately
(unfortunately when you do get it the game ends)

PROS: Great promotion, Fast
CONS: mediocre skill, Average defense
Eclair is great, at first she might be mediocre but with some level ups she can gain a lot of speed and magic which lets her easily defeat enemies. Her skill is kind of mediocre though with having a chance to just have her attack hit. her promotion is the best part about her as she gains a horse while the others get some stat boosts with no major buff outside of that.
(I actually don't know if Safy has an insane promotion because she's level 9 so sorry X()

PROS: Good bulk, Good magic, Good speed
CONS: mediocre skill,
Your first pre-promote and she's amazing, she can do everything with her high stats and healing. Only con is that her ability just ignores status effects, which is a non factor. Amazing unit

PROS: Horse, vantage
You only get to use her for 1 chapter but so far she has a good impression, Having a horse is great and vantage can be a useful ability if you can utilize it

Pros:Insane Bow, Mobile skill
She has a personal weapon where it's magical and gives +10 in magic, she is also unaffected by any terrain penalties so she seems to be already insane with only being able to used in 1 bonus chapter

Here's my tierlist, since I don't know the character's average stats these are from my own personal run and my own opinons feel free to disagree.
Was not expecting a tier list to get set up, I'm honestly flattered man! I'm excited to see how it changes as the game deveops. The only thing I would argue is the Argo Rating. I do agree he's not too special right now, but that to take into account his skill, He's a growth unit, so by the end of the game he will be performing above average. I'm also suprised that you had problems with his defenses, he's got an 70% DEF growth rate in harbinger. His Res is lower since he is an armor [staple of the genre], but thats why I made Eclair's buff RES instead of magic for that chapter.

In what can I say as a player interested in strategy games like this. And from what I can Observed in Argo's Personality.

Its better to start conquering Broxie first. Since its right besides your territory (Eleyid) and not across the sea/ocean.

(If this was real life, Argo also can't immediately go too far as he just made Eleyid as his own kingdom. He needs to solidify his influence and kati's help to prevent Eleyid's citizens from rebelling by making his presense known) And Xerxia, being an elf can serve as a representative or guide of sorts. So there is inside information somewhat already for Argo.

Not to mention, Broxie is also said to removed themselves from conflict and had gone into seclusion. So no one will suspect that Argo will try to conquer it. And as far as everybody knows. Eleyid is still "free" under Kati.

Then it can go to Chepin or Oasis. However, I prefer that Chepin will be the next. As a warring states region with no absolute ruler. And centered in a secluded island no less. It gives more reason to invade it after Broxie.

Not to mention. The region itself (or more specifically the daimyos) will be more focus and have their hands full on their respective territory than outside news. And while I admit that Oasis is easier to gain a foothold due to the small Islands...

Argo's goal is to gather strength and raising an army while leaving Dalhia unaware of it as long as possible. And in a pirate region like Oasis. Information is very cheap with the right gold or threat

Argo is somewhat arrogant, but not stupid. And as he knows Dahlia. He knows she isn't either. She manage to kick him out of his own kingdom more or less on her own. And he under estimated her (thinking that, aside from her sh*tty personality. She isn't special) leading to his life on the run, until he encountered Saphy.

So as much he will want to put the b*tch in her place. He will be more cautious, if not paranoid to prevent something like that again.

Then Its Oasis right after. With the combined might of Eleyid, Broxie and Chepin. Regardless of Oasis's many many Islands. Argo has more than enough man-power, influence and resources to secure it.
Loving the theory!

If I were to pick a "canon" approach though, I would actually have done the reverse order considering the proported strength of the nation.

While Broxie is isolationist and has no political connections, conversly that means they also have no information on the enemy at large other than mysticism reports. That would make Broxie a high-risk, high reward approach, which at the current strenght of the rebellion force would be to much to risk.

Chapan meanwhile is an expierenced nation that is currently at war, meaning a sneak attack by a new faction would have very little effect. Also while focusing on one army, they could easily be pincer attacked by another.

As for Osis, the nature of the island chain would allow for systematic conquering, and the duplictitous nture of pirates means the ability to recruit with a kingdoms funds.

Of course no matter what the voted outcome is, I have planned ways to write out the progression.

Its very neat seeing people debate the lore and mechanics of my game, I'm super jazzed now!
Feb 8, 2019
Was not expecting a tier list to get set up, I'm honestly flattered man! I'm excited to see how it changes as the game deveops. The only thing I would argue is the Argo Rating. I do agree he's not too special right now, but that to take into account his skill, He's a growth unit, so by the end of the game he will be performing above average. I'm also suprised that you had problems with his defenses, he's got an 70% DEF growth rate in harbinger. His Res is lower since he is an armor [staple of the genre], but thats why I made Eclair's buff RES instead of magic for that chapter.

Loving the theory!

If I were to pick a "canon" approach though, I would actually have done the reverse order considering the proported strength of the nation.

While Broxie is isolationist and has no political connections, conversly that means they also have no information on the enemy at large other than mysticism reports. That would make Broxie a high-risk, high reward approach, which at the current strenght of the rebellion force would be to much to risk.

Chapan meanwhile is an expierenced nation that is currently at war, meaning a sneak attack by a new faction would have very little effect. Also while focusing on one army, they could easily be pincer attacked by another.

As for Osis, the nature of the island chain would allow for systematic conquering, and the duplictitous nture of pirates means the ability to recruit with a kingdoms funds.

Of course no matter what the voted outcome is, I have planned ways to write out the progression.

Its very neat seeing people debate the lore and mechanics of my game, I'm super jazzed now!

Not bad! Not bad at all, nice thinking and thank you for your response Dev Fez Dispenser. It's just that I also base my theory in regards to Argo's Personality as I said before. (It was said that he has amazing feats in his time as the 1st Prince of Jecht, enough to keep him on the throne despite not having his powers yet.) I also seen types of people (In Real Life and Fictional) like him all around my life. People who are quite bastards but with a good head on their shoulders.

Because, like how he did in Eleyid. he will likely go for the "High Risk - High Reward" approach in conquering like how he did in Eleyid. (very risky as he got lucky with Eclair) And there's is also a fact regarding the variance in the after effects of his power on different races. We have Elves (Xerxia). We have yet to have other Demi-Human races like beastkins, Dwarfs, Etc. And knowing Argo. He will be more than interested in knowing the rules and limits of his powers early on.
Feb 8, 2019
Since I like fire emblem games I want to make a tier list of the units available as of 0.2

Argo-8/10, With test buster 11/10
PROS: He's your lord, Has high defense, Perfect availability,
CONS: low movement, no combat abilities
Argo is your lord and he's very good in the early game but after chapter 4 some issues are apparent, especially the mage chapter where his average defense gets him shredded in that specific chapter and he can't double. He also has lower movement then the rest of your army. Despite this his bulk helps in other maps.

PROS: Healer, Solid attacker, Miracle cheese, perfect availability
CONS: Average defense?
Your healer but unlike most healers in fire emblem she can actually attack, I'd consider her a perfect unit because she can fight, heal and possibly cheese with miracle, and there's an event where she can gain more range when healing so it just improves her support capabilities

PROS:High attack, bargain
CONS:Slow, frail
She's supposed to be a strong unit with high attack but with the exception of her joining chapter she usually doesn't have the speed to double or the capability to take attacks. She has an event where she gets bargain so atleast she's good for shopping.

PROS: High attack, High speed, Skill with crit
CONS: Low defense
She is probably the best combat unit so far, Her High attack and speed let's her double and kill everything in a fight and if she can't she has a skill that just lets her crit her way through. Her only con is that she has low defense so you can't just throw her into a horde of enemies, despite this she is the best boss killer in the game and has oddly high resistance which let her deal with mages surprisingly well. She has an event where if you heavily out speed your opponent you just double immediately
(unfortunately when you do get it the game ends)

PROS: Great promotion, Fast
CONS: mediocre skill, Average defense
Eclair is great, at first she might be mediocre but with some level ups she can gain a lot of speed and magic which lets her easily defeat enemies. Her skill is kind of mediocre though with having a chance to just have her attack hit. her promotion is the best part about her as she gains a horse while the others get some stat boosts with no major buff outside of that.
(I actually don't know if Safy has an insane promotion because she's level 9 so sorry X()

PROS: Good bulk, Good magic, Good speed
CONS: mediocre skill,
Your first pre-promote and she's amazing, she can do everything with her high stats and healing. Only con is that her ability just ignores status effects, which is a non factor. Amazing unit

PROS: Horse, vantage
You only get to use her for 1 chapter but so far she has a good impression, Having a horse is great and vantage can be a useful ability if you can utilize it

Pros:Insane Bow, Mobile skill
She has a personal weapon where it's magical and gives +10 in magic, she is also unaffected by any terrain penalties so she seems to be already insane with only being able to used in 1 bonus chapter

Here's my tierlist, since I don't know the character's average stats these are from my own personal run and my own opinons feel free to disagree.
Hey weezywasnthere. I got a question. and to other Fire Emblem gamers out there. When is the best time you change the job class of your characters. is there like some sort of level you need to achieve before you change your characters classes?


Jul 12, 2017
Hey weezywasnthere. I got a question. and to other Fire Emblem gamers out there. When is the best time you change the job class of your characters. is there like some sort of level you need to achieve before you change your characters classes?
I always max out my level on the character before changing classes, because they get more total levels that way. I only played burning blade so this may not be the same as other games, but level 10 is when you CAN change job classes, and 20 is the max level.

Also on this game I'm at ch 5 just beat the mercenary chick, I must be getting total crap for level up rolls because my Argo is dead weight. I'm getting like 2 stats per level up, and they're not even in the relevant categories. Argo is at level 6, with 11 in str, and 3 in magic... why does he have a magic stat? Can all units switch between physical and magical attacks in this game? FE had either magic OR strength, units didn't get both. His role as a tank has his defense at 11, res of 4, meanwhile Saphy and Lyla are sitting at 9 def, and 11 and 5 res respectively plus Saphy has an autoheal every turn for 2 hp. Like this is some trash tier unit here, sure he might get a single stat increase every now and then through events but this growth is abysmal. He's about to get outpaced as a tank by my squishy healer class.

No weapon triangle?
No using terrain other than choke points or special tiles that heal for more damage than I can deal in a turn? - This one by the way, the bandit girl leader fight, I was doing 4 damage a swing at her with Argo, and Saphy would get 2 shot so she stayed out of the fight mostly and stuck with healing. The bandit girl healed for like at least 5 damage a turn. The fight was literally me trying to chip away at HP while the enemy fully heals every turn. I only won that fight because I eventually landed a crit. Healing needs to be reduced or I need to get some massive increase to DPS (or maybe I just got screwed on growth rolls).

The game part of it needs a lot of work in terms of balancing, and counters and advantages need to be implemented that aren't just 100% hard counters (3x damage??? what in the actual hell?) so that there's actual tactics involved.
May 11, 2023
Hey weezywasnthere. I got a question. and to other Fire Emblem gamers out there. When is the best time you change the job class of your characters. is there like some sort of level you need to achieve before you change your characters classes?
I usually promote at level 15 in an actual FE game, Promotions don't reset level in this game so just early promote here (similar to fe4)
I always max out my level on the character before changing classes, because they get more total levels that way. I only played burning blade so this may not be the same as other games, but level 10 is when you CAN change job classes, and 20 is the max level.

Also on this game I'm at ch 5 just beat the mercenary chick, I must be getting total crap for level up rolls because my Argo is dead weight. I'm getting like 2 stats per level up, and they're not even in the relevant categories. Argo is at level 6, with 11 in str, and 3 in magic... why does he have a magic stat? Can all units switch between physical and magical attacks in this game? FE had either magic OR strength, units didn't get both. His role as a tank has his defense at 11, res of 4, meanwhile Saphy and Lyla are sitting at 9 def, and 11 and 5 res respectively plus Saphy has an autoheal every turn for 2 hp. Like this is some trash tier unit here, sure he might get a single stat increase every now and then through events but this growth is abysmal. He's about to get outpaced as a tank by my squishy healer class.

No weapon triangle?
No using terrain other than choke points or special tiles that heal for more damage than I can deal in a turn? - This one by the way, the bandit girl leader fight, I was doing 4 damage a swing at her with Argo, and Saphy would get 2 shot so she stayed out of the fight mostly and stuck with healing. The bandit girl healed for like at least 5 damage a turn. The fight was literally me trying to chip away at HP while the enemy fully heals every turn. I only won that fight because I eventually landed a crit. Healing needs to be reduced or I need to get some massive increase to DPS (or maybe I just got screwed on growth rolls).

The game part of it needs a lot of work in terms of balancing, and counters and advantages need to be implemented that aren't just 100% hard counters (3x damage??? what in the actual hell?) so that there's actual tactics involved.
Most FE games have 3x weapon super effectiveness, but then again when your main attackers is an armor unit and an axe user that's pretty bad it can be brutal


Jul 12, 2017
Most FE games have 3x weapon super effectiveness, but then again when your main attackers is an armor unit and an axe user that's pretty bad it can be brutal
I checked a wiki and apparently in burning blade international version, it was a 2x multiplier on the weapon. I remember them being better than the regular weapons but not to the point of making the entire unit unviable; units that couldn't do much of anything now suddenly became a decent threat that I needed to work around, but I could still use them, sometimes I would even just suck it up and bash through them with a weapon triangle counter anyways. When on the attacking side with the special weapons, they could kill an enemy faster but often times it was still more efficient to just use magic against an armored unit than using a specialized weapon that I may not even want equipped during the enemy's turn.
I think this one shocked me more because I was limited to weapons with like +3 damage on them so the pace was that I was taking 2-3 attacks on basic mobs to kill and bosses were out-healing my DPS from just sitting on a special tile so it was very slow. Then this +8 monster weapon comes out with a 3x multiplier in comparison and vaporizes the entire HP pool of 50% of my frontline units in a single turn.


New Member
Nov 14, 2020
Well, thats a dead tie between Chipan and Broxie. I guess that makes me the tie-breaker. I'll get started working on the maps and make a mini release for the bugfix and what route I choose. either way 46 people are not going to be happy with me.
This one is good and have many possibility. You should set up some patreon or fanbox to gain some reward and maybe more motivation for this project. Also, when is your planned next release btw?

Fez Dispenser

Game Developer
Aug 6, 2023
I always max out my level on the character before changing classes, because they get more total levels that way. I only played burning blade so this may not be the same as other games, but level 10 is when you CAN change job classes, and 20 is the max level.

Also on this game I'm at ch 5 just beat the mercenary chick, I must be getting total crap for level up rolls because my Argo is dead weight. I'm getting like 2 stats per level up, and they're not even in the relevant categories. Argo is at level 6, with 11 in str, and 3 in magic... why does he have a magic stat? Can all units switch between physical and magical attacks in this game? FE had either magic OR strength, units didn't get both. His role as a tank has his defense at 11, res of 4, meanwhile Saphy and Lyla are sitting at 9 def, and 11 and 5 res respectively plus Saphy has an autoheal every turn for 2 hp. Like this is some trash tier unit here, sure he might get a single stat increase every now and then through events but this growth is abysmal. He's about to get outpaced as a tank by my squishy healer class.

No weapon triangle?
No using terrain other than choke points or special tiles that heal for more damage than I can deal in a turn? - This one by the way, the bandit girl leader fight, I was doing 4 damage a swing at her with Argo, and Saphy would get 2 shot so she stayed out of the fight mostly and stuck with healing. The bandit girl healed for like at least 5 damage a turn. The fight was literally me trying to chip away at HP while the enemy fully heals every turn. I only won that fight because I eventually landed a crit. Healing needs to be reduced or I need to get some massive increase to DPS (or maybe I just got screwed on growth rolls).

The game part of it needs a lot of work in terms of balancing, and counters and advantages need to be implemented that aren't just 100% hard counters (3x damage??? what in the actual hell?) so that there's actual tactics involved.
Those are some fair concerns, so I will try to address them in order.
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This one is good and have many possibility. You should set up some patreon or fanbox to gain some reward and maybe more motivation for this project. Also, when is your planned next release btw?
First, thanks for the compliment
I don't plan to set up a patreon, given I work on this sporadically and I worry that either the quality would suffer or I just wouldnt have anything for monthly releases.

I do have an itch.io page if you want to support me. Its linked on the first page and I will repost the link here

I've decided that if i reach certain milestones I will add paralouges with special recruitable characters and "lore".

Not sure when the next update will come out, someone asked me on itch, and I gave an explanation over there, but to summarize it,
possibly late spring, maybe later.
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Reactions: csum and Dyrko

Fez Dispenser

Game Developer
Aug 6, 2023
Hey just wanted to give an update, still working on the game! I know I said that I would release a quick chapter for a bug fix, but nothing really needed huge fixing to necessitate a small release. just wanted to show off some images for how the next arc of the game is coming along!
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So yeah, looks like I'm still on track for late spring right now.
The support bonus you see is for C rank and will increase over time.
How do you guys feel about the weapon triangle bonuses? I think 15 is a bit much, but it fluctuates between 10 hit +1 damage and 15 hit +1 damage, this seemed like a happy medium.
I will be balancing the viske fight to account for the disadvantges with this implementation
5.00 star(s) 5 Votes