RPGM Domination Desire: Banished - Development thread

5.00 star(s) 6 Votes


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018
It was hard,
1) there is no way to buy torch consummables so lighting quickly became a big issue.
2) some succubus respawns are very unfair, they entrap you in a dead end and the enemy keeps respawning every second, forcing you to fight several times... I had to save-scum A LOT
3) the loot in the room was, in my opinion, clearly not worth the effort

Like with the dark mansion, the quest log should be used to better explain the objectives and the tools required to pass the challenges.
And if the player doesn't need the quest log, he probably has no use of the hint and so he isn't spoiled
Thanks for the feedback. The respawn issue is concerning, I'll try to make it so defeated succubi do not respawn on the nearest respawn point. The loot placed there is somewhat of a consolation prize. The gate that leads to the treasure is meant to lead the player to another floor, since that floor isn't designed yet I didn't want the players to be left with "To be implemented" message.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Let's see, I think I have seen all that the game has to offer so gonna give a bit of feedback:

-First of all related to the starting part of the game related to disable stuff: To the question if I want to disable farting I said yes but I still saw stuff of that content, on the other hand I didn't disable futanari and never saw a futanari scene, so I felt kinda weird about that stuff, even more I would recommend to add urination and vore to that list, they tend to be quite strong for normal people.

-Second we kinda need a trader of some sorts, there are many items (mostly equipment) that I would love to sell or throw away as fast as possible. If you oppose having a trader which I understand then we can go into the other way, which is to add some crafting system, it would be interesting to be able to recycle all that equipment and be able to make stuff like lockpicks or perhaps use the scraps we get to upgrade armor/weapons or make new items.

-Third I have to say that out of all the enemies I fought the slimes need a bit of loving, they were a really boring fight unfortunately, on the other hand the legion succubi are quite interesting and with a few tweaks they are fine, overall their setting is to be relatively weak when fighting solo but that can easily become a problem if they multiply, here are two things that I would change:

*Dungeon areas related to enemies that are based on breeding should get a population value that determines how many mobs spawn on the area:

1. Extreme: You can encounter with a high chance pregnant enemies, even more any pregnant enemy has a chance to breed two legion rather than one.

2. High: High chance to encounter 2 legion per fight at the very least, even 3 on deeper areas.

3. Medium: Normal level, enemies spawn as usual.

4. Low: You will find easier fights and it's much more probable to find just a single enemy.

The point is to make the dungeons a bit more alive and feel like there is an influence based on us, at the start the population we will have to fight it off until we can rescue the father, because if not it can become quite extreme over time, a way to reduce the population in an easy way is to focus on the starting areas of the dungeon to kill legions and have easier fights compared to more advanced areas.

*Reinforcements: In deeper areas the Legion succubi groups should be able to alert near parties and if you take too long they will join into the fight.

Overall in general that is the stuff I would say we need.

P.D: There are a few bugs to solve:

1. Rare bug: Sometimes during a fight it's possible that an image will stay overlapping the whole fight, it can be solved by save/load after the fight thought.

2. Breeding bug: When I did breed some legion on the rooms of the dungeon it ended up messing the game up so that now it crashes when I try to enter that room, even more the middle room of the three has a legion trapped that cant be fought.

Here is what happens now when I try to go into that direction:

Another bug albeit not too important is that when you load a game this happens:


It solves itself when I change the area after I load the game.

P.D: It seems that breeding too much in any area will cause the game to crash when you try to go back into that area.
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Dec 28, 2018
One thing I'd love to see would some way of knowing what scenes each enemy has. The memory room lets you re-fight enemies but the requirements or availability of some content is not very intuitive.
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Feb 8, 2018
I entered scattered castle, rescued the blue haired woman and then entered again. The door on the left places me here unable to move:

The door on the right traps me here:

So I restart and ignore these and rush down, but I'm stuck here:

What's more, I don't know who Ceren who I supposedly spoke to, is. So I don't think I'm supposed to be here.

Did I do things the wrong order? I basically did this after encountering Liliet in the cave, defeating the 5 legion and then being unable to go to left because of the pheromones.

edit: turns out i should've gone to the faraway archipelago
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New Member
Mar 12, 2017
I'm at Uncharted Territory mission and it is telling me to get some rest? Where? I've looked everywhere....


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018

Nice bit of feedback, I'm going to address thing in order to keep things nice and clean.

When it comes to content filters. It's something I have mixed feelings about. On one had it's understandable that everyone has different tastes and wouldn't want to see certain content in the game. On the other hand having filters on certain content generates a couple of design problems:
  • It can lead to potentially unbalanced enemies that due to having it's move/moves being blocked off use other moves that could be stronger/weaker more frequently. This is not that big of a problem, but something worth considering.
  • It produces more workload and requires a lot more testing for each filter. If an enemy is affected by multiple ones it would have to be tested with one enabled/one disabled and two enabled etc.
In current release filters are not exactly working perfectly. That's mainly because when I first desinged most of the scenes I wasn't considering implementing filters. The other reason is that I haven't put a lot of time into testing them.
When it comes to futa content there's none in the game yet, however there will be in the next update. I have renders ready and couple of scenes already designed. Urination content filter is something to think about, however I won't do vore filter cause the vore scenes in the game won't be "drastic" similiarly to those that are in the game. I'm not a fan of gore and if I decide to put some I'll be careful with it.

On to the next thing. A trader NPC is something I thought about. I'm planning to introduce a way to sell unwanted items for Energy Points and give the player more ways to spend them apart from buying new locations. A limited amount of common consumables like torches and lockipick will be provided to the player daily by one of the supporting characters I'll introduce in next update.

Population idea is something that is partly in the game and has variables dedicated to it however currently it doesn't affect anything. The way I planned for it to be was to spawn more enemies on the map, however I like your idea much better. It's something I'm willing to expand upon surely.

Regarding the bugs:
Do you remeber which enemy and scene left images on the screen?
I'm aware of that GUI issue however I'm not sure whether is a game problem or the problem with the plugin itself.

I'm at Uncharted Territory mission and it is telling me to get some rest? Where? I've looked everywhere....
You need to teleport to Home from the dimensional rift and sleep in a double bed on the second floor.
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Mar 20, 2019
How do you leave the rift? (beginning of game). I clicked through every menu possible and find nothing.

edit: was probably a bug. After restarting the game I was able to use the stone (before, it was greyed out/unusable).


Active Member
Aug 7, 2019
Hello everyone,
The game is not abandoned, however I have hit some creative and technical roadblocks which I think I've managed to overcome.
I had trouble with the vision of the intro of the game I had previously planned out mainly because I wasn't satisfied with the design of one character that meant to be included there. So I have decided to scrap the intro and make a new one. However during the programming of that second version of the intro, I went back to DAZ to try again with some new found inspiration and managed to come up with a design I was happy with. Thanks to that the game now has and extended intro sequence split into two parts: first providing some background to the main character and second that sets up the main game. Both of them are currently fully implemented into the game and tested. It surely took a long time, however it gave me some time to think about how I wanted the story elements of the game to look like. Here are some screenshots that show events before the start of the game's plot.
View attachment 1930656
View attachment 1930660
This is Bellatrix, she plays the main role in the intro and encounter with her is currently exclusive to the intro itself. However she'll appear later in the game too. Let me know what do you think about her design as she was the one I struggled with as mentioned above.
View attachment 1930635
She has a couple of scenes that include watersports and bootlicking.

The other problem I had with the game was the issue of the black screen that would randomly appear forcing the player to reset the game which was very annoying due to its unpredictable nature and made it harder for me to playtest the game. After some research it was apparent that the new version of nw.js I used to boost perfomance of the game caused this problem. I wasn't able to resolve this problem and things I found online weren't of much help either. However, a new version of nw.js has come out recently that seems to fix this and some other crashes too. I deliberately used the word "seems" as that bug cannot be reproduced in any consistent way and only time will tell whether it's fully gone.

I also had a look at the rouge-like aspects of the game as well as draining mechanics. My main design philosophy in creating DD:B is to make a battlefuck game that doesn't force the player to loose to experience the h-content and makes loosing and being drained a part of the gameplay loop and not a dead-end. While the first aspect of that philosophy is apparent in the enemy design, the second one wasn't really clear as being killed restored only a portion of the player's exp before dying. Now the game registers the highest amount of EXP the player has acumulated and uses that value to calculate the starting exp after death. This has some advantages compared to the previous system which I won't present here as this post is already long. Exp gained during a run gives the player addidtional "Energy Points (temporary name until I think of a better one)" which will be used to unlock things such as dungeons, skills etc.

When it comes to draining mechanics I have made it so the enemy gains experience equal to the experience lost by the player when loosing a level. This causes the enemies that have significantly lower level compared to the player to gain more (for example 4) levels when they make the player cum or drain one of his levels. This system has a lower limit so that at least one level is gained when draining the player.

The changes to draining and exp are implemented and require more testing. I have yet to create a shop to spend energy points and figure out a fair pricing of the things that will be available to get there.

On the list of things I still want to put in the next version of DD:B are 3 scenes for each named succubi: Astarte, Nima and Liliett and adjust some of existing scenes so they are shorter of skippable if need be. I want to release on the start of August.

Sorry for the radio silence, I hope that the next time I will be writing a post like this it'll be together with another playable version, hopefully this time without game braking bugs. I probably wont be answering posts here until friday, because I will be on a bussiness trip. Hope you like the changes I've made, let me know what you think of them.
how do i unlock her bootlicking scene, i tried everything in the first combat but always end in the cowgirl scene.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Hi, how i can defeat 5 enemies in the debut of the game? it's impossible.
The easiest way is to manage to loot an axe from the boxes of the room then reserve the bomb for the last fight. The axe has an AOE skill that combined with the bomb it will be able to kill all 5 enemies in 2 turns unless one of them levels up, still one enemy left should be easy to kill.

On another note a bit more of feedback related to the game:

1º I think it would be interesting if at some point we could light up dungeons, it's cool to fight the darkness when you are exploring for the first few times but later on it can easily become a chore.

2º For the game balance we will need at some point some way to reduce the fetishes of our character, personally trying to push a bit the game I have come to a point in which the legion mobs can even seduce my character with 0 arousal.
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Dec 17, 2020

Nice bit of feedback, I'm going to address thing in order to keep things nice and clean.

When it comes to content filters. It's something I have mixed feelings about. On one had it's understandable that everyone has different tastes and wouldn't want to see certain content in the game. On the other hand having filters on certain content generates a couple of design problems:
  • It can lead to potentially unbalanced enemies that due to having it's move/moves being blocked off use other moves that could be stronger/weaker more frequently. This is not that big of a problem, but something worth considering.
  • It produces more workload and requires a lot more testing for each filter. If an enemy is affected by multiple ones it would have to be tested with one enabled/one disabled and two enabled etc.
In current release filters are not exactly working perfectly. That's mainly because when I first desinged most of the scenes I wasn't considering implementing filters. The other reason is that I haven't put a lot of time into testing them.
When it comes to futa content there's none in the game yet, however there will be in the next update. I have renders ready and couple of scenes already designed. Urination content filter is something to think about, however I won't do vore filter cause the vore scenes in the game won't be "drastic" similiarly to those that are in the game. I'm not a fan of gore and if I decide to put some I'll be careful with it.

On to the next thing. A trader NPC is something I thought about. I'm planning to introduce a way to sell unwanted items for Energy Points and give the player more ways to spend them apart from buying new locations. A limited amount of common consumables like torches and lockipick will be provided to the player daily by one of the supporting characters I'll introduce in next update.

Population idea is something that is partly in the game and has variables dedicated to it however currently it doesn't affect anything. The way I planned for it to be was to spawn more enemies on the map, however I like your idea much better. It's something I'm willing to expand upon surely.

Regarding the bugs:
Do you remeber which enemy and scene left images on the screen?
I'm aware of that GUI issue however I'm not sure whether is a game problem or the problem with the plugin itself.

You need to teleport to Home from the dimensional rift and sleep in a double bed on the second floor.
Filters are indeed harder to code and create around, but then consider: more than once, I encountered things I consider to be instant boner killers. A piss filter should definitely be on that list I'd say...
As far as items go, put candles on that list perhaps? Also, a way of resetting your own level and that of the levelling succubi might be useful, combat can get too tedious as you play along otherwise...


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
Filters are always a difficult topic but as a general rule I would say that it depends on how important is the fetish, for example while I don't like gigantic women I can understand that for the game it is somewhat important, because it needs many changes to make the fight work otherwise, so this one should never be filtered, basic actions related to ass/pussy/mouth/breast/feet are kinda that, basic for the combat so I would never filter them either.

Futanari is on a weird area, for now there is no futanari character however when they are added we shall see if it's a good filter, if they are just some mob then there will be no problem but if it's implemented in a similar way as the giantess fetish then it won't be a good filter because of the relevance.

On the other hand urination and farting are fairly easy to take them out, just cut the last scene of some sex interactions and still apply some status event, for example urination I think it only happened on Noelle fight and the way I saw it, just cutting the pissing part of the attack would be fine.

So yeah, out of all the fetishes I would say that the easy to filter ones are:

1º Farting -> Omit the later part of the attack
2º Urination -> Omit the later part of the attack
3º Sweat -> It is fairly simple to do, just omit the description
4º Vore -> In the case of vore it's mostly used for healing so changing it for a heal spell would already filter it.

In the case of futanari and pain it will depend on how they are implemented, if they are implemented in the same way as giantess I would go with no filtering them at all, mainly because you literally have to redo the fights to have them make sense, the only way I see that pain/futa characters can be implemented in a way to be filtered is if they have their own exclusive dungeon, because the other way to filter it is redoing many fights and that's not something practical.


Game Developer
Mar 24, 2018
Hi, how i can defeat 5 enemies in the debut of the game? it's impossible.
It's actually very doable. The thing is you need to loot the room fully. Potions, holy water, a bomb and one lockpick are not randomized loot and they are all you need. With two fights since you need to keep your arousal low for next battles and win. The fight with three can get tricky, but it's doable. Before the 5 vs 1 fight you need to use Focus, restore your health to full and use Potion of Might. First thing you do in battle is using the bomb. After that if any Legion manages to drain you, use Holy water on it to keep it down. After that it should be easy to finish. Keep in mind that this fight will leave you on a lower level than you were before starting the event and it's fully intentional that way. This doesn't include the rest of the randomized loot that can be found in the game.


When it comes to futa filter the way I plan to introduce it in scenes is as follows:
If the scene includes the enemy character growing a dick for example, the scene is omitted.
If the character is designed as futa from the begining, it'll be replaced by a different enemy.

I plan to introduce a way to lower fetishes with help of a supporting character, I will add a temporary feature to Zahrya until that character is in the game.

how do i unlock her bootlicking scene, i tried everything in the first combat but always end in the cowgirl scene.
You need to be very low HP, there is an indicator and another debuff you get.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2017
If I understand it right you are gonna make an alternative version of the futanari enemy for when the filter is off, seems kinda overworking yourself on that aspect, in that case it would be easier to just add a dungeon exclusive for futanari enemies and be able to just lock it if futa filter is on.

Albeit I can't help but feel like it would be interesting to see interactions such as futanari succubi x legion, in fact they could provide a decent explanation for places with no humans as to why they can continue to grow in numbers.

(Now I feel that it would be fun to have fights in which there are legion and a futanari character impregnating them by default lol).
5.00 star(s) 6 Votes