Unity - Dominatrix Simulator: Threshold [v2.11.0] [Deviant Tech]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I was simply amazed at first glance - it was something I've never experienced before in VR. It even sold me a lovense toy just for this game specially. But after an hour of gameplay I found out that this game is actually just a techno demo without any serious plot and narrative. And instead - it's overfocused on posing simulation. Posing was a really nice fresh breath as VR experience at first, but there is too many of it in general. Also it is so damn repetitive.

    I want to believe that this game will leave early access one day and I'll purchase it on steam honestly.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a revolutionary VR game, and it still has a long way to go. The interactive BDSM experience it brings is really something that I have never experienced before. Too bad it's developing so slowly.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    tl;dr: Should be called Pose Simulator because that's what you'll be doing during 90% of the interactions with the doms.


    Basically a scene viewer in VR with some minor exploration of the mansion the girls inhabit. Navigation, interactions, and poses all felt very natural in VR. Points for making a H VR game that feels like your typical VR game. I would not reccomend playing in desktop mode as it controlled poorly and missed the entire point of the game.

    H Content

    This game attempts to immerse you in feeling like you're being ordered around by a dom. This almost always translates into being asked to stand, kneel, or grovel in a particular pose. This did start to awaken some arousal in me but the game relies upon this gimmick far too heavily and for me that made it lose its appeal after the tenth time I was asked to turn around and bend over to hear some spanking sound effects.

    Doms are modeled well with enough detail to look okay up close. The animation job is atrocious. Sure the girls animate almost all the time which is good but there are SO many clipping issues that take you out of the immersion. And for a game based entirely around immersion that's a problem. You'd think these issues would be easily corrected since every model and animation is custom made for the game but even after 5-6 years of development they plague almost every single scene.

    Doms are all fully voiced but holy hell both the writing and the voice acting is somewhere between cringey and terrible almost across the board. On the writing front doms talk far too much before getting to the action. That alone isn't a huge problem but when they are talking too much it's often just them repeating the same thing over and over again in different ways. The primary emotion I felt during most conversations was boredom,

    As far as the voice acting this has to be one of the worst voice acted H product i've ever seen. I really don't know how you screw this up when there are hundreds of girls doing lewd ASMR work out there but here it is. This is a big problem because the voice acting is about 50% of what is expected to get you off and it's just plain bad.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I wish the game would still be adding new things to do because I'm going to buy the full relese after. Nice graphics, nice and intriguing dialogs with caracters that help the game not being to monotone but still offers a decent gameplay. Maybe some more Joi added to the game will be a thing
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First "Sequence" sets genuine dread as the game as being one of the many soulless femdom games, videos, or subscriptions clogging up every porn site, then once you're past it, it opens up as the current greatest VR porn game on the market once it finishes giving you a vertical slice of what it hopes to offer.
    Dominatrix Simulator is probably one of the only games that does femdom well, in a marketplace overly saturated with Findom and Humilatrix content masquerading under the wider "Femdom" tag. Upcoming content clearly lists any kinks, and with current content you can back out of a session with minimal punishments if you don't pick on the kinks during the introductory "do you want to do this" pitch they give you. Animations are sometimes subpar compared to the raw animation viewers that have VR options, but voice acting and interactions more than make up for it, a genuine reflection of actual BDSM rather than a contorted simulacrum based on shallow glimpses of videos.
    Poses can have issues (especially with lower end headsets), but easily worked around with having a menu, genuinely wants you to experience it, rather than a soulless "task generator" or mandatory fitting of the vast array of hardware into a pose.
    Updates were temporarily halted to ensure quality, and halting updates at a height of popularity due to a cold to ensure the new voice lines are up to par (and they are up to par) is the mark of developers and voices who genuinely care about the end product.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Goddess Hylia

    It is an impressive, fully-voiced game. It is best experienced with a Virtual Reality headset, but can be also fully played with a mouse and keyboard. You can tell thought and care has been put into making this a great experience, and I would happily recommend it if you are into femdom and BDSM. If you are not into BDSM, I would recommend still giving it at least one try, but stopping if you feel uncomfortable.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A great VR game. The interactions feel good, and the theme, while probably not for everyone, is well executed. Immersive and stylistic visuals. Hardwood floor not recommended, as you'll spend some time down there.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is literally the best Virtual submerssive game that i've ever played in my life. BDSM is not usually a common fetish among people, but i think if you try this and really want to get a different experiencie it can change your point of view and probabbly get a new fetish. I played this game, it's just a demo and for being one it has a high quality t hat you'll not see in other VR games. The Desktop version works fine, i played using RiftCat with my phone and it worked really well without VR controllers just the mouse & keyboard / xbox controller and that simple mechanic of noding makes the game really immersive and easy to play. Seriously, one of the best games that i played.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Love the game but I cannot properly enjoy it.

    I suffer with back pain and so I'm very limited to the content I can enjoy on my Oculus Quest 2 tho I'm glad a lot of games out there support a sitting mode.

    Now this is my issue. I want to enjoy this game but I cannot. There is no sitting mode for people who just want to enjoy the content this game has to offer and requires you to get in all sorts of positions to really enjoy the game. I suffer with back pain and cannot properly get into this.

    I would of loved to have rated this 5 stars but the lack of a sitting mode for people who deal with personal issues is giving me trouble rating this 5 stars.

    Will hope however maybe when the game is close to being completely done maybe the developers can add a sitting mode or a mode where people can just enjoy the content without hurting themselves.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Still very much an alpha. Play if you love the idea of physically obeying a waifu-esque virtual dominatrix, not because you want to get off to porn. Keep in mind that the initial demo before you reach the "gameplay loop" will take around an hour or so to clear, though it autosaves after each scene. If you can, try to mount your camera/sensors high up, so that your hand controllers can still be sensed even when they're touching the floor. Oh yeah, and you're expected to literally strip, so turn the heat up or wait for this chilly winter to end...

    The devs have spent a few years on this, and along with some developmental dead ends and time lost to the pandemic, they did manage to deeply refine many elements of the core experience. The dominatrixes themselves show off a huge amount of body language animations, try to constantly engage the player with questions, are cutely and uniquely designed with lively expressions and of course full eye contact, and so on. The lore is decent too.

    Spoiler art. Two years ago, this is what the game consisted of: picking a gender, talking to the boss mistress and doing a few poses, then talking to the maid mistress and her evil twin (?) and doing a few poses and mostly just experiencing lore. A little after that, they added a public masturbation scene with a strict teacher mistress, which was honestly pretty impressive, and a sex scene with the evil twin. Around a year later, they added a playtest for the maid mistress's scenes. Now, a few months ago, they have all that plus the following: multiple short interlude-style scenes with Devilish Domina (the in-game avatar of the dev) and the boss mistress, multiple variations of the public masturbation scenes with the strict teacher mistress based on reward/punishment/serving, multiple variations of posing instructions/quizzes with the maid mistress, and placeholders for 6+ more mistresses, half of whom have actual models (in other words, half of them are just black cut-outs), with lots of unvoiced text as placeholders for scenes that will be added later. The schoolgirl one and the jailer one look like fun to me. At the current rate, it may be a while before they're all in the game, though. (And can I just say, isn't it way too much for Devilish Domina to voice ~10+ characters personally? She's definitely great for an amateur, though.)

    The biggest problem with Dominatrix Simulator is that, well, VR game development where you build most character-related assets from scratch and focus on the details of the experience in order to maximize immersion/self-insertion... isn't easy. No one has ever made an interactive BDSM game like this before, so they are breaking new ground and can't easily judge how difficult or practical different features will be. I expect that all the placeholders they've recently added in-game are an attempt to pin down the feature set so that they can make judgments about how much time they want to spend on some mistress, and what level of depth is possible within that time frame, and thus better satisfy their patrons' desire for regular content updates.

    For what it's worth, I think that the future is relatively bright. Despite the pandemic, they clearly haven't lost their sense of ambition nor compromised on the quality of their art, and several new mistresses are clearly coming along well (they already have their own play rooms and character models implemented). And I liked what I experienced of the maid mistress's scenes. It's just that they have clearly bit off more than they can chew with all these mistresses, and while I think it's kinda cool, I wonder just what this game will look like in 5 years. I hope that by then at least one mistress has a ton of content, so you can really get to know her well and do many different things with her, using the various props in her space.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game. The play/reward system work well for me, maybe a little to slow, but you want to return in game.

    In addition, the potential it has is enormous.

    I would really like to go in the future to test all the fetishes (all those visible with the placeholder). Huge variety possible.

    Although there are a few small bugs (reward pet play bugger for me), and it is a bit "slow" in the narration and in the updates, I would really like to see the rest.

    Good game, really !
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    with the new update it makes the game never ending and really fun to play now and then ;) They also plan to release more characters and even more kinks to the game wich will make it even better cant wait for more updates
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    To me, this is the only erotic VR title worth playing at the moment. I've played VAM, Honey Select, etc... They're all fine, not trying to drag them under. However none of those had quite the level of interactivity that DS does. Could it be improved? Of course! But it's the only game of its kind that comes across like a truly interactive experience, instead of just minorly interactive VR porn. Obviously, it's target audience is specific to those who enjoy femdom, so it won't be for everyone. But I think this is the most promising erotic VR project (for its target audience) out there.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    There are definetly some problems, some animations are worlds better than others and the hair really likes to clip through bodies, but I really like where it's going.

    I am especially a big fan of the whole nodding or shaking your head to answer your mistress, but then some other things feel kind of awkward to do because you have to move your head a certain way to track it. (I honestly don't know a better way to do it though)

    I'm looking forward to the new works they are doing before they'll combine it into one big game.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I just played this "demo" for the first time, never played Dominatrix Simulator before. And yes, I played it in VR with a decent "room setup". I'd like to preface that I'm not at all into BDSM/sub/dom stuff, but I always wanted to test this out because there's still a lack of "good" VR adult games.

    Sorry to say, but I'm NOT impressed at all. The models are low poly, the "animations" are very rough with a lot of clippings, and although the devs claim that "all of our models [...] are custom created" they look very familiar and are to much of a "Hentai" kind of style. I am not saying this is another cheap MikuMikuDance rip-off with the addition of some custom made assets, but it reminds me a lot of other games like Waifu-Sex-Simulator (which I supported a long time on Patreon until I got tired of its style and lack of new content).

    I know this is just a demo, and there will be new stuff added to the game. But without more realistic looking models and better animations it's just not the type of game I'd like to play or support. I wish the devs best of luck with their game, I'll give it another try in a year or two if there's actual content I (may) like.