VN - Ren'Py - Domino Beach [Ep.2 Fix] [Mr Jet]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The character dynamic in this game are fantastic, It great to see some Baywatch vibe from AVN and it turns our so spectacular. love to see more from Zoe and Fiona and other Li as well. Also the render graphic of models and scene is beautiful
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start (with already a significant amount of content): great renders, good pacing, entertaining story, fun setting.

    Yes, it does play like a fantasy where all the girls are incredibly attractive and attracted to the MC, but that's kind of the point. The game offers fun, harmless escapism, a sunny baywatch microcosm in which to relax and enjoy a story that is well crafted.

    Imho a project that deserves more backing and love, also considering the dev's previous work which I found equally fun and which was completed to a very good degree of polish.
    Likes: MrJet
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is peak, i'm loving every second of it. It has potential to become my favorite game, i loved the beach setting, the teen drama, the LIs, everything.

    The MC starts as a loser, no doubt about that, but his growth is already apparent even with only 2 episodes. The animations are top notch and the renders are beautiful, every girl feels different, there are friends along the way, not only LIs. There's an overarching story and a sense of "belonging" somewhere that i don't see in many VNs. Keep it up, i'm looking forward to the next updates.
    Likes: MrJet
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my review for Domino Beach Ep.2 Fix by Mr Jet.

    The good
    • Renders are looking really good
    • Animations are the best
    • Music
    • Writing
    • Gameplay
    • Big amout of content 5+ hours
    • Story is interesting
    • Big updates
    • Great characters
    The bad
    • Slow updates
    In conclusion, 5 stars worth playing.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is the best beach setting in AVN; even if it's only 2 chapters by now, I know for sure that this is at the top of the line after playing lots of AVN for the past few years. The unique environment provide a refreshing change for players accustomed to college settings and medieval themes.

    Mr. Jet captures the beach vibe story. It's like playing Baywatch; the bonus is we can interact with lots of fun characters, especially those beautiful girls. Each character feels like they have different personas and are not monotonous, so it feels alive when interacting with them.

    The rendering department is very nice too; I like the lighting, shadow, and night view. Only my problem is the nighttime; sometimes it's too dim. My only critique is the sex scene; in my opinion, it would be improved if it were a little bit longer with a good animation scene, but what can I say? It's only 0.2, so maybe it will change in the future.

    The design of the characters is good; it's like seeing real-life proportionate models. Mr. Jet did a good job on crafting slender girls like Zoe, Fiona, and Riley, while thicker babes like Emily, Alex, and Carla are amazing too, especially with Emily having a good-looking torso with childbearing hips. So, kudos to Mr. Jet for crafting one of the best LIs in the AVN universe.

    I recommended this game; the environment is amazing for some gamers that want something different, and the story is nice enough to grip you into the game. For now it's 4/5; I'll change it in the future after the game contains a lot of content.
    Likes: MrJet
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game, great characters and story is developing and going in the right direction. pretty hooked. cant wait to see how it goes keep up the great work.

    hot models
    good renders
    no grind
    no mini games
    Likes: MrJet
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    5 stars just for Fiona. Hopefully there's some quality treasure hunting with her and Emily in upcoming episodes. I like the upbeat music and overall atmosphere of this AVN which gives it a genuine feel. The scenery is good and the background looks lively with characters keeping busy so the beach doesn't look empty and lifeless. Always something interesting going on with the other characters you interact with, especially the clash with the surfer "gangs" who keep the drama high, the beer flowing and their IQ low.

    I'm a fan of this AVN and hopefully others will be too and will help to support the developer to see where this fascinating story leads. It's not every day I hand out a 5 star, but this one is great and looks to deliver more. Even down to how the other characters interact with each other, their expressions, body language, and individual characteristics along with the colorful scenes, plot points and great dialog that drives the story forward. Too bad there's only 2 episodes at this point, hopefully it doesn't take too many years to iron out the future episodes.
    Likes: MrJet
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Why does the plot bully MC?
    At present, the whole plot makes people feel that MC is a loser.

    It's very uncomfortable, a bunch of people with bad personalities, both men and women.

    Will these women or men become good friends with MC in the future? But I already hate them now. For example, ALEX and Olivia's fake date prank is simply unforgivable. You help them, but they treat you like a fool?

    The plot often makes the MC feel humiliated, and the MC is the player, that is, me.
    Why do I have to experience unnecessary humiliation when I play this game? Being a loser?

    Yes, The characters look great and the images are well rendered, but so what? I just feel uncomfortable playing it.
    Even the MC looks very ordinary, all the other male characters including REX are more pleasing to the eye.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Ill give it 3 stars for the production value. the renders and animations are good and you can tell time and effort went into it. The mc also isn't the worst, his own struggles in life and attitude is fairly good, hes not a complete loser and he's not a chad which makes a niche change of pace these days.

    Where the game falls completely flat for me is the overarching stories. The dumb, cringe high school drama of the surf clubs fighting like little bitches and acting like 14 year olds. I hope we get an option to say fuck off to both sides to be honest, they are all asshats. The lifeguard has been one of the better parts of this but that jumped the shark in the last update as well with mustache twirling villain that was just lame. It was just so cheesy and it was very hard to take him or the son seriously. There are prolly too many characters as well. Your gonna be waiting a long time between updates for time with an li you like.

    I think there is a solid base here its just the 14 year old level drama is kind of dragging the whole thing down. If the surfer stuff was nipped in the bud and the lifeguard stuff doesn't drag on and maybe a little more slice of life and a lot less drama this could easily be a 4 or 5. Ill revisit this in a year and see where we are at.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Great potential! Wish u will continue doing this great game! maybe it can be a goat who knows, right
    :):):):):):):) Become a Rock Star was one of the greatest! so continue like that please! Cool interesting amazing amusing beautiful mind-blowing
    Likes: MrJet
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    So far the story is really great. I like that there is not too much information and not too little. Just enough to understand the plot and get curious. Visuals are nice. If there is anything i could suggest is that i have no idea what the benefit of being rebel or not. if there is a way to put hint what each route enables or disables in the game without spoiling the story that would be great. Otherwise great job dev!
    I would love to see more!
    Likes: MrJet
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I didn't ahve much expectations towards the story of this game, considering how weak the actual main story of Become a Rockstar is, but I at least expected a MC to be a natural in the flirting game and that the conversations with girls would be meaningful... so far the MC disapoints in both departmets. We got an average game with great renders and nothing else to offer: no story, no good dialogues, no interesting LIs, no MC with a backbone. So far 3/5 is the maximum this game deserves
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is great so far. Girls are hot. (not a thicc fan tho)
    If you need great stories, I suggest a real book. Whatever complaints other have, I don't have 'em. I like these beach themes too.

    Story doesn't matter so much to me, it's the build-up, the foreplay you could say. The right amount of teasing and then some good stuff without jumping to full nude sex. Teasing is everything. Quick to full nude/sex is boring af.
    Likes: MrJet
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The visuals have been elevated beyond mere graphical enhancements, showcasing a meticulous attention to detail.
    and Each character has a distinct personality that makes them memorable.
    Despite the somewhat generic storyline, Zoe's animated facial expressions and captivating appearance made her a memorable character.
    I can't stand waiting any longer for the next release.
    Likes: MrJet
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved this game, interesting story, awesome graphics and unique characters.

    Well, first you are introduced to a nice main menu. I know it's not the most important thing, but I can still appreciate the attention to detail and originality.

    I think the thing that stands out the most in this game is the LI characters. All of the LIs have interesting personalities and they all seem to have their own quirks. The main girls that are in your house clearly have certain issues/mysteries, which makes these LIs a little more interesting and human compared to other AVNs. I'm really curious how the personalities and romances with the MCs will develop.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Really solid first episode and I very enjoyed it a lot. The writing is good and much improved from Mr Jet other game Become a rock star.
    The current story is maybe nothing special but atleast it is a diffrent setting which I like. Looking forward to how this game turns out.
    Likes: MrJet
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Story is somewhat decent even though very vanilla, the biggest issue i have is really the MC and the thought process, im so tierd of games trying to push girls onto the player by having MCs inner dialog talking about how hot a girl is and how he wants to be with someone or maybe he has a chance with this and that girl, i mean why whats the point, does dev really belive that all players are into every single girl they see? because it feels so idiotic reading those inner dialogs about a girl that you only want to turn down and want nothing to do with......

    Like MC "Shes so damn hot maybe i have a chance with her" and then you turn her just ruins the story and immersion altogether.

    MC also seem to have a big tit fetish which i personanly dont have, so having MC talking about how hot a girl is only due to her big tits is just another fail, even more so since if there is one with smaller tits next to the big tits girl he dosent give her a second look...idiotic caveman way of thinking.

    As for the girls its a bit of a fail, its bimbo after bimbo, its not like they are extremly huge but they all just look almost the same, dont know why devs is having such a hard time making any diversity in builds, its a bit idiotic not to aim for putting in girls for everyones taste, all that does is lose customers and potential supporters.

    Also whats up with every single girls tits, they all look like they have implants not a single natural girl like at all? its just weird.
    And why do the girls have to bend backwards shooting their chest out all the time, it looks way to werid, almost look like they are trying to break their backs....

    Animations seems decent but theres really not enough content to rate this yet, most animations are just girl dancing or running and a single BJ scene thats about it.

    As for choices there arent really that many, but atleast it does seem like you can turn down any girl you dont want a relationship with, no matter how many times MC has flirted or had inner dialogs about how hot she atleast thats something.

    Music is pretty good, above average i would say and even some with lyrics.

    For now ill give this 3 stars and try it again once it has 3 or 4 chapters to play to see how it progress and then adjust my review then.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This review will be full of spoilers so please don't read it if you haven't played and want to experience the game first. The models look great and the overall theme is there. I also really like when main characters "lose everything", and kudos for not immediately making him get a place to stay the exact same night (it was the next night lol). Kind of being sarcastic, but I appreciate the attempt.

    Where this fails is immediately after the MC saves the life of another character and gets recruited to become a lifeguard. Instead of focusing on that one plot point, the story jumps from character to character and plot point to plot point. This made the story feel bloated very fast.

    As far as I can tell, there are no spelling errors or anything like that, which I appreciate. However, as someone mentioned, the choices made mostly lack meaning. In fact, there was one scene where a group bullies a guy and you have the choice whether or not to intervene. I chose NOT to intervene, and the bullies talk to the MC righter after as if he HAD.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm going with 3.5 because of the missed opportunities, in my opinion.

    Every choice in this game, at least so far, feels like a placebo. Except for the classic yes or no choices regarding this or that girl.

    The game, from what we've seen so far, has a very clear Reputation system (many people notice you and what you do, but not necessarily because you chose to be noticed or climbed to the top by building relationships, winning fights, etc.). The fact that the fight scene didn't have a small mini-game—NO need for free-roams or soulslike mini-game difficult or turning the game into a sandbox like many are—was a bit disappointing.

    If the story is as simple as gang fights, romance with attractive girls, and a cozy atmosphere, it would be more engaging to make the MC shine through choices and handling fights. It doesn't need to be two separate games, just some renders (based on the developers' choices for the amount) here and there where people acknowledge the outcome of the fights and how you (MC) handled conversations with the girls and friendships with the other guys.

    But the fact that we can win fights just because it was predetermined, and the girls like you just because you are the MC, feels off to me.

    I really hope the developers take the choices more seriously and implement interesting systems. Again, there's no need for free-roams, puzzles, sandbox, or placebo choices: e.g., "MC - Hmm... I need my keys," then the system tells the player to click on the keys. This would be false positive freedom, in my opinion.

    This is the 1.0 version, and it's not bad. The developers know how to create a good atmosphere, and the MC is not repulsive at all. Yay. But are we just reading a story or playing a VN? If the game is just going to be classic yes or no choices with good renders and an okay-ish story, I'll probably skip it. There's no need for another VN heavily based on reputation where you don't actually build it, and the outcomes are always good no matter what for the MC.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I know I am going to be in the minority here, but this is just a steaming pile of hoha. I mean, the production is pretty good and the LIs are hot as hell, but the story is just bad.

    Let's talk about the good first. I really like the MC. He is flawed but has potential. He makes mistakes but has good intentions. He is not a great surfer nor is he an awesome fighter, he is just an average dude in tough situation and he is fighting his way through it. Love it. Really good stuff.

    Also, the production and graphics are pretty good. There are some grainy shots and not everything is in focus, but for the most part, the women are hot and the scenes are staged well. I have never seen such a robust beach scene in any of these games so 5 stars for all the settings and scenery.

    But let's talk about the story. OMG... It's like West Side Story with the Jets and the Sharks except on the beach. I mean, come on. rival surfing groups with the misfits vs the rich kids? Talk about cliched. I am waiting for a musical number where each gang face off in a dance off or something. I keep expecting to see a version of Pony Boy show up, or Blaine from Pretty in Pink role up in his Beemer. Maybe the MC will pull a Lloyd Dobler and try and woo his LI by holding a boombox over his head playing In Your Eyes. I mean, come on already. Is this where we are with AVNs?

    This started so well, and it's clear the dev has put in a lot of love and attention into this. They are clearly very talented and from a technical perspective, it is well written, but I spent most of my time laughing at the ridiculousness of this story. All it needs is the appearance of a Hoff like character and we can call this Baywatch: Domino Beach.

    Oh well. I am clearly in the minority and that's fine. I hope the dev does well with this and I hope people get some kind of enjoyment out of it, but for me, it is way too cliched and way too silly.

    UPDATE: I added an additional 2 stars because I just realized this dev has another game out there they completed. I think devs need to get credit for this because creating these games is hard and we need to encourage them to continue. It's funny, because I liked the story but hated the MC in the other AVN and it is the complete opposite in this one. Good luck to the dev.