
Apr 1, 2019
NTR is not limited to just sexual. in this case it is psychological NTR. There are people who have explained it better, but basically the part of NTR where the protag is tormented, hasn't reached the point of sex, and probably won't given what the dev says, but is still NTR. just NTR with extra steps that doesn't amount to anything (as of now, devs can change their mind).

As of now though it meets the requirements to be classed as NTR, there just isn't any sexual NTR. (finding your lover about to fuck someone is NTR, just cause they may not end up doing it, doesn't change that)
I agree


New Member
Mar 10, 2018
So, I had a thought on the last scenes (to include both girls). Earlier Dr. Mosley had hypnotized the MC, and although he knew what was happening while under, he couldn't do anything about it, not that one would under those circumstances. However, it was after that the MC was forced into installing the spyware onto Dr. Mosley's laptop where it seems she kept all of her previous research which would include the "how to" for her hypnosis.

I'm pretty sure that first "session" in her office was unavoidable, unlike the additional therapy sessions, meaning every playthrough has hypnosis. I only bring this up to be clear that everyone had it, and that was also the only session that included her hypnotizing the MC. Also, everyone had to plant the spyware, so everyone potentially gave access to Dennis to see the results of her "experimental therapy" along with all of her information.

The reason I bring up how the MC could tell what was happening but couldn't do anything is because I feel it may explain the personality change in both of the girls. Both would be aware of what is happening but couldn't do anything about it, and don't want it to happen, unlike the MC when he was under.

Given that up until that point mostly all of the secrets between the MC and both girls in the last scene had been flushed out, minus some details, this would put them in a position to be somewhat out of character to make this decision, even if being blackmail, after all of them knowing of the previous blackmails by Dennis. However, if under hypnosis where they can know what is happening and can't stop it, their final comments make sense. Johanna wouldn't want the MC to see this, and Tamara would want help. Perhaps knowing the hypnosis trick is the weapon Dennis was talking about and planning of using on any of the girls as a last ditch effort.

As I have seen in many post before this, if this is blackmail I don't see either of the girls having anything over them or the MC that hasn't been discussed already that would make them think "ok, just rape me and this will all be over". Especially given the knowledge of how Dennis has not let things go. They all broke into his house knowing this act was the only chance to clear the MC from leverage. I don't know about the mindset of the 2 girls at this point, but both must know that if they allowed this to happen it would ruin the MC, and so if whatever Dennis may have on them would have the same effect, both seem like they would rather weather the consequences with him instead of betraying his trust.

Sorry this goes on, but I had a slow night at work and really thought about this, maybe too much. If it's a willing thing either girl is going along with, despite any reasoning they had behind such a decision, I (maybe not the MC) would feel betrayed and no longer interested in them. So, if I am wrong, or maybe like was said this is a dream sequence, then either way I feel this is really good writing for a cliff hanger, or really bad. We won't know until the story picks up again. I think the potential feeling of betrayal makes this a bad type of cliff hanger though, because it doesn't leave me with an anticipation type feeling while wanting to learn "what happens next" but more of a WTF feeling, making me feel annoyed or irritated instead.

If you read it all, sorry it's long, but this idea has me less annoyed and irritated, and that will help me not roll this around in my head for days. Hopefully if this all makes sense it can calm a few others with annoyed feelings as well.


Jun 21, 2017
Been an on-off supporter of Palmer since catching the baseball in Play with Us many, many years ago. After spending my evening catching up with a game I have to pirate even when I support the dev due to the almost offensive loading times of these images*, that last scene was a huge fuck you. You can't have 18 episodes and then hit me with an unavoidable scene like that. Yes, there was the scene with Tammy much earlier, but she just wanted my dick and what hadn't even begun was over at that moment. This is clearly not that. You got me invested, despite the sometimes annoying dialogue** and a MC who won't give oral or finger a girl until she's blown him twelve times and even then not without her blowing him again or spreading her legs. I had my cute little sister-girlfriends and we had a nice little family together. Johanna ruined that. And yes, she ruined it, not the creep I wish I could rename 'Erection-Killer'. Two people betrayed my trust, Johanna and Palmer.

* I timed one of the loading screens and it was exactly 2 minutes. My 12 up, 12 down internet (not what I pay for, what I get) can handle a 1080p, 60fps twitch stream, but not downloading <10 proper images and some little png talk sprites? Sprites that have been used in every episode and which should just be downloaded in a single folder on a renpy game instead of this stupid drm nonsense.

** Every girl is a 'natural fit' for my dick, it feels like she was made to fit around my cock. I get it with the sisters, and having a familiar feeling with your ex, but damn it got annoying. Maybe that's just me.

Also, the way decisions are in this game are made to get you to cheat. I got locked out of Amy, Rachel and Morgan because I chose one over the other or because I chose wrong in a dialogue option that seemed pointless, which isn't on me because half of them really are pointless. There's no consistency. Anyway, blame me for being an idiot, sure, but then if I'm locked out of a girl, don't give me the scene up until the sexy part and then have her leave. I ended up just fast forwarding (had to make a macro for that one because the skip feature is shit) through all of the game bar the sisters because I knew I'd get nothing from the scene anyway or it was the old woman who I somehow didn't lock myself out of despite turning her down whenever possible. Every scene just felt like "$20 and you can actually see the scene!" seeing as that's how the cheat system works. If I were to ever play again, which I will not, I'd certainly be giving the save editor thing a go to replace my actual progress so I can actually have fun with the girls I like without the cheat bs.

There were some really cute girls and some really cute, albeit way too short image-count-wise, scenes in this game. Amy's scenes were always great. Rachel looked amazing whenever she had my dick in her possession and being caught with her was fun. Morgan was adventurous and her final scene was nice - shame telling her that her stupid plan was stupid locked me out of her fun. Tammy was naughty-fun and although she looks kinda odd sometimes her pleasure and dick-licking faces were absolutely adorable. And the bitch had the nicest body and worked well with my Tammy, until she ruined it of course.

The game felt like it was ready to wrap up around chapter 16-18. I wish it had.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
if you are palmer's patron then no need to play leaked patreon versions.


Jul 23, 2017
The ending of ep18 was very bold. No matter the circumstances, this ending changes all dynamics of the relationship so does our perspective to the Jo/Tam. Palmer is gonna throw some kind of excuses for that ending but what's done is done no matter how you think of it. Being with dennis in a room naked preparing for some action literally killed her for me (what would've happened if MC couldn't hear any voice or woke up 1 hour later ?) but still i'm curious about the excuses that palmer has in his pocket just for lols.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
Need to play the offline versions because the online versions from the dev are 50% load screens.
well you can partially thank those who cracked dfd patreon versions that no official offline dh versions (atm and prolly not in future either) and having online versions only saves devs time (has to make 1 version only and no need to add any copyprotections/drms).


Jul 1, 2018
I'm not sure what this huge debate is about the ending of Ch 18? This is pretty standard plot device in any melodrama or soap opera. Love interest or family member, who is the least equipped to be a hero, attempts to save the hero/family by sacrificing themselves. Hero arrives in time to stop villain. It only changes any relationship if you follow this logic:

I have been fucking everything in this game because I can and that's cool.
Holy shit! My sister, who I banged last night, Was trying to save me by fucking this prick.
She was willing to sacrifice her reputation, dignity, and family in order to save me,
What a whore. ........

Yeah Jo is book smart but street stupid. She loves the MC and her sister so much, she has probably convinced herself that letting Dennis have his way with her might save them all. Remember, Jo feels useless and wants to save the day. She's been telegraphing her insecurities for 17 + chapters.

Chapter 18 will be the Bond chase to get the villain. Where Dennis reveals his evil volcano lair and sharks with fricking laser beams on their head!
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Mar 14, 2020
Ren'py would have been better way to go, us in third world are not lucky enough to play online games unless we rich bitches. Renders are pretty damn good, story though, it started off good but last few updates just annoying the shit outta me...especially with the Dennis asswipe, why Dev why had a good thing going... ahhh get mad just thinking about it, good plot ruined by one char ugh jou ma se poes Dennis

Edit : Dennis made me drop the game, a game shouldnt stress a person this much. It should be fun


Jun 21, 2017
well you can partially thank those who cracked dfd patreon versions that no official offline dh versions (atm and prolly not in future either) and having online versions only saves devs time (has to make 1 version only and no need to add any copyprotections/drms).
The majority of games on here are in Renpy and get leaked as soon as they release. It's just the way it is and many still have huge support on Patreon because people support projects they like. But instead of giving me the usual experience of no load screens, the dev decided to worsen my experience, causing me to seek out a piracy website in hope of an offline version. Just make it in renpy which is perfectly suited for it and probably easier to work with than whatever is being used.


Jun 21, 2017
I'm not sure what this huge debate is about the ending of Ch 18? This is pretty standard plot device in any melodrama or soap opera. Love interest or family member, who is the least equipped to be a hero, attempts to save the hero/family by sacrificing themselves. Hero arrives in time to stop villain. It only changes any relationship if you follow this logic:

I have been fucking everything in this game because I can and that's cool.
Holy shit! My sister, who I banged last night, Was trying to save me by fucking this prick.
She was willing to sacrifice her reputation, dignity, and family in order to save me,
What a whore. ........

Yeah Jo is book smart but street stupid. She loves the MC and her sister so much, she has probably convinced herself that letting Dennis have his way with her might save them all. Remember, Jo feels useless and wants to save the day. She's been telegraphing her insecurities for 17 + chapters.

Chapter 18 will be the Bond chase to get the villain. Where Dennis reveals his evil volcano lair and sharks with fricking laser beams on their head!
Because the game is about building a relationship. When the sacrifice is to kill said relationship, then what's the point? It's a game, I don't care about the creep, or MC getting in trouble, or anything other than the relationship she has now killed.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
So, I had a thought on the last scenes (to include both girls). Earlier Dr. Mosley had hypnotized the MC, and although he knew what was happening while under, he couldn't do anything about it, not that one would under those circumstances. However, it was after that the MC was forced into installing the spyware onto Dr. Mosley's laptop where it seems she kept all of her previous research which would include the "how to" for her hypnosis.

I'm pretty sure that first "session" in her office was unavoidable, unlike the additional therapy sessions, meaning every playthrough has hypnosis. I only bring this up to be clear that everyone had it, and that was also the only session that included her hypnotizing the MC. Also, everyone had to plant the spyware, so everyone potentially gave access to Dennis to see the results of her "experimental therapy" along with all of her information.

The reason I bring up how the MC could tell what was happening but couldn't do anything is because I feel it may explain the personality change in both of the girls. Both would be aware of what is happening but couldn't do anything about it, and don't want it to happen, unlike the MC when he was under.

Given that up until that point mostly all of the secrets between the MC and both girls in the last scene had been flushed out, minus some details, this would put them in a position to be somewhat out of character to make this decision, even if being blackmail, after all of them knowing of the previous blackmails by Dennis. However, if under hypnosis where they can know what is happening and can't stop it, their final comments make sense. Johanna wouldn't want the MC to see this, and Tamara would want help. Perhaps knowing the hypnosis trick is the weapon Dennis was talking about and planning of using on any of the girls as a last ditch effort.

As I have seen in many post before this, if this is blackmail I don't see either of the girls having anything over them or the MC that hasn't been discussed already that would make them think "ok, just rape me and this will all be over". Especially given the knowledge of how Dennis has not let things go. They all broke into his house knowing this act was the only chance to clear the MC from leverage. I don't know about the mindset of the 2 girls at this point, but both must know that if they allowed this to happen it would ruin the MC, and so if whatever Dennis may have on them would have the same effect, both seem like they would rather weather the consequences with him instead of betraying his trust.

Sorry this goes on, but I had a slow night at work and really thought about this, maybe too much. If it's a willing thing either girl is going along with, despite any reasoning they had behind such a decision, I (maybe not the MC) would feel betrayed and no longer interested in them. So, if I am wrong, or maybe like was said this is a dream sequence, then either way I feel this is really good writing for a cliff hanger, or really bad. We won't know until the story picks up again. I think the potential feeling of betrayal makes this a bad type of cliff hanger though, because it doesn't leave me with an anticipation type feeling while wanting to learn "what happens next" but more of a WTF feeling, making me feel annoyed or irritated instead.

If you read it all, sorry it's long, but this idea has me less annoyed and irritated, and that will help me not roll this around in my head for days. Hopefully if this all makes sense it can calm a few others with annoyed feelings as well.
hypnosis would be something stupid to bring in this late tho... also hypnosis doesn't exactly work like that. You can't really force people to do things, you can only suggest. Unless you going the make believe hypnosis route. Also on the hypnosis thing, most people are very resistant to it.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Sure, Jo was in bed only in thong and I don't think that she slept half naked in those snowy diorama. Dennis had clearly plenty of time to take his clothes off and she didn't run out of room during that (and it was a really nice time to do it, while he taking his trousers down, not to mention to kick him in his balls, while she leaving :LOL: ) If MC didn't heard those weird sounds at this moment, or if he slept much longer, it would happen.
Exactly, which constitutes NTR. What I find absolutely hilarious as this game will get NTR tag for mental NTR, or NTR gonna happen, but games like Indecent desires, has one of the love interests, give a handjob to an old dude, with optionally watching him get a blowjob (possible fucking in future, dunno stopped playing cause other incest games now have priority, miss me with that shit, still gonna play it for other characters tho) Doesn't get the NTR tag, and someone tried to tell me it was avoidable.... Last I checked giving the option of whether or not to watch certain parts of NTR.... doesn't make it any less NTR XD Like it still canonically happens.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2018
Regardless of what I read here, your definitions for NTR and shit, I still don't see why this thread went the way it did.

I only see this as a plot to make the MC lose his shit and prove a point. The whole Tam/Jo debate, about why is she there in the first place, tells me that prick is blackmailing them into fucking and making the MC lose his shit. The whole MC got lucky because he heard the commotion in the room, again, I see it as Dennis making sure to make a fuss for the MC to be there.

All in all, I take it as part of the story and move on.

Is this what is keeping you up all night?

P.S. How can you be 100% positive that the girls could have gone through it and not say " fuck this shit" and bounce before he even got his dick touched?


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
I have been fucking everything in this game because I can and that's cool.
Holy shit! My sister, who I banged last night, Was trying to save me by fucking this prick.
She was willing to sacrifice her reputation, dignity, and family in order to save me,
What a whore. ........
People are not saying she's a whore.

Is this what is keeping you up all night?
Why do you think people are losing sleep over this?


Jul 1, 2018
Because the game is about building a relationship. When the sacrifice is to kill said relationship, then what's the point? It's a game, I don't care about the creep, or MC getting in trouble, or anything other than the relationship she has now killed.
So you were monogamous in your playthrough? She only "kills" the relationship if you ignore the MC's selfish behavior that led to 12 people dying and schtuping everything that moves. While ignoring the apparent reasons why Jo is giving in to Dennis.
Hey who knows maybe Palmer will go full
twist and Jo is a traitor, which would make no sense, but hey it's porn.


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
The way the story is written up to the point of EP7 it seems the 3 are the same age and the story is written for incest so does that mean the 3 are triplets?

1 sister graduates
1 sister fails because she is taken care of MC.
MC stays in his room for the last 3 months of school and fails.
1 sister and MC have to take summer school to graduate.
All 3 are the same age or it seems that way.

And with all the talk about "Esau" which can mean the elder of twin or triplets.
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Apr 1, 2019
in my opinion the shit is already done and it would be much better that way, if the dvs create an excuse for this last scene it will be kind of boring, because then anything they do that does not please the fans they will use the same excuse that It was a dream
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