Hi All,
I just started playing this one and have a few questions:
* How do I unlock the "Hack You" site listed as a requirement for some of the steps?
----Of course, as soon as i go back into the game I finally get one of the glitches in DoA that answers this question

Do I need to pass everything under the Test Yourself! site? If so, how? I managed to get the Sequence Memory and Chimp test just fine, but the first and 3rd (Reaction and Aim Reaction) seem impossible.
Reaction: Took me a bit to figure out wtf it even wanted. I assume it wants you to click as fast as possible once it turns green. The closest I've gotten is 314, and I dont see how I can get any faster. Sometimes it doesn't even respond when I click to activate it.
Aim Reaction: the closest I've gotten is 551. Seems like I'd have to know where they are ahead of time to get past it.
In DoA, is there a trick to leveling? Everything I fight can heal faster than I can do damage, and since I'm limited to magic/mana only attacks, they wipe me out before I can do much of anything. Even just gathering always winds up with getting attacked after almost every gather, which means loosing my items when I have to flee. I don't want to use the cheat menu (j), but this seems a bit ridiculous. Can't make money or get items for better gear.