dont want to load last saves, doing something wrong ??
I'm doing my best to sort this out. I didn't think it was going to be a problem and of course that came back to bite me. I"ll let everyone know as soon as (or if) I have a solution. Please stand by mate.
I wish there was more Nanami content, really like the dominating girl personality.
Coming in the second half of this update.
Nice update, thanks. I ended up going with Lola after all, since Lita also had something I don't like in my girls, so if I am not getting laid again anyway, I might as well help someone.
But maybe underneath that tough exterior Lita is just looking for love? More likely she's just a pig headed Italian bitch with piss and fire running through her veins.
How do I get Lola in my playthrough? I ended getting the tranny.
If you have trans on BEFORE starting the chapter "Nanami's plan", then you'll get the trans Lola.
If you have trans off BEFORE starting the chapter "Nanami's plan", then you'll get the hetero Lita.
How do devs always screw up old saves?
It's simple. We use free third party software that we don't exercise full control over. Welcome to Renpy. Population: We're fucked.
Yeah I just got done playing it and uh... it was something else put it like that... lol
Something good, something bad or something shaved?
No, that's Nuyen Y. Nguyen ist the most common vietnamese name.
Now for the real question, how many people know how to properly pronounce it?
No Jane in this update?

at least we got Nanami although we never got to do anything with her

Lola sure was interesting I think she got to Rodger more than he thought she would.
More Nanami in the second half of this update. I only got the first half playable (Well, buggy and playable) before I had to go out of town for work. Second half will be coming soon.
Good game, I wish we could change the MC's name though.
It's in the works, but may be a ways off still in light of the other work I still have to do on this project. But it is planned.
Thanks for the share and a big thanks to the DEV for his hard work on this game that he only works on his spare time, greatly appreciated
Greatly appreciated. Everything after the car scene was pretty much me flying solo. So far no one is complaining about a drop in quality so I hope that means expectations in that regard have been met. Cheers mate!
You can avoid as many of the girls right? (Ima do harem but wondering if you can go w/1 girl only path w/each of them)
You can bang them all. You can bang none of them. You can bang any combination you choose. The choice is yours my friend.
This is an incredible game and I'll be eagerly awaiting future updates! Writing is excellent and character assets/models are all amazing. I had the same issues as a few other posters with missing images however. I also think it'd be nice to give Dr. Amana some more dialogue, particularly reacting to Roger's stories after he finishes telling them and when the image is of her in her seat.
Really appreciate the praise! Thank you. Slowly, on the side I'm working on an expanded version of the game. In that version, players have the opportunity to talk to the doctor about different events and dive deeper into Roger's rationale and reasoning. (Because I take my writing so serious I even picked up a few books on social psychology to make sure the dialogue is as genuine as I can make it). But that enhancement is coming slowly on the side while work continues on the main game at the moment.
My question would be is there a way to keep the trans girl in the story but not have any sexual interest in her? I am not into that kind content but i also don't mind it being in the story from a friendship perspective if they are an interesting character and bring value to the story
Yes there is. And I try to make the dialogue choices pretty clear regarding where it's leading you. If you just pay attention to the choices, you shouldn't be blind sided.
We waited long time for this update and honestly I forgot how good this game is, so I give my thanks for reminding me that this game can be one of the best I ever found on F95 or elsewhere.
Do we have scenes with implemented kinks already? or these just there, so people can choose now what they like or dislike and will be introduced latter?
Thank you so much for the kind words. Not all of the kinks have been implemented, but as they were written into the story they were coded into the game in preparation for when those options become relevant.
Nice update , cant wait to see the 2 half
Thanks mate. The second half is written and coded, I just need to get back to the home office and finish the renders.
Shall be coming.
Trans = dick
Futa = dick + pussy
Simple enough definition. I can wrap my head around that. Unlike NTR where there seems to be some serious internal debate about what is and isn't NTR. That's why I use terms like NTR-ish and Infidelity to describe our intended possible story paths.