Alright, I've been away a bit finishing up Amanda's Chapter and trying to get ahead of the extra help I've hired, but I figure I'm past due to check the board here and hand out some replies, so here it goes!
Not so fast Dev, I'm gonna stop you!
View attachment 545803
While I understand what this is an image of, it feels more like you're launching a billiard ball at my face!
You're welcome!

but in all honesty, I just checked the last update date and posted my original comment, I don't frequent the boards and read through hundreds of pages. Glad to know you are still on this, best of luck.
All the same, thanks for playing and thanks for checking in with us. Always happy to hear from players, patrons and pirates alike!
He does have a point there
RomanHume. It's been since
October we've gotten a release on this forum. Using it as (what seems like) you primary forum for interacting with patrons is an outstanding thing, but...
I AM A PIRATE! Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... free shit plz. ok tx. Burn it to the ground now.
I cum to pillage ur village.
I'd blame your fan art for the delays but in actuality, between Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, starting a new job and biting off more than I could chew by hiring four artists at the same time, I've been a little swamped. Good news is, it's almost done. I'm uploading the new content for playtesters to tear up this weekend and hopefully will have a bug free version for patrons on Monday!
Oh yeah now i can play,but i hope game improve good in future,, god blessing you Dev
I will do my best to continue to make it better. I'm always open to suggestions and love to hear what people think. Thanks for playing mate!
I think that an option should be added to get the NTR even in the love route
While I am doing my best to cover as many angles as possible, I also have to keep in check how many different paths and possibilities I'm writing. While NTRish type content would be nice to have on all possible routes, I have to maintain some degree of simplicity if only for my own sanity. Sometimes even writing two different paths through the story can be a challenge and chore to track, adding too many will just drive me barmy.
So for the moment the Angry Cheating Wife path is the only one currently planned. It just keeps things simple and tidy for me and puts a bit of a check on the amount of content I need to develop. Already I'm designing three paths for Emily, Angry-No Cheating, Angry Cheating and Loving Faithful. I know we haven't seen much of any of these in the game yet, but they have been designed.
Believe me, I want to please everyone, but I also have to be realistic in how much I can produce.
I liked Lita from her looks alone but liked her even more after her interactions with Lola. So many good models in this game but I admit I'm somewhat confused about the red/blue choices particularly as so many posts suggest choosing one and sticking with it. Such suggestions seem...odd considering how differently each character reacts to said choices.
I only suggest sticking with a single path if your goal is to see 95% of the available content. Playing through blue and then again red will accomplish this. However, I designed the game to played without a particular path in mind. (Originally there was no color coding, this was added after the fact by player requests).
In fact, if you go into the planner, in the game options you can turn off the color coding altogether. This allows you to just continually pick whichever choices inspire you in the moment and provide a more random outcome of events.
Agreed. Especially since NTR is a feature that you actually have to turn-on in order to get it. So , no harm done for those that hate it.
And were it not for the complications involved in developing a fourth Emily path, I'd be happy to to do it. But I am a man of limited power! Actually that's not true. I have lots of power. Time, time is what I need most and don't seem to have enough of. Let's try that again...
I am a man of limited time!
Thanks for your recommendation on Polarity. I loved it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Folks who have been around know that I don't do much cross promotion (come to think I don't think I've ever done any). I have strict rules on cross promoting (found
You must be registered to see the links
). But if a developer is good people, doesn't act like a dick in the forums, doesn't trash pirates, and I actually like the game, then I'll happily share the recommendation.
When I started to fall in love with some of the characters in Polarity, I knew I was there to stay.
While bad relationships are probably the most likely cause for a spouse to cheat, it is not at all uncommon for an affair to occur even in a loving relationship, especially after having been with the same partner for many years, and all that newness and luster has worn off. It is very common in the workplace, where a woman spends more time of her day with her work colleagues than with her husband. It can start out as a simple friendship, and soon enough emotions begin to develop, and then that long lost excitement is rekindled that we all have when beginning a new relationship. I have seen this happen countless times in my place of work over the past 20+ years.
So you see, it doesn't have to be the typical ridiculous scenarios that are manifest in most horribly written NTR games. Besides, I don't even think it is possible for Roman Hume to write anything badly. It's not in his blood.
I have no doubt that I could write a convincing NTR scenario along the love route, it's really just a matter of time and the fact that I don't have any. I'm already stretched thin over seven characters with two/three paths a piece. If the day ever comes that my patreon income is enough for me to hire an artist for each character and my only job was finalizing renders and writing, then I would have no reservations about expanding the story beyond what it already is. But that could be a long wait for a train that ain't coming. I just don't know yet.