I know I'm real behind on keeping up with you fine folks. Things are just crazy around the homestead right now. Kids are home. Covid has everyone trapped indoors, and my opportunities to work on the game and keep up with you all has been strained. I'm done writing for the night and figure I need to take a moment and respond to some of your inquiries.
I'm playing catch up on my public relations, so if I failed to respond to you, please feel free to shoot me another message or send me an email and I'll make sure I get back to you.
Here's a tangentially related question (in that it is about creating software to ease the burden on the individual): Could you or someone create a distributed system for rendering that allowed the "Idle" PC's of various people to render and upload to a single computer? Similar to how SETI had many computers going through the information they'd accumulated. And would that be something that would help the development of games?
I may or may not have replied to this already. But in short, such a thing is beyond my capabilities. I'm sure it could be done, but I don't know if the time and cost of developing it would outweigh the benefits or see a payoff in the near future.
Plus there are all kinds of security issues and potential for abuse, it might be a hard sell. Right now people can rent servers to handle the renders, but I'm not really there yet.
Thanks for the feedback! For what it's worth, I'm incredibly excited to bring you the next installments of the story! I have a lot of great shit planned up!
What did you search for, specifically? Asking for a friend!
"Consensual Incest" and "Consensual Incest Stories".
Which is strange because there is no incest in my game...how random is that?!
I completely agree with what you wrote, I mean sure I like getting to sex scenes quickly and especially incest ones but also having the characters build up to working out they want to bang is also really hot when they finally do it.
I really enjoy games that have a good plot and really drag you into the world.
The branching paths for Dr Amana is a really cool idea,even if I'm always going blue for cassie and jane (got to corrupt them slowly).
I'm working on establishing a bit more build up without slowing down the pace. It's a balancing act but I'm confident enough in what I've written that I think people will be happy. This next Cassie chapter will have full on intercourse, but there will be some pretty substantial build up happening at the same time.
Ooo sounds pretty interesting; it's probably unlikely, but you got any ones you'd recommend (either links or by name/details)?
Yeah I hadn't even thought of porn haha! I'm so used to it being subpar in terms of story that I didn't even consider that it could possibly be a good source. Which seems weird when I think about it. I mean porn has actors, directors, scripts and typically some sort of story it spends some of its run time boring the audience with, yet it's almost always lacklustre. Although I see my least favourite trope from this type of porn, where they want to make it super clear how all the people involved are related so they're constantly calling each other "brother", "sister" etc., pop up in a lot of adult games as well. And it always suuuucks.
Hahaha wet spot is a great term, I'm totally stealing that!
Also definitely looking forward to seeing Cass and her daddy complex unravel. She keeps it *so* normal and above-board that it totally makes sense from Roger's perspective to be second-guessing everything. I mean, people sunbathe at home nude all the time, totally normal. Young women wear their skimpy bikinis around their own home, totally normal. So surely it can't mean anything...right?

And yet there's just enough there to justify the suspicion. You definitely deserve kudos for how well their dynamic (hell loads of the dynamics) have been written!
Yeah see this is why I'm pretty hyped for when the next chapter drops. From everything I've seen and heard, it should be pretty damn dope! Maybe the next chapter will finally kick my lazy ass into gear and I'll figure how to make one of them fancy sigs that you see around here; it's a damn crime that I don't have Cass in mine atm. But soon. Soon.
A very noble goal indeed (gods it feels weird to talk about nobility here, in this den of smut and degeneracy

)! Time will indeed tell how well it all goes but at least from my perspective, and from what I've seen from the perspective of many of the commenters on here too, you've really shoot out of the gate running with how well the game is written so far!
My goal is to make a game that is porn, but that isn't porn. Having played several games before I started to write one I noticed how many of them follow the same tropes. Suspension of disbelief is required in a lot of storytelling. My goal is to minimize the distance you have to travel through disbelief so that it borders on being believable. I want players to feel so immersed in the characters and relationships that people don't need to declare their social connections mid-coitus. =D
Really, if you want to depict consensual incest in a sincerely loving and mutually beneficial manner . . . the MC needs to accidentally get his arms broken.
I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to have Nanami break Roger's knees. This opens the door to the more classical inc....I mean, wait, fuck. Nevermind. There's no incest!
Developer to developer, is it unprofessional for me to flirt with you publicly in the forums? Cause I have dozens of jokes about making you blush, but I don't want to cross an professional boundaries? =D
Wait, we still do that right?
Sure, you can call dibs!
Don't worry. I'm sure i'll break something and annoy you later about it.
It's kinda my superpower.
I look forward to bringing you something to break!
Raena Larson: Hmm...normally I'm not very fond of chicks with short and/or odd hair colors, but you managed to catch my attention with her. She looks really good, and sounds like a very interesting character. Question: So, if you make her your enemy, is some dirty, nasty, belligerent, hate fucking on the menu? I just find the prospect of banging an adversary to be very alluring.
I'm a big fan of hate fucking. I think it's perfectly reasonable for two people to hate each other and still get off together.
I do make a conscious effort to make sure that each character is substantial different in design and personality from the others. I realized that Nanami being the most prominent woman in the company and the only one the MC could fuck was kind of limiting. A little more rivalry seemed fitting, hence Raena arrived.
Yes and some flat chested
I love all types. Big small, young, old, slutty and demure. I'm trying to hit all the marks!