
Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
I just played all routes. Both routes. There is NO ntr in the game so the tag is removed.
The tag was based on old content (but there weren't any I came across or it was optional).

The 1.0.5 updated added memories of 2 characters but no sex scenes. HOWEVER, there are 3 sex scenes readily available in the current content.

If anyone adds an NTR tag, I will give you a warning point. Consult with staff before adding any tags to this thread.
while on the subject can you guys make "avoidable ntr" a tag, because i feel like the ntr tag doens't really say much as it could be a cuck only game where you are forced into ntr content and it could be "make several bad choices and get bad outcome" which are completely different things to me.


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
while on the subject can you guys make "avoidable ntr" a tag, because i feel like the ntr tag doens't really say much as it could be a cuck only game where you are forced into ntr content and it could be "make several bad choices and get bad outcome" which are completely different things to me.
This, please. I generally don't even give anything with an NTR tag a chance and I've stumbled upon some gems with avoidable NTR in them. I feel like having just a flat out NTR tag when it's avoidable causes other idiots like me to disregard a game at first sight.


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Gonna take a few moments here and see if I can touch base with you all. Here goes!

Ah I remember this one, been a while since I last played this but it seems that it didn't get any new content so far... Jane > Nanami > Amanda. Jane is totally my kinda girl, Nanami is definitely by far the hottest of the game a woman you can trust that she will look after her own interests. Amanda is just the cutest thing, keeping her curious and mischievous. Watching this thread now ;)
We've caught up slower than we anticipated but are 100% happy with the results of the rework. People seem to agree this version is much improved over the last. Thanks for keeping an eye on us and for letting us know what you think. Cheers!

View attachment 205852

...Oh, I just noticed, she's yakuza. ^^ Note the tattoo. :devilish:
I wish you had posted this a few weeks ago. Then I would have had time to print it on card stock and send it to all my friends and family! Seriously though, this is great! We wanted to do some kind of Holiday render but with wanting to get this last update out on time we simply couldn't. Next year perhaps. Cheers my friend!

But seriously, she's Japanese and generally only the yakuza get tattoos, in fact if you have one, you can be banned from places like the public baths (though some might let you in if you cover it up with a bandage if it isn't too big). That mentality is changing slowly ...very slowly, but considering everything we know about it, that actually seems likely. You company seems a bit shady, she had you doing shady stuff, you are going to do more shady stuff with her soon... I'd buy it. :geek:
I think it's awesome this topic is coming up. Nanami's tattoo very much plays a part in who her character is. While your assessment of yakuza and tattoos is correct (at least as far as my knowledge goes which I admit is like, third or fifth hand knowledge), Nanami is not part of any kind of criminal organization. But we thought it was an excellent dimension to add to her character. She's just the type of hard core bitch that would be interested in enduring many, many hours of pain getting a piece of traditional irezumi applied to her naked flesh in the old way. Since she is already something of a pariah among her male Japanese peers, pushing the limits and stepping over the line absolutely fit her character. And since only her lovers know if it...well. Excellent catch!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
There is no exe file...
I've seen other posts with people having this issue but I do not yet know if this was resolved. Please let me know if you are still having problems and we'll see if we can help.

Yells from the highest mountain!!! "CHANGE LOG!" :LOL:(y) hehehe
Cries from the lowest valley, "I'M WORKING ON IT!" ;)

I can not confirm, loading via Mega... there is an exe-file

but where is the changelog?

i used my last save from 1.0.3 ... no new content with 1.0.5? "you reached the end of this version."
The change log will be updated soon. I don't usually update it until someone has pirated and posted the latest version on here and the holidays interrupted the flow. I'll have my part of the OP updated tomorrow at the latest. Apologies for the delay.

I forgot what was in 1.0.3, but I loaded from my 1.0.4 save and there were new sections for 2 of the girls. I think each girl gets 2 scenerios depending on your selections previously? Not sure if there are more since I turned off some kinks.
Fortunately turning off kinks will not reduce the amount of content you get. You'll experience alternate versions of some scenes, but the amount of story and the amount of play time will remain consistent. We don't want to opting out of certain fetishes to be punitive.
But yes, in this update we had two scenes for Cassie depending on which path you're on, Red or Blue. And the new scene for the housekeeper Lupita.

Where is this game slow.
It's going towards the end? Seriously I'm not sure how to answer this. It's a series of vignettes about a patient's sexual experiences. So I guess maybe it's going towards sex? I mean, I guess that would make sense. Not sure how I can help you friend. It is what it is.

I'm sure there's a reason for this, it takes quite a while to develop even a 5 min. game, rendering, coding and text, not that easy, and most dev have jobs outside from programming, just enjoy the ride ;) It sure would be nice to have a walkthrough though, don't you think?
We maybe take a little bit longer than before because we're doing all of our posing from scratch ourselves. While it does add a little bit of time the visual process the results, we feel, are 1000% better. And of course the more we do it the faster we get, so in time the added time will be negligible. And now we can achieve the look we want every time!

patch doesn't work?
Unfortunately I cannot help with that. We didn't produce the patch and we don't maintain it. Hopefully someone else here can chime in and back you up with some support. Best of luck mate.

i stuck in kinks on the menu turn on or off , anyone know to to begin game ?
I know I posted a quick response earlier and I hope that helped. We thought navigating the renpy menu would be easy and everyone would know to hit "return" to get out of it. But seeing that you had this problem and others are having it too, we'll work on fixing that and see if we can come up with a better way to interface with those options. Not much good if it's causing people to get stuck in the beginning of the game.

Thanks for sounding off and letting us know that it's a problem. Cheers mate!

Great update once again dev! :)

Lupita sure is something else, very attractive, as Spanish women are, they're so fiery and passionate, and I get that vibe from her too :p I'm guessing if you play the cards right, the relationship with her could be quite something interesting :p
Very keen on her model and character indeed :p

Merry Christmas/Fapmass to the dev and to the fans of the game alike! :)
Thanks mate and we appreciate the feedback. There isn't a character in our game I don't have a soft spot. I love that we are writing Lupita's duality as "Delicate Spanish Flower vs Hot Latina Firebrand". Her scenes are going to be a lot of fun to write and we're looking forward to bringing you more. Thanks again for playing mate!

Another good update. It does seem as if things are developing a bit slower, but that's not a bad thing.
I like the new Cassie and the new Lupita and both new scenes with them.

I know this supposedly goes up to the point where the previous iteration of the game ended, but iirc there are still at least two scenes missing.
One would be the first date with Monica, where you meet her ex and his wife and the second one would be Lupita blowing you in her second appearance.

I hope the later one will play out differently, because it was a bit fast in the previous version of the game.
You're not entirely wrong. There was the Monica date and the Lupita BJ scenes but we're throwing those out and starting from scratch. We were so eager to demonstrate what we could do I the alpha that I think we lost a little character development in the process. Our new approach is, "If people get to know these characters and love them like we do, they'll be willing to wait another update or two for things to work out more naturally in the story." So that is the angle we're playing. We still want to get everyone in bed by the end of act one, but we're extending the scenes and spending more time on development to really build interest in the characters.

Are there any sex scenes? I am to incompetent to get them if there any of them
Someone may have beat me to the answer, but if you go mostly "Red" with Nanami, you get a quickie in the beginning. If you go mostly "Blue" with your wife Emily, you get some in the bathtub, and if you go mostly "Red" with Jane, you'll have a shot with her. Those are the only three for now and they are short, but that's only because a long drawn out sex scene didn't make sense for the context of those scenes. But don't worry, longer juicier scenes are coming.

Also, as a note, in time all paths will lead to sexual rewards. But since the Blue path represents a more gentlemanly/romantic approach, there will be a bit more build involved. At the end of the day there are no wrong choices in our story. But you will have to make certain choices if the goal is to see the content that is currently available.

I am waiting for a cassie sex scene she is my favorite followed by jane
We'll get there, I promise. We want the relationships in our game to evolve naturally, and given the...uh...complex...relationship between Roger and Cassie, hers is going to required just a little more build up than the others if we want to avoid it feeling forced or absurd.

here is my unofficial android port of Doctor Amana: Sexual Therapist 001 v1.0.5.
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have fun and please report problems (you can reach me ).
As always we appreciate it. We were up against the wall with the holidays and all so we didn't have much time to work on the android build. It's definitely in the cards but we appreciate you back filling us in the meantime. Cheers mate!

Honestly, The Kinks Ray Davies should get first credit.
We gave credit to @goobdoob because that is who recommended the name based on The Kinks. They inspired goobdoob who inspired us to roll with it. It goes full circle! :D

Congratulations @RomanHume and IANVS team for another great update.

I like the new relationship screen. Gives you an idea of what type of relationship your having with each girl. I like the nice touch that the girls portraits change depending on which bar is the highest.

The new Lupita looks amazing. I like how the tone of scenes changes depending if it's red or blue path. I don't know which path is my favorite on hers. That's tough.

God damn if Cassie didn't shoot up in my personal poll after this update. Blue path was felt very down to earth. Red Path, oh boy let's just say that someone must've left the oven on in the kitchen cause it got really hot in there.

Great job as always. Hopefully you guys get some more support for this after the holidays calm down.

As always we appreciate your support and your feedback! We love Cassie. She's a sweet young girl whose coming of age and who knows what kind of shit can happen. I am much happier with this version of Lupita only because she's more fleshed out and we really had some time to think about her back story and her personality between the alpha and the beta. We have a much better feel for who she is now and her scenes just come off more naturally during the writing process.

And in a strange way it's nice to hear that choosing between red or blue is posing difficulty. To us that signals we are writing both paths with quality. There is always the fear of perception that one kink or path is favored by us, the developers, but the truth is we want all paths to be viable and enjoyable. So it sounds like so far we're hitting the mark. Thanks again. Salute!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So guys any NTR content in this game yet? I mean I'm unable to get any NTR scenes!
Will the MC get ntr or the MC will be the one doing ntr ?
Not yet but we included the option in the menu in preparation for some stuff we have planned down the line. I won't lie, I'm still up in the air if what we have planned counts as NTR, but we'll get the community's opinion on that when the time comes. Let's just say we have a character or two that can be a little fucked in the head and would be willing to do some shit just to tweak poor old Roger.

how the hell do i get past the kink menu!!
k question im stuck on the kinks screen how do i continue?
Can't get past the kink selection screen.

Wasn't there a BJ scene with the house keeper? Or am I thinking of another game?
Hit "return" in the bottom left corner of the menu. We're going to work on a better implementation of this in the future as others are also having this problem.

we need another version
If it makes you feel any better this is only 2/3 of what we had wanted to release. We have another 1/3 nearly complete and we'll pack in another character with it and hopefully distribute early in the first or second week of January.

Damn you Mr dev now I need more of Cassie after seeing her swimsuit something needs to happen with her but nevertheless great update just wish they were a lil bit longer ty for the Christmas present ;)
P.s wouldn't mind MORE of her friends either :love::love::love: Amanda needs her moments too ;):devilish:
Our goal is to release our next update in the first or second week of January. That will include an updated Nanami story and some Amanda content. So soon my friend!

Woooo new content. I am saying this with every update now, but I really like the game.
Story, models and most of all, answers wise. Most answers, in most games, are cheesy and too easy to make.
This game gives it a twist and you can really answer differently.

I like the choices you can make in the beginning, what you want and dont want to see. But please dont add too much, it probably lowers the content updates and makes your life harder to satisfy the audience.

Keep it up!
We appreciate the feedback and the support! Whenever we are writing the script and we come to dialogue choices I always ask myself, what's some shit I would say? It helps keep the dialogue grounded and keeps it from getting too carried away. And you're observations are right on. We want your choices of answers to reflect which path your steering your partner down. Part of the idea is that this isn't just a bunch of girls who are influencing Roger's life but instead it is Roger and the girls influencing each other. Their feelings towards Roger, as a result of the shit he says, will change the way they behave and alter the feel of the story. It was ambitious when we started, but we're getting a very good feel on how to keep it all together. Salute mate!

Great updates, cant wait for the trans part.
We had planned for that with this update but we ran out of time. On the upside, it is 60% of the way complete and will come out with the planned update in early January.

The update seems to be missing an image named cassie02b_015R
We'll get that fixed. Looking at it I already know what happened. Fecal was debugging in Renpy, hit shift-R to reload the script and didn't realize he was on the editor. Easy fix. Thanks for the heads up.

Eerie Entity

❤︎ Victoria Shields' One True Love ❤︎
Game Developer
May 28, 2018
Thanks mate and we appreciate the feedback. There isn't a character in our game I don't have a soft spot. I love that we are writing Lupita's duality as "Delicate Spanish Flower vs Hot Latina Firebrand". Her scenes are going to be a lot of fun to write and we're looking forward to bringing you more. Thanks again for playing mate!
One thing that I absolutely appreciate in this game, is the fact that every single character does have her distinctive own personality, rather than more or less the same personality, just in different bodies :p
I also like that despite their different personalities, they're actually all likable.

Nanami, the dominant and cunning alpha female, who also signals a bit of "Black Widow" type of vibe, she really does seem the type that once you've outgrown your usefulness and done what she needed of you, she'll get rid of you, much like Black Widows do, but until then she'll take care of you and your needs, haha. Unless you show her that you're an alpha male yourself rather than a beta male, then she might even keep you around, maybe even take a much more deeper and keener interest in you, so she's dangerous but danger is sexy :p

Emily, the loving and loyal (trophy?)wife who really is damn sexy too, love that thicc body of hers, and I also appreciate her straightforwardness, speaking her mind, I find such people much easier to deal with :p

Jane the seductress with daddy issues, girl that just wants to be taken seriously and treated like an adult. Not shy at all, is fairly experienced already despite her young age.

Cassie, seem to be the most balanced one of of the three young ladies, she's got a good head on her shoulders, is smart, much less experienced than Jane sexually of course but she's not that type of girl anyway, she's pretty straightforward too much like Emily :p

Amanda the awkward, shy and inexperienced but booksmart girl with a secret crush on MC, I fail to read much more than that into her so far :p

Lupita, the sexy housemaid, obviously a fiery and passionate woman, which is a bit of a stereotype of course but not a bad one, and wouldn't say an inaccurate one either, but she's also highly moral and has good set of values, family-oriented :p
She said that she wouldn't be interested in a man if the man isn't interested in taking care of her son, and I said she seem like a very high moral woman, but would she despite that still actually agree on a romantic/sexual relationship with MC, who is a married man? I fail to see her as a woman that wouldn't come to want him to divorce Emily so that he could legit be with her, marry her even maybe :p

But yeah, lots of interesting and sexy ladies each with their own character and personality, love it :)


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I wish you had posted this a few weeks ago. Then I would have had time to print it on card stock and send it to all my friends and family! Seriously though, this is great! We wanted to do some kind of Holiday render but with wanting to get this last update out on time we simply couldn't. Next year perhaps. Cheers my friend!

I think it's awesome this topic is coming up. Nanami's tattoo very much plays a part in who her character is. While your assessment of yakuza and tattoos is correct (at least as far as my knowledge goes which I admit is like, third or fifth hand knowledge), Nanami is not part of any kind of criminal organization. But we thought it was an excellent dimension to add to her character. She's just the type of hard core bitch that would be interested in enduring many, many hours of pain getting a piece of traditional irezumi applied to her naked flesh in the old way. Since she is already something of a pariah among her male Japanese peers, pushing the limits and stepping over the line absolutely fit her character. And since only her lovers know if it...well. Excellent catch!
Sorry, I only just started working on those Fappy Holidays ideas a few days before, and by that point seemed like I might as well wait until the last minute. :sneaky: Glad you liked it, one of these days we will work out all of the mythology around Fapmas, but for now I am just trying to work the term into our lexicon. :LOL:

My knowledge is only 2nd and 3rd hand, but most of my writings take place there. I love mythology, and that is one culture I enjoy a lot, their pantheon is rich and full of wonderful oddities. Like I said, it's not 100% any more, but mostly the only people who get that elaborate of a tattoo there would be the yakuza, each having a meaning.

While Nanami would not only suffer the pain of getting it (especially if she used the traditional method of getting it done with bamboo instead of needles... but that's another story), she would suffer social stigmas from anyone who saw it there in Japan, if they were not involved in the underground. It could certainly add a lot of street cred for her being a bad ass, that's for sure.

...But, my favorite part of what you said, lines up with her being a submissive/masochist in my playthrough anyway. :LOL: I love that she has both options, that sort of thing makes me happy in a game design in general, but also in her case, subs and doms are two sides of the same coin, to be good at one, it helps to have played both sides. :unsure: The best doms were subs, and visa versa.
May 14, 2018
What am I not seing?
I can't procede further in the game that the start menu.
Is there something I haven't seen?

Tried ever option in the menu, but nothing does anything and I can't see any buttons anywhere else


Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
We'll get that fixed. Looking at it I already know what happened. Fecal was debugging in Renpy, hit shift-R to reload the script and didn't realize he was on the editor. Easy fix. Thanks for the heads up.
LOL, I suspected a typo, actually. Thanks for the conformation. And thanks for this nice update again!


Active Member
Jun 4, 2018
As always we appreciate your support and your feedback! We love Cassie. She's a sweet young girl whose coming of age and who knows what kind of shit can happen. I am much happier with this version of Lupita only because she's more fleshed out and we really had some time to think about her back story and her personality between the alpha and the beta. We have a much better feel for who she is now and her scenes just come off more naturally during the writing process.

And in a strange way it's nice to hear that choosing between red or blue is posing difficulty. To us that signals we are writing both paths with quality. There is always the fear of perception that one kink or path is favored by us, the developers, but the truth is we want all paths to be viable and enjoyable. So it sounds like so far we're hitting the mark. Thanks again. Salute!
I think you guys have done a pretty good jobs on the different paths. I also like that you can blue path a red story and visa versa to change the relationship and tone of the path.
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Also the two paths are different but not so extreme that it turn people away from a specific path. Or least that's how I felt.

I hope these variations and paths don't burn you guys out.



Conversation Conqueror
Respected User
Dec 17, 2017
Return button in the bottom left corner.
In your interface rework for the Kinks screen (or whatever you want to call the change you're thinking about), I'd suggest putting the return in a button on the bottom right. I'd expect it in the subscreen, not the menu on the left. Or maybe in both places. Since it's a forced selection at the start, maybe "Continue" instead of "Return".

Also, the first screen when you launch the app says "The following is a work of pornagraphic fiction". It should be "pornographic".


Mar 21, 2018
But seriously, she's Japanese and generally only the yakuza get tattoos, in fact if you have one, you can be banned from places like the public baths (though some might let you in if you cover it up with a bandage if it isn't too big). That mentality is changing slowly ...very slowly, but considering everything we know about it, that actually seems likely. You company seems a bit shady, she had you doing shady stuff, you are going to do more shady stuff with her soon... I'd buy it. :geek:
Oh yeah I know, Tattoos in Japan are really rare among civilians, it was fun with the world cup a few years back, with all the tattooed football fans heading over there.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Oh yeah I know, Tattoos in Japan are really rare among civilians, it was fun with the world cup a few years back, with all the tattooed football fans heading over there.
Yeah, rare is an understatement, and especially among the older folks, it is VERY frowned upon, it caries some serious social stigma. :LOL: It is somewhat accepted from gaijin, but not so much from fellow Japanese.
It would be like a Buddhist or Janist wearing one of their religious symbols over here, one that was taken by a certain Austrian and now most of us represent with hate. If one of us saw a person wearing a 'broken cross', we would generally not think good things of that person, and not think that they are wearing what is to them, a symbol of peace, wisdom, and strength.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 6, 2016
My father lived in Japan for years. They thought him a member of the Yakuza for his military tats. He's American Marine, btw.
Even in the baths, onsens, they would ask he be separated from the other bathers. He would only find acceptance in a minor way in the bars there. He had to find friends who were willing to let him use the red baths of their own. Even an American was shunned for having tattoos.
So a japanese lady with tats?? RARE!
I did notice and wondered if she was American only.


Svengali Productions
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
My father lived in Japan for years. They thought him a member of the Yakuza for his military tats. He's American Marine, btw.
Even in the baths, onsens, they would ask he be separated from the other bathers. He would only find acceptance in a minor way in the bars there. He had to find friends who were willing to let him use the red baths of their own. Even an American was shunned for having tattoos.
So a japanese lady with tats?? RARE!
I did notice and wondered if she was American only.
Yup, I thought so, but I just went and checked, she is from the parent company in Japan, so yeah...
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