Flash - Completed - Dragon Bride [v1.1] [Pabisshu]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game, I'd give it a 4.5, I'm bringing it closer to 5 so as not to lower the average. Its animations are decent, the designs are good, the premise is funny, in general it's worth masturbating to, but I can think of several problems, the way the porn is integrated into the game breaks the rhythm a bit and it's too fast to masturbate, in fact the time is a mechanic within the animations and determines the reward, so yes, the animations are also "playable" and in fact that makes it even harder to concentrate on the "important" things. Then about the playability I have to say that sometimes the controls are too rough and that I'm not a fan of limiting the gameplay comforts with levels in order to lengthen the game with farming.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, would reccomend to people who has taste on futa, I enjoyed every minute of this game. Also king's clothes was so fuckin useless, Queen bondage is better ,If you need coins then grind on the rabbit girl level then so on
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Dragon Bride is honestly a very well-thought out beat 'em up with a side of magic casting that's very balanced yet challenging, and for a Flash game, this is some high quality game to play.

    Art and Sounds: fairly standard for Flash games, and is overall great. The arts of this game are well-drawn although it is a bit stranger than your normal artstyles. The sounds are really nice to listen to, the music is serviceable but the SFX takes the cake here. Your attacks each has a distinct sound to accompany your actions and really sells the impact of the move.

    Story: I applaud this game for having a pretty good storyline. The motivations are set out very clearly and the pacing is on point. The characters in here are also amazing as well, our main protagonist here is some evil demon lord shit, constantly talk about genocide and rape, but hell is he funny when he does so, which fits a lot with this game's tone. For a rape game, this one is more on the easy side, not heavily focusing on the rape aspect, more so on the "I'm doing whatever the fuck I want to do" vibe, like the game series Rance. The other girls have some nice dialogues too, and the game overall just nails the story part, not being nonsensical or lacking.

    Gameplay: this is quite a fresh take on the beat 'em up formula.

    -Combat: is really fun. You have 3 types of weapon to choose from that have different properties. The fighting part in the game in crafted wonderfully, you can cast 4 spells and melee, each serving different purposes. What is wonderful here is that all of them are useful in their own rights, not being overshadowed by another attack, which shows how greatly balanced the game is.

    -Defense: for a beat 'em up game, defense of this game is quite diverse. You have 3 options: Block, Flee and Dash, all performed using Space. These options makes the game much much more dynamic, they give so many things that other beat 'em up simply doesn't have and I kinda like it a lot.

    -Shop: if you want equipment like weapons, armors and upgrades to your spells, you'll need to visit the shop. This shop system is actually pretty well-made, each items actually costs a lot before the levels you're supposed to use it, so you end up never getting too overpowered before the stages that requires them. You also need to buy the current upgrade but be wise about your decisions, because you'll mostly not be able to upgrade all of your items at once. I like that what you buy isn't just items and upgrades, but also stupid shit like increasing your boob size and making everyone naked, pretty fun stuff after you're done with the game. Your progression directly ties in with the shop, which is honestly something I don't see a lot in these games, so props to pabisshu for making such a fun shop.

    -Enemies: finally we get to the enemies. They're split into a few categories: Knight, Archer, Fighter, Priest, etc. Each with 4 "tiers": green, blue, red and boss, progressively getting stronger with each tier. This system is honestly brilliant, easing you in with fairly easy enemies at first, but then they start to pack some heat as you go. Each of them serves a different purpose, not just attacking but also giving you several debuffs. What's cool is that this system allows for some of the deadliest synergies, each of the enemies' strengths weaknesses gets covered by each other, and the combination of deadly attacks and constantly crippling your abilities makes each encounter require thoughtful strategies. I will say some of the abilities they have is annoying, but not entirely unfair so I can't really say I hate it. Overall, I think the enemies you fight in this game is amazingly designed.

    H-content: the scenes themselves are actually pretty nice, although slightly limited. The "gallery" is kinda buggy and you can't really change to the hair, skin, accessories, etc. that you want because the options for them is kinda broken. I also don't like that clothes aren't customizable, aka you can't remove them, I wanna see them naked :[
    H-scenes in the game itself is... actually engaging. The scenes during gameplay actually gives you a big chunk of points, which convert into money for you to buy equipment, so it's actually pretty useful to get a H-scenes any moment you can. Giving purposes to H-scenes makes the game feel more in line with what it wants to be, you're a demon lord who walks around and fuck girls all the time, of course you'd want to give rewards for being the character.

    Conclusion: I think this game is great honestly, I really recommend playing it. It has some solid mechanics and nice scenes, and is pretty unique among beat 'em up formulas. No princess scene tho, sadge. 9.25/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best and old classic hgame. It's basically a sidescroller beat em up, with the characters of dragon quest. There isn't much of a story, but the quality of the animations, a cool protagonist, and a good variety of girls make this game AWESOME
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I guess it depends on the taste, but I really enjoy this one. Just another roaming game that you rape random girls on sight. Since I've played other games from the same developer, I kind of missed the wonderful cartoony art. The fact that the main character is a futa feels like it doesn't matter if you prefer male or female protagonist.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I uhhh, I don't know what to say. This game is weird okay. Its point and click to fire spells that take too long to charge at enemies where, the moment you're in close quarters the battle is lost - its just weird and unbalanced and amatuerish honestly.

    Its a nice little game for spare time but I'd never pay a cent for it, its sort of at the level of a NewGrounds game - fun but not worth remembering.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Great game. good arts. can overlook the futanari thing but i've played it for 1h with some steady grind at the start and saved mulltiple time but with no success. no files were added for the save and had to restart at the tutorial