I had been thinking to put some guide in the game but i'm not sure this game will get any one to play so i just try to finish this first version.
Some tips
- Just get your power stat up first it will help improve your energy and you can do more thing
- you can sleep early to get more energy next day.
- you just can sleep for next day,repeat to pump out your power in a quick way it will not effect any story.
- they are free book in the house to easy upgrade your stats and cheap book in online shop after you get your hand on PC.
- later in game energy kind of lost meaning i just put it in first to make it like a game some how

- Lust it like a main trick to advance story it will only go up in special event.
- don't worry about grinding i can tell you that it just for the first version to setting up story. slow down all of you expert.
Thank you for your all feed back. i'm sure they still some bug in the game.
I play it out 2 time before release to make sure i can see every scene in this version but there must be some bug still remain.