- Jun 4, 2018
- 154
- 213
No matter how you look at it, almost every Vn that comes out now a days is a clone of something, weather they use the same assets others are using, or same story. Its a constant downfall for alot of these, it gets old when you see the same assets used, kinda like seeing the same actors in movies constantly, it gets old, its like seeing the same asian girl with resting bitch face from so many Vns ive seen, It detracts from the story because it becomes, once youve seen them in one it no longer becomes unique. Sadly people just dont have the time, the talent or the means to be as creative, and kudos for those who can, im not saying I could do it. But I wont try since I know I cant. I refuse to tell a story and have it ruined by other peoples assets or even worse use the new AI crap. So doubt anyone can be sued for plagiarism in any way because most people are using the same (paid for) assets or playing the same old story tune. How many unity games use pre existing unity assets?
Yet some games made millions off just that. So for me it comes down to, is the plot different? Are the assets at least new and different/unique? Ive gotten away from alot of the original honey select based asset games because they are all starting to look "cloned" (one body/face fits all) The honey select 2 based ones are improving at least, but again some look alikes popping up all over, kinda ruins it for the ones who started it. Its the old addage, too much of a good thing... We all end up desensitized to these assets and as soon as we see em, its ..."been there done that, thank you drive through". Just my 2 cents. In the end itll ruin the experience for those who had the original content/assets starting out, and just make it so my ignore thread list gets even more huge than it already is. We can only hope people make unique and different stories/content in the future to keep our interest. But clones arent always bad, just like some cover songs are better than the original. Fingers crossed
Yet some games made millions off just that. So for me it comes down to, is the plot different? Are the assets at least new and different/unique? Ive gotten away from alot of the original honey select based asset games because they are all starting to look "cloned" (one body/face fits all) The honey select 2 based ones are improving at least, but again some look alikes popping up all over, kinda ruins it for the ones who started it. Its the old addage, too much of a good thing... We all end up desensitized to these assets and as soon as we see em, its ..."been there done that, thank you drive through". Just my 2 cents. In the end itll ruin the experience for those who had the original content/assets starting out, and just make it so my ignore thread list gets even more huge than it already is. We can only hope people make unique and different stories/content in the future to keep our interest. But clones arent always bad, just like some cover songs are better than the original. Fingers crossed