Sorry for the late reply.Any update? Thank you very much for the work you are doing
I'm down to 2 items remaining then final testing, unfortunately I have been really busy with work and didn't get nearly enough time to work on it as I'd have wished. Still no ETA as I don't have a solid plan in place until I find out what works actually going to be like. I'm hoping for things to die down after the holidays, they usually do, so I can get more time to work on it. I am also hoping to get some time off... need me some
As for the last two items, kinda jumping back and forth between the two...
- Data entry (for gallery, guides, etc). Have to skim through entire dialogue for info* (5/20 files done).
- Finalizing the UI (images, screen alignments, missing gallery images, etc).
* I'm looking for for label names and variable info, while fixing any spelling/grammar issues I see along the way. This will take me longer than finalizing the UI, at least it should
Once these are done it'll be on to play testing and bug fixes, I may ask for volunteers to help with this and their opinions before I finally release.
Happy New Year and a late Merry Christmas!